Today, one of the problems of the Old World is the Islamization of Europe. In connection with the situation in the Arab countries, a very large number of migrants left for Europe, who began to live in it legally, and many received the citizenship of the country in which they arrived. Therefore, in the article we will consider the question of how the Islamization of Europe occurs, the myth or reality of this thesis, and whether there is a real threat.

Some features of the Islamic religion
In the sphere of what is happening, one should consider the existing features of Islam, why it is alien to the Christian world. In principle, if we compare religious beliefs, then the holy book of Muslims, the Koran, has a certain similarity with the Christian Bible, especially in some parables, as well as in the history of the creation of the Earth and man by God. Many see here the pattern that the Koran was written later than the Bible, which is why it turned outsome borrowed parts. However, some believers put forward the hypothesis that our universe is one, so the same information was transmitted to the prophets.
Based on this, it is completely incomprehensible why then there is such enmity between the West and the East, because their main books of belief are so similar? This can be explained by the fact that the very way of life of a Muslim, which was at the time of the compilation of the Koran, was reflected in it. Indeed, in the Arab countries, so far, as it was before, many are sure that a woman is a second-class creature. She can be beaten and punished, she must be closed from everyone, she cannot do anything except raising children, housekeeping and pleasing her husband. Of course, now, under the influence of the West, Muslim women lead a slightly different life. They, of course, cannot afford the feminist movements that exist in other countries, but still they have the opportunity to go to work, get an education.
Paradise is described in an interesting way in Islam. It is very similar to a well-ordered earthly life with all sorts of pleasures. It seems that everything forbidden by religion here there will be allowed and strengthened. Thus, Paradise is described as a beautiful garden, in which the righteous will lie down on pillows, they will be served with beautiful drinks by the houri girls. Agree, very similar to the life of the sultans.
Muslims (as, in fact, Christians) consider other religions unfaithful, perform various missionary deeds, converting some to their religion, while forgetting that God is one. However, Islam is a more violent and fanatical religion, soas it does not provide for greater freedom. Therefore, many people have such concern due to the fact that the Islamization of Europe is gaining momentum. Where this will lead, only time will tell.

Historical background to the increase in Muslims in Europe
How did it happen that so many Muslims appeared in the Old World? This was facilitated by the ever-increasing hostilities in the East, and Europe at that moment could accept a large number of inhabitants into their countries, since their demographic situation left much to be desired. Indeed, due to the increase in all sorts of newfangled movements like childfree, with an increase in the number of people of non-traditional orientation and all kinds of protection of their rights, the number of people in developed countries began to decline.
This all led to the fact that the governments of these countries began to promote immigration from the countries of Islam: immigrants were given more rights, told about tolerance to the indigenous population, which is now so worried about the Islamization of Europe. Many even believed that such a combination of two completely different cultures would help them converge, completely ignoring the explosive and fanatical nature of Muslims and the arrogance of Europeans.

Today's wars in the East
Those wars in the East, which were unleashed in the last century and developed into a much larger conflict, contributed to the resettlement of a significant number of people from the countries of the East to Europe. This has already been mentioned above. But if before it wasa small stream, and all the settlers were worthy people, now everyone is going. And the Islamization of Europe will soon become a rather tangible problem, since there has always been overpopulation in Asian countries, even though wars have reduced the size of the local population.
It should also be noted that, in fact, Muslims have nowhere else to go. Europe is one of the closest places where they can be adopted (given the tolerant laws adopted earlier). Thus, the Islamization of Europe, whose statistics are disappointing for the indigenous people, is coming in full measure. According to the forecasts of some researchers, if the situation does not change, then a catastrophe is simply inevitable soon.

Reaction of European people to the increase in Muslims in their countries
The reaction of ordinary people to the large number of Muslims in their country is ambiguous. Of course, most people are rather wary of this, a lot of people unite in organizations and go to protests and demonstrations. For example, there is such a group “Let's stop the Islamization of Europe”. It was formed from an existing organization in Denmark and activists in the UK. Its goal is to prevent the dominance of Islam in Europe by boycotting both the people themselves and the companies that support them (for example, producing products for Muslims).
In addition, protests in Europe against Islamization have become more frequent. A lot of people go to rallies and demonstrations to prevent it. For example, in Germany there is a growing concern about this, since it is here thatRefugees come, and here they are received completely indiscriminately. The first demonstrations there began in 2014, but they were not very massive. But already in 2015, the unrest began to grow.
It should also be noted that more refugees go to France, Belgium, Denmark. Large enough communities have already gathered there to declare themselves. Many Muslims have citizenship of some European country. Very scary is the fact that the frequent terrorist attacks in Europe are the work of young Muslims. This is what fuels the hatred of Europeans.
Politics and Islamization
Also today the number of Islamic parties in Europe is increasing. This means the growing influence of Muslims on the daily life and making important decisions in Europe. Of course, not yet on such a large scale, but still already felt. For politicians, the problem of the Islamization of Europe is not something that is customary to talk about openly.
However, everyone notes the existing hostility between Muslims and non-Muslims. The number of cases of aggression against each other is increasing every time. By the way, former German President Wulff wanted to make Islam the second official religion in the country. It did not find support and supporters. And the current president of Germany does not support this idea at all.

Muslims and terrorism
According to statistics, Islamic terrorism is on the rise in the world right now. Most of the recent terrorist attacks in Europe were committed byMuslims. Therefore, it is no coincidence that such a negative attitude towards these representatives of the East, and so many people now oppose the Islamization of Europe.
Those terrorist attacks that recently shook France have led to a decrease in the loy alty of the indigenous inhabitants of the Old World to Muslims. Although the French President said that they would not enter into a "war of civilizations," there were statements from members of the government about the closure of mosques and a ban on the activities of Muslim religious leaders. Now it is not known what will happen to Muslims both in the country itself and in Europe.
Thus, now we can say that the predicted rapid Islamization of Europe is postponed indefinitely. Of course, refugees from the hotspots of the East will still go, but tightening controls may make such a flow less massive. Of course, this can lead to other consequences, to riots by the Muslim communities themselves, which have nothing to do with the attacks.

Vanga's prophecies about the situation with Islam in Europe
Also, in the light of current events, many people remembered what Vanga said about the Islamization of Europe. The Bulgarian seer claimed that by 2043 all of today's Europe will become Muslim. When this prediction appeared, no one listened to her words. However, if you look closely at the current situation, then such an outcome is very likely.
If Europeans do not make traditional family values the main ones, and at the same time the conflict withIslamic terrorism, then literally in a generation or two, Muslims will become much larger in quantitative terms. And if the uncontrolled influx of refugees continues to increase, then the scale will simply become catastrophic. Therefore, what Vanga said about the Islamization of Europe is the truth, which you either need to put up with or start changing something in your lifestyle.

Various predictions about Islamization
It is also necessary to mention the predictions about the Islamization of Europe not only by Vanga, but also by other people, some were not at all connected with the all-seeing eye. This could be said simply by analyzing the situation and all the events that had happened before. But let's talk about the prophets. In the Centuries of Nostradamus, one can also find references to clashes between Muslims and Christians in Europe. They say that the escalation of the conflict will begin in 2015, there will be all the prerequisites for a world war, but thanks to China everything will end well.
So many prophets talk about chemical weapons that can be used against the inhabitants of Europe. So far, France is most often mentioned in relation to this, since it has the largest number of Muslims. Such revelations can be found in John the Theologian and, again, in Nostradamus. Of course, all this may turn out to be idle fiction, but, observing what is happening now in the world, one can imagine such a thing. In a few years or decades.
It should be noted that not only soothsayers spoke about the Islamization of Europe. Back in 2000, Chalmer Johnson, who wasspecialist in the tactics of anti-guerrilla struggle, published a book called "Recoil". In it, he warned that in the next fifty years, Western countries will begin to receive their own answer for what happened through their fault in Asia and Africa, for all the wars unleashed and provoked conflicts in the second half of the 20th century. The book received its greatest popularity after the events of September 11, 2001, when the twin towers in the United States were destroyed, and many people died in the process.
Number of Muslims in Europe today
The growing number of Muslims in Europe set in motion statistics that calculated how many of them live in different countries, where they are larger and where they are smaller. So, the largest Muslim community today lives in France. Some even predict that soon the suburbs of Paris and Marseilles will grow and will go to the representatives of Islam.
Germany today is the second largest Muslim country. It is home to about four million adherents of the Islamic religion, most of whom are Sunnis. Over time, this figure is increasing, as Germany is now accepting refugees from the hot spots of the East.
Next comes the UK. This country is generally the second in the presence of other religions. There are about three million Muslims in it, which is almost five percent of the total population.
Spain and Italy round out the top five countries with large Muslim populations. Italy is estimated to have aboutone and a half million, and in Spain - about a million of those who profess Islam.
Also quite a large community of Muslims in the Netherlands. It should be noted that in this country, in general, this religion is the second in terms of the number of adherents. And there are about a million followers. Most of them live in Amsterdam and Rotterdam.
In Austria and Sweden you can find about half a million Muslims, and in Norway - about one hundred and fifty thousand people. About twenty million people who practice Islam live in Russia. But in this country, for the most part, they are indigenous people, not visitors. It just happened historically in some regions.
Thus, the Islamization of Europe (statistics show that there are more and more Muslims living in it today) with such a pace of development will soon end disappointingly. This means that there is cause for concern.
So, if you are still wondering who benefits from the Islamization of Europe, then you should look for someone who benefits from the clash of Christians and Muslims. Moreover, all this happens so subtly that an inexperienced person will not immediately understand what is happening. Needless to say, if many terrorists who arrange various explosions and murders in Europe are young Muslims who grew up in European countries… This all determines the attitude of society towards people of a different faith.
If you are interested in the question of whether the Islamization of Europe is taking place, is this statement a myth or a reality, then we can say with confidence that this is quitepossibly. If the Old World does not change some of its beliefs (external political and internal structures), then a dense filling of Europe with Muslims will happen in the coming decades.