Aesthetic perception is a reflection by a person or a team of surrounding objects, phenomena, works of art that have a certain value. In fact, this is the creation of a sensual image of an object. Its content is determined directly by the object of perception - phenomena, works.
In the course of aesthetic perception, reality is seen by a person in new properties. Thanks to him, a person reveals for himself the essence of heroic deeds, the beauty of the world around him, and tragedies. Works of art have a separate content for aesthetic perception.
In this case, a person creates a separate sensual image, subsequently moving on to reflection, takes into account associations to understand the content. At the same time, it is believed that the perception of works of art includes objective data, subjective, individual. It contributes to the fact that the person becomes richer. In aesthetic terms. A person begins to penetrate deeper into the surrounding realities, to better perceive the objects of reality.
It is believed that in the course of aesthetic, artistic perception, children developcreative activity. Indeed, in this case, the subject becomes a kind of co-author of what he saw, adding his own view to everything, evaluating what is happening, interpreting it.
A person's assessment of surrounding phenomena depends on knowledge and previous experience. The aesthetic perception of art gives particular pleasure, depending on the ability of a person to feel it and on the depth and fullness of the work.

As a rule, the process is accompanied by precisely positive emotions - the subject is surprised, feels joy and pleasure, regardless of whether he interprets a tragedy or something funny. The thing is that the aesthetic perception of the work is possible only in cases when it comes to beautiful, beautiful. For this reason, disgusting objects can be endowed with the same value through their negation, and thus the affirmation of aesthetic values.
The younger generation
Today, there is a tendency among parents to engage in the development of aesthetic, artistic perception in children. If you ignore this aspect, the emotional development of the child may become slow. Someone pays attention exclusively to the intellect of the younger generation, as a result of such upbringing, the personality becomes poorer and suffers.
Many people do not notice how aesthetic perception is being formed, how a child is drawn to music, drawings, poetry or theater. From an early age, he is able to realize what is beautiful and what is not. A rich palette of impressions at an early ageleaves its mark on the ability of the individual to subsequently perceive art. They enrich the range of emotions available to her, thanks to them the foundation of the aesthetic perception of the world around is laid. This is how moral guidelines are formed.
For these reasons, the introduction of a child into the world of beauty is the most important task of parents. It is necessary to acquaint him with art. The sooner adults think about how to develop aesthetic perception and take action, the richer the inner world of the child will be.

Where to start
First of all, it is worth showing the baby objects of fine art that he will be able to understand. As a rule, children's aesthetic perception of nature, people who are close to their experience, will be clear to kids. It must be borne in mind that just showing pictures will not be enough. It is important that an adult reveals the meaning to the child, enriching the aesthetic perception of the surrounding world, nature, cultural experience and additional meaning.
In other words, you need to explain in your own words what the creator is trying to convey with the picture, by what methods he did it. It is worth telling about what image arises directly from the parent when he listens to any music. You need to share your feelings with your child. But it is necessary to select objects for the development of aesthetic perception, taking into account the age of the child. It is unlikely that he will understand Picasso's cubism or realize how beautiful Chopin's w altzes are. No parental enthusiasm will help the baby understand what is beautiful about it until he reachesa certain stage of growing up.
Aesthetic perception of the surrounding world is unthinkable without the evaluation of the human body. It would be better if the child begins to admire works of art, and not promotional videos. It is necessary to explain to the child that external beauty reflects the inner world of a person, his thoughts, state. Then the form of aesthetic perception of the human body will go in the right direction. It is worth investing in the understanding that everyone can be beautiful.
Persons of preschool age hardly makes sense to take to exhibitions or concerts, and then sincerely surprised at their whims. The formation of aesthetic perception at this age is too early to understand such events and expositions, even the most beautiful ones.
A lot of joint experiences will bring the child's attention to the beautiful phenomena in everyday life. For example, it is worth showing him the beauty of a freshly blossomed flower, splashes of sunlight in the early morning and crystal dew in them.
It is worth paying attention to the interior of the room in which the person lives. Indeed, in the formation of aesthetic perception, this can be decisive. It is known for certain that the environment that a person sees in the very first years of life is capable of laying the concept of beautiful and ugly. Early experience is essential. It is necessary to ensure that the child is in a tastefully decorated interior.

It's best to show him how to combine colors in clothes. It is necessary to pay attention to different types of aestheticperceptions, in particular those relating to the appearance of a person. It is known that children copy their parents, so first of all, you should take care of good taste in your clothes.
Sensory education of a child is also an important moment in growing up. In addition, it can refine the aesthetic perception. Harmony, beauty does not tolerate people with excessively coarse feelings. The more subtle a person distinguishes between colors, musical tones, aromas, the sooner he will experience pleasure from the phenomena of the surrounding world, the more developed his aesthetic sense will be. If it has not developed sufficiently, a person will be inclined to look for gross stimuli in order to experience pleasure. After all, this is the only thing that will be available to him in the absence of the ability to distinguish between subtle tones and strokes.
An important part of the development of aesthetic perception is the direct activity of a person. The more he is engaged in artistic activity, the more subtle he begins to feel the world. Already after the stage of infancy, a person, as a rule, is drawn to drawing, musical instruments.

The most important task at this stage is to timely identify the interests of the child and provide him with the conditions for the implementation of his ideas. It is often a mistake to try to force him to be interested in what the parents themselves once did not realize. The interests of each individual are individual, and this is worth remembering. Even if the child begins to engage in an artistic activity chosen by the parent, he will always be drawn to the area thatwas interested in him since birth. And this is much more fertile ground for future success.
Creating the environment
It is recommended to form a developing environment in the children's room. Here you will need paints, paper, plasticine, a musical instrument. Materials should give the child freedom of action. It is better to make sure that they are always at hand, in convenient and accessible places. Let the child himself try the materials as he wants. At first, children begin to tear paper, roll pencils, and do not interfere with this.
Let interest in them increase, and then they will eventually begin to discover new and much more interesting functions of the objects around them. You should not impose certain ways of interacting with the presented materials on the child, let it be only games and freedom of action.
To awaken the spirit of the experimenter in him, it is recommended to demonstrate how paints mix with each other and how new interesting shades are formed. Along with regular paint, you should also buy finger paint, pieces of sponge that are soaked in paints.

Kids enjoy painting. Moreover, up to 3-4 years they cannot hold pencils and brushes in their hands. Paper can be of various formats and colors, boards and other surfaces may be present.
A piece of Whatman paper laid out on the floor next to drawing materials will help children get closer. It is better to further stimulate the imagination of the kids. For example, you can show them vague drawings so that they thinkwhat's on them, finished them themselves.
Suitable blanks in the form of trees, animals, so that they decorate them on their own. A very good technique is the use of illustrations for fairy tales. The process becomes more interesting if an adult came up with a story about a cat, drew it, and then offered to draw a house for him, and so on.
It is worth filling the life of a child with many impressions from new and beautiful places, unique natural phenomena. In cases where there are constantly a lot of emotions, the child will want to express them through paper.
It is recommended to include in such education and modeling from plastic materials in order for the artistic and aesthetic perception of children to develop in all directions. Finished figurines can be painted and used later in games. For example, it can be fruits, berries for dolls. Often used is the manufacture of applications from leaves, acorns, cones, pieces of fabric, cotton wool, and so on.
Adult attitude
A big role in the formation of aesthetic perception will play the attitude of an adult to the products of the child's activity. It is worth praising him for the fact that he tried to show a sincere attitude towards his work. It is not recommended to remove his creations away from the eyes, the best option would be to create a small exhibition of his work at home. This will reinforce a positive sense of self, in the future the child will be more prone to creativity.
Music Development
Unthinkable aesthetic perception without a sound component. To teach a person to feel music more subtle, it is recommended at hometurn on the music all the time. There is no need to dwell only on its classical variety - it is better to notice which melodies and styles the baby specifically likes. It should be borne in mind that what is heard in the early period of life will leave its significant imprint on what kind of music a person will choose as an adult. It is best to sing along with the baby, teach him to dance, purchase musical instruments so that he plays them. It is worth paying attention to its associations with certain sounds, helping to create images associated with individual melodies.
Thanks to this, a person will form an aesthetic perception. He will be able to find beauty even in everyday things, expressing everything he feels in an artistic form. The life of such a person is always filled with many impressions. Craving for everything beautiful can lead to beautiful deeds, and then to the same life.
Features of image perception
In the aesthetic perception of the world, several mechanisms are combined: artistic and semantic, figurative language unraveling, empathic getting into the work, a sense of pleasure. The interaction of these components is provided by the human imagination.
In artistic images there is both a subjective and an objective side. The second is manifested in the fact that the author has already put enough things for understanding into his work. This is the basis for additional interpretations. If the perception of the audience turns out to be the same as the original intent of the work, we are talking about a cliché image, a reproduction.
But if the imagewas formed outside the traditional framework, the viewer's imagination will draw very eccentric pictures when familiarizing themselves with the work. Its essence will be put aside, and artistry will come to the fore directly.
Also aesthetic perception has two plans. The mechanisms by which the viewer separates the reaction to life phenomena from the reaction to the role of the image in an artistic context are correlated here in a special way.
If the work sufficiently reflects some reality, complicity in perception will increase. While the second mechanism is related to how developed the aesthetic perception of the viewer is. Much depends on experience, knowledge in art, vision of the world.
In cases where the first mechanism is completely excluded, the work turns out to be devoid of aesthetic feelings. While if there is no second component, the image turns into something empirical and infantile, it will not have the very specifics of art. Thus, a feature of aesthetic perception is the contact of these two faces. This creates an artistic effect.
It is noteworthy that information has reached our days about how the aesthetic perception of nature, culture and the world as a whole was shaped by his students by the master of his craft, Leonardo da Vinci. He made them look for stains on the church walls for a long time, which became brighter with time from dampness. He believed that in this way the students began to perceive more shades.

Scientist Jacobsondescribed looking at clouds, blots, broken branches while interpreting them as images of animals, landscapes, works of art. The Soviet artist Obraztsov also advised to pay attention to these objects, developing their aesthetic perception. He believed that true aesthetes perceive the creations of nature as the greatest works of art.
Main feature
The main feature of the aesthetic sense is its disinterestedness. It is not associated with the satisfaction of material needs, with the satisfaction of hunger or the preservation of life and other instincts. Admiring fruits, a person does not feel cravings to eat them - these are not interconnected things. At the heart of such a feeling is a special need inherent in humanity - in aesthetic experiences. She appeared in primitive times.
When people created household items, they decorated them, gave them special forms to meet precisely this need, although decorations did not affect the quality of the item and its suitability for use in everyday life. The greatest ecstasy was caused by objects of harmonious forms, some ideal symmetrical combinations. With the development of mankind, the form of satisfying the need for aesthetic experiences became more complicated. This is how various types of art appeared.
Artistic image model
An artistic image is a "unit" that contains a person's attitude to art. Here both emotions and aesthetic assessments of what he saw. At the same time, different people have completely different readiness to perceive these elements.
Andgetting acquainted with the phenomena of the environment, people who are prone to emotional perception usually exclaim: “How interesting”, “I love to feel a tree in my hands”, “Repulsive branch”. All these expressions contain emotional reactions - joy, admiration, disgust.
There are people who are prone to active aesthetic perception of works of art. They view the phenomenon from many angles, their reactions are often affective if they failed to build a constructive image: “The plot does not grow together”, “Banal things come to mind” and so on.
If a person's disposition is adequate, his associations are born corresponding to the context, within certain configurations. But if not, the associations may have nothing to do with the features of the original phenomenon.
According to the results of many studies, creativity plays an important role in aesthetic perception. This is a way to join the highest spiritual values of society. Thanks to creativity, a person enters the cultural space of civilization. This is a way to express your attitude towards the world, people and yourself.
It is important to consider that it is impossible to understand the peculiarities of aesthetic perception without taking into account what exactly it reflects. Only by studying both the object and the very method of its reflection is it possible to understand the features of perception. No sensation ever appears by itself, without a reason. Only a person can be unaware of the cause while it is there.
The sensual picture of the world is the totality of everything that a person is able to see, hear, smell, touch. It is determined by how the environment affects the individual. Wherever a person looks, with a developed aesthetic perception and being in an appropriate state, there is something that will seem beautiful to him. It can be a combination of colors, figure, facial features, landscape. Sometimes even the solution of a problem is perceived as something beautiful. And the more developed the aesthetic perception of the world by a particular person, the more beautiful atmosphere she lives in.

At the same time, the feeling of beauty arises both when contemplating objects of the surrounding reality, and during active actions. For example, a person may experience corresponding pleasure in the beauty of someone else's dance, as well as in their own.