Even a high school student knows that the largest oil reserves are in Saudi Arabia. As well as the fact that Russia is right behind it in the list of countries with significant oil reserves. However, in terms of production, we are inferior to several countries at once.

The largest oil fields in Russia are in almost all regions: in the Caucasus, in the Ural and West Siberian districts, in the North, in Tatarstan. However, far from all of them have been developed, and some, such as Tekhneftinvest, whose sites are located in the Yamalo-Nenets and neighboring Khanty-Mansiysk districts, are unprofitable.
That's why on April 4, 2013, a deal was opened with the Rockefeller Oil Company, which has already begun to produce oil in the area.
However, not all oil and gas fields in Russia are unprofitable. Proof of this is the successful mining that several companies are conducting at once in the Yamalo-Nenets District, on both banks of the Ob.

The Priobskoye field is considered one of the largest not only in Russia, but in the whole world. It was opened in 1982. It turned out that the reserves of West Siberian oil are located both on the left and on the right bank of the Ob River. Development on the left bank began six years later, in 1988, and development on the right bank eleven years later.
Today it is known that the Priobskoye field is over 5 billion tons of high-quality oil, which is located at a depth not exceeding 2.5 kilometers.
Huge reserves of oil and associated gas made it possible to build the Priobskaya gas turbine power plant near the field, operating exclusively on associated fuel. This station not only fully meets the requirements of the field. It is able to supply the produced electricity to the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug for the needs of residents.
Today, several companies are developing the Priobskoye field at once.
Some are sure that during the extraction from the ground comes the finished, refined oil. This is a deep delusion. Reservoir fluid that exits to

surface (raw oil) enters the shops, where it will be cleaned of impurities and water, the amount of magnesium ions will be normalized, and associated gas will be separated. This is a large and high-precision work. For its implementation, the Priobskoye field was provided with a whole complex of laboratories, workshops and transport networks.
Finished products (oil and gas) are transported and used for their intended purpose, remainjust waste. It is they who create the biggest problem for the field today: there are so many of them that it is impossible to eliminate them yet.
Designed specifically for recycling, today only the most "fresh" waste is recycled. Expanded clay is made from sludge (the so-called production waste) at the enterprise, which is in great demand in construction. However, so far only access roads for the deposit are being built from the resulting expanded clay.
The field has another meaning: it provides stable, well-paid jobs for several thousand workers, including highly qualified specialists and unskilled workers.