Bureya reservoir: description, features of fishing and recreation

Bureya reservoir: description, features of fishing and recreation
Bureya reservoir: description, features of fishing and recreation

The Bureya River is a large left tributary of the Amur. In 1978-2003, here, at the level of the Talakan settlement, the Bureyskaya hydroelectric power station was erected. And above the dam, the Bureya reservoir, sometimes called the Amur Sea, appeared. This is one of the largest artificial reservoirs in the entire Far East, created to regulate water flow during the summer floods.


The Bureya reservoir is located on the border of the Khabarovsk Territory and the Amur Region. Its water area is used for navigation, fishing and outdoor recreation. From Blagoveshchensk to Talakan can be reached by highway, the distance is 270 kilometers.

The height of the dam reaches 140 meters. During summer floods, the length of the reservoir reaches 234 kilometers, and at the lowest water level - 150 kilometers. Width - 5 kilometers, maximum depth - 120 meters. The area of the mirror reaches 750 square kilometers, of which about 175 are in shallow waters drained during water downturns.

Bureya reservoir in summer
Bureya reservoir in summer

The upper reaches and the middle part of the Bureya reservoir repeat the windingthe configuration of a river valley carved into the rock. The dam was built in the place where the Bureya flows in a narrow canyon. The bottom is predominantly sandy and pebbly, silted areas come across. The section of the channel flooded during the filling of the reservoir is straight, with several incised branches and bends. Picturesque forested hills stretch along the banks, but there are also flat areas. Tributaries form vast bays.

Water level

In the Bureya reservoir, fluctuations in the height of the water surface are observed throughout the year. During the season there can be five to seven floods, in each of which the water rises by six to ten meters. After the spring floods, showers begin, entailing an even more significant rise. This leads to erosion of the coast and flooding of coastal areas.

In winter, ice sinks in shallow waters. Arriving for winter fishing, the water level can be determined by the ice "mushrooms" on tree trunks, remaining in the place where the water froze at the end of autumn. In the coastal zone, white ice cones can be located at a height of up to five meters.

Ice "mushrooms"
Ice "mushrooms"


The area in the area of the Bureya reservoir has features of a sharply continental and monsoon climate. In the winter months, the temperature can drop to -38 degrees, on average during this period it stays at -25 degrees. But in summer it is humid and warm. There are temperature drops: from +25 during the day to +5 at night.

Due to frequent sudden changes in the weather, there are fogs. Wind on the reservoircapable of raising waves up to one and a half meters high. The reservoir freezes in November, and opens from ice in the first half of May. Freeze lasts 150 days.


Every year, hundreds of people travel thousands of kilometers to sit with a fishing rod on the banks of the Bureya reservoir. Fishing here is considered incomparable, and local catches are legendary. 22 species of freshwater fish live in the reservoir, including minnow, rotan, Amur pike, taimen, loach, chebak, grayling, lamprey, Amur sculpin, char, gudgeon, burbot, Amur sculpin, Vladislavia, bitterwort.

Fishing on the Bureya reservoir
Fishing on the Bureya reservoir

The distribution of fish species has a number of features. Thus, the populations of grayling, lenok and taimen are declining, so it is better to catch them in tributary waters.

Recreation centers

There are places to stay on the Bureya reservoir. Along the banks there are numerous fishing and tourist bases. Here you can take a steam bath and spend the night, rent tackle, a boat, a snowmobile.

The bases "Prichal" and "Kuruktachi" are the most popular. The first offers accommodation in cozy wooden houses with stove heating at a price of 700 rubles per person per day. Meals can be ordered for an additional fee. It offers vacationers rental of motor and rowing boats, a boat trip, an excursion along the He alth Path. After an active day, you can take a steam bath in a Russian bathhouse and taste fragrant shish kebab.

Base "Prichal"
Base "Prichal"

For those who prefer a holiday with increased comfort,suitable base "Kuruktachi". Guests are accommodated in a cottage in comfortable double rooms with a TV. The cost of living, which varies from 2600 to 4000 rubles per room, includes the use of the gym, kitchen and billiard room on the territory of the base.

Fishing features

It is difficult to fish from the banks of the Bureya reservoir, because in most places they are covered with bushes and flooded forests. It is better to go to one of the bays by boat. You can use the services of a boat that delivers organized groups of fishermen to the places of fishing. In winter, minnow fry are sold on the spot, used as bait, they are caught from the hole directly in the presence of the buyer. In cold weather, you can travel by car in the water area of the reservoir - the thickness of the ice allows.

There are some nuances in fishing at the reservoir, so first-time fishermen need to learn about them. To do this, it is better to contact the owners of fishing bases on the coast. They will help determine the best time for the trip, the selection of equipment and gear. For an additional fee, you can hire a guide who knows the reservoir and local fishing conditions.
