The capital of the Republic of Komi - Syktyvkar - is a city away from the main railway lines of the European part of Russia. It is not a tourist center on the level of Sochi or Veliky Novgorod. Its visit can become very informative if you visit the numerous museums of Syktyvkar.

History of the National Museum
The first museum of Syktyvkar appeared in 1911, that is, at the time when the city was called Ust-Sysolsk. Interestingly, the issue of the museum first arose in 1872. On the eve of its opening, Professor Fokos-Fuchs from Budapest came to the city to get acquainted with the collections. The library building was the first building of the museum. In 1940, it was renamed the Syktyvkar Museum of Local Lore, and in 1943 the Art Museum separated from it. During Soviet times, part of its expositions were housed in the building of the Resurrection Church.

Departments of the National Museum
You can start your acquaintance with the exposition of the National Museum from the history department. It occupies two floors and six rooms. They reflect the history of the region from the appearance of the first people, for example, you can seesuch an exhibit is skis with an image of an elk's head, which are about 8 thousand years old.
Then you can go to the department of nature or the department of ethnography. They are located on Kommunisticheskaya Street at 6 and 2. The department of nature is typical for local history museums. In it you can see stuffed taiga animals and minerals weighing up to 270 kilograms.
The ethnography department presents costumes of the Komi people and various periods of a person's life, from birth to death.
After visiting these departments, you can go to the house-museum of IP Morozov on the street. Kirova, 32. Not far from it, also on Kirova Street, in house 44, there is a national gallery of the republic.

Museums on Literary Themes
Literary museums in Syktyvkar are dedicated to local figures that not everyone has heard of. The first literary museum is a memorial one and is located in the house of the merchant Sukhanov on Ordzhonikidze street, 2. Its exposition tells about the life of the first poet of the Komi people - I. A. Kuratov. Museum visitors can learn about the life and life of the Komi, about the origin of their writing, the development of their literature, including during the Second World War, and modern literature.
The following exhibits are presented in the museum:
- ABC of Stephen of Perm.
- Handwritten books of the 15th-19th centuries.
- Translations of books by different authors into the Komi language, including rare ones.
- Photos of the war years.
The second museum of this category is a literary and theatrical one. The only museum of its kind in the country. He talks about the life and work of N. M. Dyakonov,who was a playwright and honored artist. Located on st. Mayakovsky, 3. Open from 9 to 17.
In addition to these museums, it is worth visiting the Einstein Museum in Syktyvkar or entertaining sciences on Pervomaiskaya, as well as a thematic museum on the same street in house 54 in the building of the Institute of Geology. It is also open from 9 am to 5 pm. The museum bears the name of A. Chernov, the discoverer of the coal basin in the Komi Republic. The topics of its halls are as follows: lithology, mineralogy, petrology, minerals on the territory of the republic.

Minor museums
This category of museums in Syktyvkar includes those located at the local university.
In the house number 120 on Petrozavodskaya street there is a building of the local university - SSU. It houses a zoological museum, the only one in the republic. It is open from Monday to Friday and is closed on weekends. You should look for the museum in the office number 414.
The Museum of Ethnography and Archeology is located in the building of the Faculty of History of the SSU (Kataev St., 9). Its visit is free, it is open, like the previous museum, from Monday to Friday. The virtual branch of the Russian Museum is located in the same building.
The fourth museum at the local university is located on October Avenue at 55. Admission is free, open from 10 am to 4 pm. Its theme is the history of education in the republic. The theme of the expositions of its halls:
- Gems.
- Education in the region, from the creation of writing in 1372 to the opening of the university in 1972.
- HistorySSU.
And, finally, the fifth museum - the history of the local pedagogical institute. It is located on st. Communist, 25.

Museums near the city
If you look at the map, it is noticeable that part of the trains pass by him through the Mikun station. It is about 100 kilometers away. If the trip involves a change in Mikuni, then while waiting for the train, you can go to the local museum.
It is open from 9 am to 4 pm Monday to Saturday with a lunch break from 12 pm to 1 pm. Closed on Sunday. It is interesting that in many museums, on the contrary, the days off are Monday and Tuesday, and the working days are Saturday and Sunday. Its exposition is small, occupies two halls and is mainly devoted to the railway theme - the construction of a line to Vorkuta.
Besides this, you can go to the village with an unusual short name Yb. It has a museum of local lore, a Finno-Ugric ethnopark. It also hosts ethno-cultural festivals in August. There are many holy springs and chapels around Yb.
So, there are enough museums in Syktyvkar and its environs. If you get to know them without haste, it will take five days.