Novokuibyshevsk is one of the cities of the Samara region and the Volga region. Located in relative proximity to Samara. The city has a rather long history. The population is 102,933 people. The population of Novokuibyshevsk is gradually decreasing.

Geographic characteristics
The city is located on the left bank of the river. Volga, at a distance of 20 km southwest of Samara. The area of the urban area is 86 km2. Novokuibyshevsk forms an urban district with an area of 264 km2. Distance to the Volga River - 6 km.
The climate is characterized by an average level of continentality. Winter is relatively cold. In January, the average monthly temperature is minus 12.3 degrees, and in July - +21.7 degrees. Precipitation is moderate, but closer to insufficient. For the year they fall 445 mm. Droughts happen in summer. However, it is more humid here than in the lower part of the Volga region.

The coldest month is January and the hottest month is July. In winter, frosts up to -30 occur. The weather in winter is often uncomfortable, withcold winds.
Infrastructure and ecology
The city is located 5 kilometers from the railway station. station Novokuibyshevsk, belonging to the Kuibyshev railway. There are 16 trolleybus and 25 bus routes within the city limits. The river cargo port is operating.
Buildings in the city are predominantly multi-storey, with a number of storeys of 2–15 floors. A large number of various enterprises operate in the city, which makes it one of the most polluted in Russia.

Population: size and dynamics
In 2017, the population of Novokuibyshevsk was 102,933 people. The city is characterized by a relative stability in the number of inhabitants since the late 60s of the 20th century. In 1967, 107 thousand people lived. The population peaked in 1999, when the population was 116,400. Until this year, there was a slow increase in the number of residents, and after a somewhat faster decline.
The population of Novokuibyshevsk is on the 168th place among other Russian cities. The male part of the population is 45.2%, and the proportion of women is 54.8%. In 2007, the average age of residents was 40 (37 for men and 43 for women).
The reason for the decline in population may be migration to the neighboring city of Samara. For the most part, those who have been working at local enterprises for a long time remain. Most of all young people move to Samara. This is largely due to the lack of prestigious universities in Novokuibyshevsk.
Another reason for the decline in population is the extremeunfavorable ecological situation, which raises the issue of resettlement relevant for many residents of the city. The greatest harm to the environment is caused by oil refineries, which emit various harmful compounds into the air and water. Residents of the city complain about poor air quality, that it is difficult for them to breathe. Statistics record a significant excess compared to the average Russian level of respiratory diseases and cancer. All this is also the cause of population decline.

The pollution situation is gradually being brought under control by removing oil-contaminated waters that have accumulated under the city and stepping up the cleaning of exhaust gases from factory floors. Perhaps in the future, such work will affect the improvement of the demographic indicators of Novokuibyshevsk.
The population of Novokuibyshevsk is rated as kind and sympathetic. Also, residents, including those who migrated to another city, are characterized by pride and a sense of patriotism in relation to their small homeland.

Employment of the population of Novokuibyshevsk
A large number of enterprises provide jobs for many residents of the city, especially those over 40. Young people often choose other types of work, often migrate to Samara and settle there. It is impossible to estimate the unemployment rate in the city due to the lack of official published data.
Novokuibyshevsk Employment Center
The employment center of the city of Novokuibyshevsk consists ofstaff of 23 people. Their average salary is 16,311 rubles. This institution is located at: 446 200, Novokuibyshevsk, Samara region, st. Sovetskaya, d. 6.
The tasks of the center include, first of all, providing comprehensive assistance to the unemployed population of the city of Novokuibyshevsk. This applies to both temporary employment and social adaptation of the unemployed, and even psychological support. The center provides assistance in finding suitable vacancies for the unemployed and provides a database of workers for local employers.
The center also provides assistance to self-employed unemployed citizens, including one-time financial assistance. Social payments are made to those who are recognized as unemployed.
Latest Job Center Jobs
Vacancies for the middle of 2018 are diverse, both in terms of the nature of work and in terms of wages. The most common salary is about 11 thousand rubles, and this value is found even in qualified speci alties: an ambulance doctor, a plumber, a master, a doctor, a teacher, an educator, a pharmacist.
Lower salaries for doctors, storekeepers, choir artists, ballet dancers.
Salaries in the range of 20-30 thousand are found in a third of vacancies, and places with salaries in the range of 11 to 20 thousand rubles are quite rare. Salaries over 20 thousand rubles. mainly characteristic of heavy work: welder, machine operator, turner, chemist, fitter, accountant and site manager. The highest salary of a diesel locomotive driver is 31 thousand rubles.
About a thirdjob openings are part-time or part-time, which indicates the unfavorable situation in the local labor market.
Thus, the population of Novokuibyshevsk does not have a pronounced directional dynamics, remaining relatively stable for many decades. One of the reasons for the decline in the number of inhabitants is the unfavorable environmental situation.