Population of Tanzania - size and dynamics

Population of Tanzania - size and dynamics
Population of Tanzania - size and dynamics

Tanzania is a medium-sized country in the east of the African continent. It has access to the Indian Ocean. Its history includes both pre-colonial and colonial periods. In the 60s of the 20th century, Tanzania freed itself from colonial dependence and acquired its current name. In the late 60s and 70s of the 20th century. attempts were made to build communism in the country. As in the Soviet Union, collective farms were created and there was one ruling party. However, many were dissatisfied and protests broke out and were brutally suppressed. The population of Tanzania is about 60 million people. and growing rapidly.


Natural conditions

Tanzania is located in the zone of subequatorial climate. Rainy seasons are typical (2 in the north and 1 in the south). Temperatures are not too high, and the islands are blown by breezes. Most of Tanzania is covered by vast plateaus. There are large lakes.

nature of tanzania
nature of tanzania

Population of Tanzania

The number of inhabitants of the country exceeds 50 million people. Their main share (80%) falls on ruralresidents. The largest city is Dar es Salaam with a population of over 4 million people. These are mostly black residents (about 120 different ethnic groups). Indians, Europeans, Arabs, Chinese and others live in small numbers. Tanzania has the highest proportion of albinos in the world.

On average, there are 4.5 children per woman. Life expectancy is low: 53 years for women and 50 years for men. At the same time, infant mortality is high - 69 per 1000 people.

On average, the number of people in this African country increases by 3-3.25% per year.

population of tanzania
population of tanzania

The population growth curve from 1951 to 2019 is exponential. This means that if the current trends continue, an imminent humanitarian and environmental catastrophe is inevitable. A similar fate awaits a number of other African countries. Therefore, it is necessary to start a competent social policy as soon as possible.

tanzania population
tanzania population

Tanzania's population density is now 62.9/km2.

Christian-dominated religious structure.

In 2014, the number of residents of Tanzania reached the anniversary figure of 50 million people. According to forecasts, the population by 2050 will be 83 million people, and by 2100 - 196 million people. Although this forecast (especially for 2050) seems to be too low. After all, even at the current growth rate (about 2 million people per year), in 30 years there will be 50-60 million more people in Tanzania, that is, there will be 110-120 million people. However, it is likely that the increasewill be much larger due to its exponential nature. At the same time, of course, there can be various fluctuations - local drops and ups in natural growth numbers.

farming in tanzania
farming in tanzania

The only thing that could save the situation is the implementation of an adequate social and demographic policy and the improvement of people's living conditions.

Tanzania population 2018

In 2018, the number of inhabitants of this country reached 59.6 million people. The increase in this year was 1.8 million people. In percentage terms, this means 3.16%. These figures indicate a high rate of population growth, which is typical of many African countries and is associated with their backwardness and local traditions. Contributes to population growth and a high proportion of rural residents.

Quite a few people leave the country, increasing the population in other countries. So, in 2018, the migration increase was minus 46,810 people, but this is still not much compared to the natural increase, which was equal to 1.87 million people.

Population age structure

Due to the large natural increase in the country, the younger generation sharply prevails. The average age of residents is only 17.3 years. The proportion of people under the age of 15 is 42%, and those aged 15-65 years - 55.1%. Those who are even older, only 2.9%.

The age structure is approximately the same for women and men and indicates a high birth rate and death rate. One of the reasons for this is, according to experts, the low level of education and he alth care.

This age structure creates a large demographic burden. In Tanzania, there is 1 non-working person for every worker, which is considered an unfavorable factor.

Life expectancy in Tanzania is 52.9 years.

Literacy of population

This figure is quite high in the country. Thus, among the male population, 84.8% are literate, and among women - 75.87%. Among young people (15-24 years old), the figure is even higher - an average of 87.3%.


Thus, the population of Tanzania reflects a situation typical of many backward countries, especially African ones. It is characterized by constant exponential growth. As you know, with a limited size of territory and resources, this type of increase always ends in disaster. There are many such examples in nature. This means that the inhabitants of this country are preparing their own future death. Unlike Asia, where development has taken the industrial path and population growth has declined, in many African countries, including Tanzania, there is not even a hint of anything like that. In addition, there are much fewer fossil resources. Only efforts by the entire world community led by the UN can correct the situation.
