Afghan rat - fact or fiction?

Afghan rat - fact or fiction?
Afghan rat - fact or fiction?

People love legends about such unpleasant and repulsive animals as rats. These rodents are gaining more and more popularity each time in works of art and local horror stories. People, not stinting on words and chilling details, tell each other scary stories about giant mutant rats that reach incredible sizes and can eat a child or an adult alive. So the story of the Afghan man-eating rat shocked Russia in the 90s.

Cute Dachshund

This story happened in Russia almost 28 years ago. The rich people of the country, in search of constant exotic innovations, often got a dog of the Dachshund breed, which was inaccessible to average Russians.

afghan rat
afghan rat

Once a woman bought such a taxi for her family and walked down the street with it as if nothing had happened. The dog was very active and mischievous, she constantly ran down the street sniffing out something and playing. Soon they became near the dachshundkids gather. She was so kind and affectionate that the mistress never worried that her dog might harm others.

Unexpected discovery

One day the family was visited by a close friend who was a veterinarian by profession. Seeing the dachshund, he was horrified and immediately called a police detachment, which for a long time could not grab the animal. The dachshund showed strong resistance, was very aggressive, and the law enforcement agencies had to shoot the animal.

During the investigation, it became clear that it was not a dachshund, but an Afghan rat. Which was the size of a dog and practically did not differ in appearance. Only a specialist could identify such a rat. The animal is very strong and unpredictable, it can kill not only a small child, but also bite an adult.

afghan rat photo
afghan rat photo

Such a legend has many endings and interpretations, in some story there are murders and the terrible consequences of a meeting of a man with an Afghan rat. It is worth noting that this legend has nothing to do with real stories. People assume that this story got its start because of the war in Afghanistan. Allegedly, by launching dangerous rats, the terrorists tried to exterminate the enemy. The Afghan rat, whose photo simply does not exist in nature, scared the people so much that some simply stopped buying Dachshund dogs.

Rats on the subway

Another story involving an Afghan rat was made public by a subway driver in Moscow. According to his stories, on the longest subway corridorsoften meet huge rats running across the path. This is allegedly an Afghan man-eating rat the size of a huge dog. When the driver makes his way, he often meets this terrible beast with his eyes.

afghan rat eater
afghan rat eater

By the way, the color of the eyes and the situation of the meeting of the driver and the man-eating rat are constantly changing. It is also unknown the name of the driver, who exactly witnessed this phenomenon. But the story is actively being told to people with chilling details and details.

Rats in the caves

Stories about giant Afghan rats have not bypassed Moscow specialists who study caves and tunnels. In one of the sewers under the local zoo, a group of diggers were attacked by giant Afghan rats that were similar in size to dogs. The specialists barely fought off the giant beasts by throwing their tools at the monsters. It should be noted that this story also appears in several interpretations. Each time replenished with mysterious facts and moments. People say that the legend may have originated from an anonymous call to the diggers' club - someone said that giant killer rats live in the sewers.

Does the Afghan rat exist?

Of course, these stories are real tales to intimidate the people. In fact, the rats in Afghanistan do not differ in size from the usual ones - from Russian basements. This means that their sizes do not exceed the average.

Every story that drove the Russians to panic horror, of course, looks plausible. After all, the mostbig rat. And this is not an Afghan cannibal rat, whose photo no one has ever seen, but a Bosavi rat that lives in Papua New Guinea.

afghan rat eater photo
afghan rat eater photo

This giant rat is 82 cm long and weighs 1.5 kg. In fact, this creature is very peaceful and did not even suspect the existence of a person. This animal can be safely stroked if you have the courage. After all, the animal outwardly differs little from the basement rat, except perhaps for its gigantic size. Not a single zoologist suffered from contact with an interesting find. According to experts, the animal does not run away and does not show aggression.

There is no need to deny the fact that sometimes even a small rat seems like a huge creature to a person. But you should not be afraid of huge mutant rats. Those rats that live in city sewers are not larger than normal sizes. They will not attack a person in order to bite or eat. In reality, big rats exist, but it is impossible for a simple city dweller to meet them. Afghan rats do not exist at all. So you can sleep peacefully.
