What is the name of a crocodile with a narrow muzzle? Brief description of the species

What is the name of a crocodile with a narrow muzzle? Brief description of the species
What is the name of a crocodile with a narrow muzzle? Brief description of the species

In our article we will talk about a crocodile with a narrow muzzle. What is the name of this reptile? Gavial. This is a rather unusual crocodile among others. Today, the Ghanaian gharial is the last of the representatives of this ancient family. They settle in calm muddy waters of deep reservoirs with a fast current.

Appearance and dimensions

The color of the back of representatives of this species is brown-green. But their belly is yellow-green. There are sometimes completely white gharials. Such crocodiles have a long, powerful tail with triangular growths. Their eyes are round and small. They look in different directions. The eyes are located above the level of the muzzle. These crocodiles crawl on the ground, as they cannot lift their body.

gharial crocodile with a narrow muzzle
gharial crocodile with a narrow muzzle

This is one of the largest species of modern crocodiles. The body length of one male is 5 meters. Females are smaller - no more than 3.5 meters. The weight of representatives of this species can reach 200 kg.


Gharial's jaw shape is different from that of alligators. His jaws are narrowtheir length exceeds almost five times the width. Less noticeable difference in cubs.

Crocodile with a narrow muzzle is easier to hunt for fish. Gharials have about 100 teeth. They are much smaller in size than other crocodiles. But they are sharper, thinner and longer. The teeth of the gharials are somewhat oblique. It is very difficult for a fish to escape from such a jaw.


Gharials are aquatic crocodiles. They spend most of their time in the water. They come out on land to lay their eggs and bask. The main part of the diet consists of fish. Gharials also eat invertebrates. Their jaws are ways to kill prey and immediately swallow it. Crocodiles with a long muzzle do not disdain carrion. For humans, these animals are not dangerous.

What is a crocodile with a narrow snout called?
What is a crocodile with a narrow snout called?


At the age of about 10 years, when their body length reaches three meters, females become sexually mature. The male may have a harem. He protects each of the females from the rest. The mating season is from November to January. During courtship, the male blows bubbles underwater with the help of a growth. The female lays eggs between March and May. Eggs on average 40-50 pieces. After 2-3 months, the cubs hatch from them.
