Everyone knows what xenophobia is and the etymology of this word: xenos - alien, phobos - fear. Therefore, we can say that xenophobia is the fear of the stranger, which gives rise to hatred of the stranger. We have inherited this fear from the animal world. The alien must be avoided, as it is dangerous, or one must be ready to fight with it. But at the same time, animal xenophobia is fully justified, since the danger is real.

Anthropologists, trying to explain what xenophobia is, expressed an opinion about the biological nature of this fear. In the animal world, it is not customary to enter into relationships for procreation with creatures of a different appearance, which is quite natural for the animal world. In the depths of the human psyche, the same instinct remains, and it is he who underlies interethnic relations.
Modern nationalism
Nationalism in the modern world is one of the types of xenophobia. A sense of pride in one's nation and a sense of belonging to it is understandable. This isis considered a normal phenomenon, but the deformed strengthened national feeling, which gives rise to hatred towards persons of other nationalities, forms the basis of nationalism. There is a thin, barely noticeable line between national and nationalist feeling. They are united by a mass of mutual transitions, but at the same time these phenomena differ significantly. A national feeling is something that cannot be renounced, but a nationalistic one is dangerous both for its bearers and for the people around it. Nationalists are aggressive and closed, while Nationals are friendly and open.

Xenophobia in Russia
Russophobia is considered one of the developed forms of xenophobia, which has a rich historical and literary tradition. It differs from other forms of fear of the alien in that its initiators were public figures and writers oriented towards Jewish and European values: Belinsky, Chernyshevsky, Plekhanov, Lenin and others.
We know what xenophobia is - it is a manifestation of the biological essence of a person, but very often this fear is used as a means to achieve specific political goals. Propaganda for the physical destruction of nations that are not needed by history, for example: Slavs, gypsies, Jews. All this is xenophobia. Examples are Hitler, who wanted only the "right" peoples to triumph.
In Russia, there have also been more than once attempts to use xenophobia to achieve political goals. Jews and residents of the mountainous Caucasus became the object of hatred.

Today, there is a mass migration to Russia of citizens of China, Vietnam and African states. Therefore, it makes sense to raise again the question of what xenophobia is in modern society. Skinhead youth formations, football fans and other destructive forces often use xenophobic statements in their slogans.
The task of the state is to destroy the manifestation of natural xenophobia. For this, it is necessary to culturally enlighten and educate different peoples. To acquaint them with each other's traditions and create atmospheres conducive to their rapprochement and cooperation.