Velikiye Luki is one of the well-known cities of the Pskov region, which forms the city district with the same name. It received city status in 1777. Now it is a large industrial, cultural, commercial and educational center of the region. The population of Velikiye Luki is gradually decreasing.
The city includes 4 microdistricts. The population of Velikiye Luki is 91,435 people (with a tendency to gradually decrease). Basically, these are Russian Orthodox denominations. City area 60, 08 sq. km. Height above sea level - about 100 m.

History of the city
The city is known as the center of military glory. It has always played an important defensive role. It was first mentioned in 1166. In 2016, there were anniversary celebrations on this occasion.
Until 1406, the settlement was simply called Luki. Probably, this name was associated with an onion-shaped bend of the river or with extensive flood meadows.
Geography of Velikiye Luki
The city is located on a plain, close to the border with Latvia and Belarus. The distance to the first is 200 km, and to the second - 80 km. It is located 313 km southeast of the city of Pskov.
The climate is quite humid, with relatively long and not very cold winters, not hot and rather humid summers. Humidity is high.

City industry
Velikie Luki is a large industrial complex, accounting for up to 40 percent of the region's production. The most developed food industry. This is followed by the production of electrical equipment, mechanisms and machines, metal products, garments and mineral products. Obviously, all this should favor the employment of the population of Velikiye Luki.
In the city's budget, education has the largest weight, and housing and communal services are in second place.
Transport system
2 railway lines pass through Velikiye Luki, and next to it is the M9 Moscow-B altic highway, which is of federal importance. The railways are single-track and do not have electrification. There is also a bus station, railway station and airport. There are 22 bus routes in the city. The most common are fixed-route taxis.
Population of Velikiye Luki
In 2018, the population was 91,435. The dynamics of this indicator indicates a steady growth during most of the 20th century and up to 1994. Then a decline began that has continued up to the present.
At the peak of numbers (in1993) there were 117 thousand people in the city. In 1913 - 10,400 people. However, if the current trend continues, there may be almost no people left in this locality in 50 years.

The population density of Velikiye Luki is 1521.4 people/km2.
The city ranks 187th in terms of the number of inhabitants among other Russian cities. The share of great archers in the total population of the Pskov region is 14 percent.
There is a significant predominance of deaths over births in the city. In 2010, 953 people were born and 1642 died. At the same time, 761 people moved to the city, and 1120 left it.
In recent years, as in other cities of Russia, in Velikiye Luki there has been a decrease in both the birth rate and the death rate. In 2016, 1,085 people were born and 1,488 died. In 2017, 894 were born and 1,471 died. Cardiovascular diseases play a decisive role in mortality, which is typical for the whole country.
Migration in the last 2 years has ensured a decrease in the number of inhabitants by 859 and 754 in 2016 and 2017, respectively.

The proportion of the population of older age groups is increasing.
National composition
The bulk of the population in Velikiye Luki are representatives of Russian nationality (95.71%). In second place are Ukrainians (0.79%). The third line is occupied by Belarusians (0.75%). Next come the Armenians with a share of 0.29%. Azerbaijanis are in fifth place, and Jews and Tatars are in sixth. The rest share less than 1/10percent.
Employment of the population
According to official figures, the unemployment rate in the city is very low - only 0.69 of the able-bodied population. In the structure of employment, manufacturing is in the first place. It accounts for 19.4% of employees. On the second - repair and trade - 18.8% of the number of employed. About 10 percent are employed in education. A percentage less - in the field of transport and communications. This is followed by construction, real estate, social services and medicine, public service, domestic work, housing and communal services, hotel and restaurant business, and in last place is the financial sector.

The share of able-bodied citizens is 63.8%, and the employed population is 37.6%. There are 20.4% of pensioners in the city, and 15.8% of the younger generations.
Social protection of the population in Velikiye Luki
7 institutions of social protection and rehabilitation have been created in Velikiye Luki. There is a society for the blind, deaf, disabled, and a branch of the Red Cross.
Public places
The most visited objects in this city are:
- Park of Culture and Leisure. The Lovat River flows through it. A monument to the hero of the USSR and an eternal flame have been erected.
- Local History Museum. Within its walls you can learn about local history, war years and nature.
- Velikolukskaya fortress. This is a large building with towers up to 50 meters high. Nearby is a monument to a tank flying into the sky.
- Drama theatre. It was built in the early 19th century.
- Literary-Art Museum. Dedicated to World War II. Contains a huge number of manuscripts and books. There is also the House of Environmental Education.
This article provides information about how many people there are in Velikiye Luki. The dynamics is also considered and a disappointing conclusion is made about the possible gradual extinction of the city. Despite this, the situation on the labor market, judging by official data, is quite favorable. The level of social protection of the population is clearly insufficient. Much more drastic measures and support from the federal authorities are required to ensure that this primordially Russian city does not go into oblivion.