What should be men's statuses in social networks

What should be men's statuses in social networks
What should be men's statuses in social networks

Today, social networks have become the norm, and there is hardly anyone who does not have a page in at least one of them. At the same time, “online” activities have become an equally important aspect of life, like, say, going to a cafe or bowling with friends. And therefore, guys must be able to select the right male statuses for their page.

But, here's the question - how to understand that the chosen status is really male. Indeed, among the whole variety of beautiful phrases and aphorisms, it is very easy to get confused. Not to mention the fact that, among other things, I also want to show off originality. Well, let's look into this issue in more detail.

male statuses
male statuses

Where to find male statuses

If earlier the search for a suitable expression could take hours, now everything is much easier. It is enough to go to the thematic portal or public and take a look at its contents. Often there will be more than one hundred different statuses: from brutal to love.

It remains only to choose the right one and put it on yourpage. But which statuses are considered good, and which ones should not be touched at all?

A man must always remain a man

So, choosing a status for himself, a guy should be guided by one important rule: "you are a strong half of humanity." Therefore, first of all, male statuses should reflect precisely brutality and self-confidence. For example,

  • I survived where even mammoths froze to death.
  • Don't make excuses to people. Close friends will understand everything, but enemies will not believe it anyway.
  • In this life, the main thing is to be a worthy example.
  • Never betray others, because it is not worthy for a man.
  • Physical strength is good, but without fortitude it's just a pretty wrapper with no content.
male statuses with meaning
male statuses with meaning

Men's statuses about life

Don't forget that every guy is a philosopher at heart. Therefore, you can share your worldview with others, using male statuses with meaning for this. At the same time, it is not necessary to write your own thoughts, it will be enough to find a good quote that can reflect the essence of the idea.

  • Don't be discouraged by today's mistakes. Tomorrow will be a new day, and who knows, they might turn out to be your greatest achievements.
  • Never talk about your plans to others. Let them evaluate the results rather than discuss your chatter.
  • Finding the right solution helps experience. Experience comes with every wrong decision.
  • Lying downsleep with a dream, don't forget to start implementing it in the morning.
  • Nothing is forever. So remember: enjoy the good - it will end sooner or later, but don't be discouraged by the bad - it's also fleeting.

About love

Another topic to talk about is love. Despite their natural rudeness and strength, men also tend to display the emotions that rage in their hearts. Because male love statuses are a good way to please your soul mate.

  • It can be quite difficult with you… but without you, it's impossible at all!!!
  • I know she's not perfect. But her sincerity and kindness will captivate my heart.
  • Looking into her eyes, I see the light. The light of the love she has for me.
  • I love her. Why? Don't know. It just can't be any other way.
men's statuses about life
men's statuses about life

No one forbade joking either

In the end, I would like to note that no one forbids the use of humor on their page on a social network. Moreover, funny male statuses will be able to show the rest that you are all right with a sense of humor. For example:

  • Adding new sensations to life is very easy - much harder to get rid of their effects.
  • And God created woman to be a helper to man. He ended up with a cute, but harmful creature.
  • I have a very bad temper. It's good that only the closest people know about it.
  • Seeing me talking on Skype, my grandmother went to her bedroom and started talking to the President on TV.
