Life in Lithuania after joining the EU: pros and cons

Life in Lithuania after joining the EU: pros and cons
Life in Lithuania after joining the EU: pros and cons

When it comes to choosing a country to live in, not many Russian expats look to this chilly B altic state. Nevertheless, Lithuania has a common Soviet heritage with us and is close to us in terms of geographical location. It is these arguments that are decisive for some emigrants.

This B altic state is a "young" member of the European Union. That is why life in Lithuania, according to some indicators, cannot yet reach the level that is observed in the EU countries that have joined it from the very beginning. In order to understand how attractive this state is for immigrants, let's look at the pros and cons of living in Lithuania.

General information

Lithuania became an independent state in 1990. It happened after the collapse of the USSR. Immediately after joining the EU, life in Lithuania was rather difficult. After all, the economy of the state experienced far from the best of times. But the neighbors helped the country, providing investments for the development of all spheres of the national economy. Today we can say that life in Lithuania has becomemuch better. The country is considered to be completely independent. A large number of enterprises operate here, mainly related to machine and shipbuilding, as well as the agricultural sector. Tourism is an important industry contributing to the development of the Lithuanian economy. This direction provides many residents of the country with seasonal work. In addition, tourism is the area in which private business is most prevalent.

Recently, many large European companies are moving their offices to Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. This contributes to the revival of the country's economy and is due to the diligence of local residents, who in this regard are much better than their counterparts in other countries.

Vilnius at night
Vilnius at night

After Lithuania's accession to the EU, its economic recovery is obvious. It reflects accordingly on the life of the population, while making the country attractive for immigration. However, those who dream of coming here for a long ruble will have to be disappointed. The economic situation of Lithuania is still at a lower level than that which the states of Western Europe have. In this regard, there is a lag in the standard of living of citizens of the B altic state. So many Russians sometimes find that after moving to Lithuania they did not receive large incomes. After all, from the point of view of the economy, the B altic country is still closer to the Russian Federation than to Germany or, for example, Hungary.


The standard of living in Lithuania, as, indeed, in any other state, can be judged by indicators of income and expensespopulation. Of all the B altic countries, this republic is considered the most successful, based on the analysis of many indicators. But as for the size of the minimum wage, in Lithuania it is a little short of the Latvian and Estonian figures. In addition, there is a very small difference between the sum of the minimum and average wages. In the language of specific figures, these are, respectively, 400 euros and 600 euros. It is also interesting that the amount that is set in the country for the minimum wage is equal to the amount of benefits paid to the unemployed.

Based on the opinions of many tourists and visiting entrepreneurs about life in Lithuania, it is rather difficult to judge the level of income and expenses in this B altic country. After all, people's opinions are often radically different, depending on what their measure of assessment of the current situation is. But, nevertheless, the standard of living in Lithuania can be put on the same level with the average in Russia. This applies to wages and pricing policy.

Since January 2018, the minimum wage in Lithuania has been raised to the level of 400 euros (gross, that is, before taxes are deducted from it). This figure is significantly less than the one that exists in the EU countries, but higher than in the Russian Federation and other republics of the former USSR.

Judging by the reviews, positive changes are taking place in life in Lithuania after joining the EU. When analyzing the indicators of the size of salaries offered in the country, one can see their steady growth. Of course, it is rather difficult to keep up with prices, but in general, the Lithuanian government is striving to improve the lives of its citizens. About itevidenced by the steady increase in the size of the minimum allowable wages. And below 400 euros, based on government decisions, should not be received not only by those people who work full time, but also with part-time employment. Similar wages exist for those who are engaged in unskilled labor and do not have higher education.

city streets and public transport
city streets and public transport

Public transport drivers, hostel attendants, and catering workers are paid only slightly more than the minimum wage. The same applies to young professionals who have recently graduated from universities and have neither qualifications nor experience.

For an ordinary worker, the average salary in Lithuania is five hundred euros. This figure is given after deductions of all necessary taxes. Such income should be counted on by those who wish to take the vacancy of an office worker, as well as to find a job in the public service in the social sphere.

Salary, and therefore the standard of living in Lithuania, directly depends on the length of service, on specialization, and also on the place of residence of a person. For example, in Vilnius, the average salary reaches 700 euros. At the same time, in those areas where agriculture is developed, you can only claim 400 euros.

Salary and qualifications

Remuneration for work in Lithuania is characterized by an incredible range of values. For example, a doctor in this country can receive 1,500 euros. The income of a nurse ranges from 730 to 750 euros. Private medical staffinstitutions at the same time receive more than their counterparts working in public hospitals and clinics.

work in Lithuania
work in Lithuania

Construction industry workers are in great demand in Lithuania. Without much difficulty, a bricklayer, plasterer or facade decorator can find a well-paid job. The level of income of workers in these speci alties can be compared with those that MPs receive in this country. Computer and scientific specialists have high incomes in Lithuania.


Based on national statistics, there are very few unemployed people in Lithuania. Only 7% of the able-bodied inhabitants of the country do not have an official job. However, this figure is approximate. After all, statistics do not take into account remote and home-based work.

Such a low level of unemployment among the indigenous inhabitants of the state became possible due to the adoption by the government of certain basic principles. One of them is the priority provision of vacancies to citizens of Lithuania. Foreign specialists can be involved in this case only as an exception.


Life in Lithuania today is characterized by the government's constant concern for the younger generation, in particular, about getting them the proper level of knowledge. That is why the state constantly supports the education sector with financial investments. In addition, this system is currently undergoing regular reform. The essence of the ongoing work is to increase the remuneration of teachers, as well as to increase the size of scholarships. Besides,local budgets support pre-schools and schools everywhere.

class at school
class at school

Such close attention to the educational sphere is due to the need to improve the level of training of qualified specialists who will be employed in Lithuania in the future. Such an approach to acquiring knowledge by the younger generation will allow the state to annually reduce the unemployment rate in the country by at least 1%.

Employment of foreigners

Judging by the reviews, life in Lithuania allows Russians to open up some perspectives. However, for citizens of the Russian Federation, work in the B altic state has not only advantages, but also some disadvantages.

Life in Lithuania is attractive for Russians because this state is very close to their homeland in terms of mentality, climate, way of life and spoken language. However, immigrants claim the average income for foreigners is around 450 euros. Moreover, more than half of them will have to be spent on the purchase of vital goods and services. That is why few people go to work in Lithuania. More favorable in this regard is the prospect of moving here for permanent residence. In addition, life in Lithuania after joining the EU allows you to find a well-paid job in any state of the European Union. By the way, many indigenous people do the same. So, over the past 13 years, about 800 thousand people have left the country. The reason for this lies in the low level of wages, which are much lower than in EU countries. For example, in Germany, residents receive at 3, 5-4times more Lithuanians.

Pricing policy

Considering the pros and cons of living in Lithuania, anyone will want to know about the level of cost of basic necessities and services that have developed in the country. It is worth noting that in general, prices here are at an average level. For basic goods and services, they are not much different from those established in the CIS countries. And all this, taking into account the salary level of about half a thousand euros.

However, housing rates are very high in Lithuania. For example, you will have to pay approximately 400 euros just for renting an apartment. One half of this amount will go to the owner, and the second will go to reimburse utility bills.

The rest of the average salary of 100 or 150 euros will be needed to purchase clothes, food, fares and other needs. Of course, it will be impossible to live on such an amount. That is why families with one breadwinner, as a rule, live in very modest conditions, and there is no question of saving from them. So with such expenses, the level of Lithuanian income is unlikely to seem so big.


Considering the pros and cons of living in Lithuania, I would like to note that it is quite difficult to start talking with the locals in their native language. The fact is that it belongs to the Finno-Ugric group, and it is very difficult for our people to master it. The process of mastering requires enormous efforts even for a person who is gifted with the ability to learn languages. This disadvantage of living in Lithuania should not be discounted when consideringmoving house. The fact is that without knowing the state language at a good level, it will be impossible to find a decent job. It will also be difficult to live in this country, despite the fact that many Lithuanians know and speak English and Russian.

He althcare

Medicine in Lithuania has a fairly high level. In terms of he alth care, the B altic state is included in the list of the most prosperous powers in Europe. This contributes to the fact that life expectancy in Lithuania is quite high and amounts to 75.5 years.

conducting medical diagnostics
conducting medical diagnostics

However, it should be borne in mind that medical services in the country are paid. Moreover, even in state institutions, patients are forced to give money behind the scenes. But thanks to the paid principle, the country's he alth care system is in excellent condition. Medical centers and hospitals are equipped with the most modern equipment, which is constantly being upgraded and updated.

However, the he alth care system has its downsides. They relate to the long waiting period for an appointment that a patient has before he gets to the right specialist. Sometimes it drags on for a month or more. First, the patient must visit a family doctor, and only then receive an appropriate referral from him.

Surgery is well developed in the country. Moreover, Lithuanian doctors brilliantly perform transplantation of internal organs.

Free medical care can be obtained when there is a threat to a person's life. However, all subsequent procedureswill need to pay. This can be done in cash or with a credit card. It should also be borne in mind that, despite the well-developed pharmacy network in the country, the purchase of potent drugs is possible only with a prescription issued by a doctor.

Attitude towards Russians

Lithuania is an amazing country, which you can discover endlessly. The original culture, ancient history, loy alty to the traditions of the ancestors - all this makes the B altic state completely different from others. In Lithuania, there is a very close interweaving of European clarity with the Slavic spirit.

What is the attitude towards Russians in this country? Generally good. For the most part, the locals are friendly and respectful of our fellow citizens. Many people understand Russian and speak it with pleasure. Lithuanians are generally not aggressive.

Lithuanian girls
Lithuanian girls

However, there are also cases of negative attitudes towards both immigrants and tourists from the Russian Federation. At the same time, a Lithuanian can say one thing, do another, and start discussing a third behind his back. There are among the indigenous inhabitants of the country and those who are wary or clearly hostile towards the Russians. But you should understand that such shots are found in any country in the world.


When considering a country for moving to permanent residence, do not forget to take into account local weather conditions. Obviously, a heat lover will not like it in Lithuania. After all, the B altics are characterized by a large number of cloudy and cool days. But in general, the weather here is considered mild, with a predominance of the maritime climate.on the coast and continental in the center.

Lithuanian fields
Lithuanian fields

Of course, not everyone will attribute cool weather to the shortcomings of the state. But those who crave a hot climate should consider other options.
