Judging by the numerous reviews, of all the breeds of dogs used by Russian hunters, the West Siberian Laika is the most beloved and popular. Despite the fact that this breed is considered relatively young, it is versatile and unpretentious. Hunting with a husky can be successful both for a fur-bearing animal, and for an ungulate animal, and even for a bear. This dog is an irreplaceable assistant. Information about the features of hunting in Siberia with likes is contained in the article.
Introducing the breed
According to experts, unlike other breeds of dogs, civilization has had the least impact on the husky. This breed is not more than fifty years old. Laikas are not far from their wild ancestors. This is the only breed of dog whose appearance a person has not yet been able to change. Instincts also remained unchanged: mating and childbirth occur without the participation of people. The homeland of these dogs is Western Siberia and the Urals.

Abouthunting features
With this breed you can hunt for six months. Many dog owners start fishing from the moment the bird season opens. Hunting with a husky ends simultaneously with the closing of the period in which the production of fur-bearing animals is allowed. The high popularity of the breed is due to its exceptional performance, which gives a person the opportunity to hunt game of different types. The Laika is an almost universal hunting dog.

However, according to experts, this statement is not entirely true. Each representative of this breed has its own specialization, namely, in the extraction of which type of animal the dog is most effective. The high effectiveness of hunting with a husky will depend on what kind of game the owner trains it for and takes it with him to fish most often. Therefore, the change of game must be accompanied by retraining of the animal. However, according to experts, after hunting with a husky for an elk or any other large animal, the dog will weakly take game and small animals. Conversely, husky trained for birds and other small game is not recommended for large animals.
Like the bear
The extraction of this beast is considered an exciting and at the same time very dangerous occupation. Experienced bear hunters recommend taking large, gambling and vicious dogs with them. A four-legged companion on such a hunt is endangered. Therefore, the husky should be quite nimble. The task of the dog is to detain the predator until the owner arrives. at firsthuskies take the trail of the beast and silently follow it. They become aggressive when they overtake a bear.

Dodging the blows with their paws, the huskies press on the game. Experienced hunters recommend first removing collars from dogs. Otherwise, the claws of the animal may catch the strap, which will lead to the death of the husky. Often, a bear gets two or three likes.
Boar hunting
In Russia, several breeds of this wild beast are being mined: Central Asian, European-Asian, Mongolian and Far Eastern. The weight of the smallest representatives varies between 60-100 kg. A large individual can weigh 3 centners. Shooting of an animal can be carried out by a paddock, from a "hatch" and from a tower on a feeding ground. Boar hunting with huskies is especially popular. Dog owners first need to properly train them. The task of the four-legged assistant is to hold the beast in place, and then drive it to the hunter. Since the wild boar is a fairly large and very aggressive animal, preference in choosing should be given to nimble and speedy huskies. Despite the fact that the attack on the animal is not included in the list of tasks of this dog, it must be able to physically resist the wounded and therefore even more dangerous boar. Huskies under one year of age are not recommended for this type of hunting.

According to experts, in order to successfully resist a wild beast, physical effort alone will not be enough. The dog mustbe prepared psychologically. Therefore, it is advisable to take mature, fast and strong boars for huskies.
With a dog on ungulates
The task of the four-legged helper is to quietly follow the trail, and having found the game, bark to notify the person. For hunting elk with a husky, dogs with good hearing, sight and smell are chosen. Since an elk can travel up to 30 km in one hour, a husky must be hardy. The dog needs to be trained well first. Hunting will be effective if the husky can distinguish between the tracks of the elk, not confusing them with the tracks left by other animals.
When the dog finds the moose, it starts to bark. A man approaches the animal at a distance of a shot. Often hunters betray their presence by this, and the beast runs away. A barking dog nearby distracts the moose. If the hoofed animal tries to leave, the husky runs in circles, trying to grab it by the muzzle. The dog for this type of hunting must be taken nimble. Otherwise, she may receive a strong kick.
About using a dog for small game
Judging by the numerous reviews, hunting with a husky for a marten and a squirrel has become very popular. The search for a medium-sized animal is carried out by the four-legged assistant “in circles”. The task of the dog is to give the game an opportunity to express itself through test barking or other active actions. To hunt marten, huskies must have excellent reaction and hearing. The slightest movement and the slightest rustle of the animal should not go unnoticed.
After the animal has betrayed itself, the four-legged friend barks with a different timbre. This isis a conventional sign for the owner that the game is found. If the animal is not found in the indicated place, the dog will step aside and continue all over again. Having disturbed the animal, the husky with passion must lead it to the place of sinking, in which the hunter fires a shot.
The dog performs a specific grip on the trophy in the teeth - often biting it. This method prevents damage to the skin. Then the four-legged assistant carries the shot animal to the hunter. After the command "Give it back!" the dog throws the game at the feet of the man. A similar procedure is carried out during the hunt with a husky for sable. The dog also takes the track of the animal and continues to hunt it down. A four-legged friend has to work in a large space. Therefore, for hunting sable, they take a husky that is able to bark very loudly.
About catching birds
This breed is very effective for hunting hazel grouse and capercaillie. Silently sneaking, the dog determines the place where the game hid. Then he makes a swift jump towards the bird. She takes off and flies away. The task of the dog is to bark to the owner in which direction the game disappeared, and then the place of its new landing.

The only thing left for a person to do is to approach the shooting distance and release the hook. The obtained trophy is brought to the owner by his four-legged companion.
On the use of dogs in the waters
Many hunters take huskies for waterfowl. The task of the dog is to detect game that has settled in the reeds, sneak up to it as close as possible, and then scare it away.

With these actions, the husky brings the bird to the line of fire. After the shot, the dog must find the trophy and bring it back to its owner.