The population of Shadrinsk is 75,623 people. This is the second largest settlement in the Kurgan region after the regional capital. It is located on the West Siberian Plain, directly on the Iset River. It is considered a city of regional subordination. A major educational, cultural and industrial center throughout the Trans-Urals.
History of the city

The population of Shadrinsk is now comparable to the number of people who lived in the city in the early 70s of the last century. The main outflow of local residents began in the 2000s and continues to this day.
The city of Shadrinsk itself was founded in the 17th century. This was done by Russian explorers who explored the Far East and Siberian lands. The founder of the local settlement is Yuri Malechkin, who applied with a petition to Tobolsk to be allowed to build a settlement and a prison in this place. By 1686 Shadrinskaya Sloboda was the largest settlement in Western Siberia. There were more than 130 peasant households, dragoons and Cossacks lived here.
Shadrinsk becomes a city
Shadrinsk received the status of a city in 1712. In 1733, a major fire almost completely destroyed it. Recovery took a long time.
In 1774, during the uprising of Yemelyan Pugachev, the city refused to join the rebels. Soon reinforcements arrived from Siberia, the tsarist troops went on the offensive and defeated the rebels. Shadrinsk received the status of a county town in 1781. At the same time, the settlement has its own coat of arms - it depicts a marten running across a silver field.
In 1842-1843, Shadrinsk once again became the center from where the suppression of the peasant uprising, which went down in history as the "potato riot", began.
Development at the beginning of the 20th century

The population of Shadrinsk began to increase at the beginning of the 20th century. A special role in this was played by the emergence of a large number of industrial productions and enterprises. In particular, the spinning and weaving factory of the Butakov brothers, the agricultural workshop of Molodtsov.
In the first decade of the last century, a real school, a women's gymnasium, and a teacher's seminary were opened here. By 1917, this is a fairly large county town, the population of Shadrinsk at that time is 17 thousand people.
During the Civil War, the government here changed several times. At the very beginning of 1918, the Bolsheviks occupied it, but by the summer they were driven out by Czech troops. In August, even a model of a monument to the victims of the execution of the Bolsheviks was installed. Red troops returned Soviet power by August1919.
In 1925, a distillery was opened in the city, which existed until recently, only went bankrupt in 2006. A mechanical and iron foundry has been operating in the city since 1933.
During the Great Patriotic War, enterprises were created in Shadrinsk on the basis of evacuated factories. In the future, auto-aggregate, telephone factories, tobacco and clothing factories will appear here.
The telephone factory manufactures products for space flight. In 1975, cosmonaut Yuri Artyukhin arrives in Shadrinsk, who presents the collectives with gratitude from the Council of Ministers for the production of high-quality products.
Modern reality

Since the early 1990s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the situation of many large industrial enterprises has been deteriorating significantly. Plants and factories are closing or switching to part-time work.
In 1996, the Polygraphmash plant significantly reduced its production capacity, on the basis of which a new enterprise "Delta-Technology" was formed. In 2003, the clothing factory named after Volodarsky, which had existed in the city since 1941, was closed.
Population dynamics

The first data on the population of the city of Shadrinsk date back to 1793. At that time, 817 people were registered here. Already at the beginning of the 19th century, the population of Shadrinsk increased significantly - up to more than two thousand inhabitants.
In 1825 herealready two and a half thousand local residents. And in 1835 the population of Shadrinsk exceeded three thousand people. In 1861, the year of the abolition of serfdom in the country, almost 6 thousand people lived in this city.
In 1897, the number of inhabitants exceeds the psychological mark of 10,000.
Population in the 20th century

After the advent of Soviet power, the number of residents in Shadrinsk is steadily increasing. If in 1923 there were 18 thousand 600 people here, then already in 1939 there were more than 31 thousand Shadrin residents. After the war, growth continues - in 1948, more than 50 thousand people lived here.
True, after that, part of the industrial enterprises from Shadrinsk are taken away, the number of inhabitants falls significantly because of this. By 1950, about 35 thousand people remained. People begin to return to the city to which our article is devoted in the late 50s. And at a fast pace. During perestroika, more than 80 thousand people registered here.
It is noteworthy that in the 90s, unlike most small towns in Russia, the population grew here, albeit at a slow pace. Shadrinsk manages to achieve the highest indicators in 1997, according to statistics, 88 and a half thousand people live here.
In the 2000s, many enterprises in Shadrinsk found themselves in crisis. Every year there are fewer and fewer residents. At the moment, a little more than 75 and a half thousand people live here. Now you know how many people there are in Shadrinsk.
Unemployment rate
Due to the large numberindustrial enterprises, the unemployment rate in Shadrinsk remains one of the lowest in the entire Kurgan region. On average, about 0.9 percent of the total economically active population. In real terms, this is less than 400 people.

At the same time, the number of vacancies in the Shadrinsk employment center is approximately twice the number of unemployed. The labor market is experiencing a shortage of cooks, confectioners, technologists, waiters, educators in kindergartens and teachers in schools. The situation is especially acute in social and medical institutions, which require doctors, junior and secondary medical personnel.
Employment of the population

The city's economy is based on manufacturing. Their share in the turnover of medium and large enterprises of the city is 95 percent, approaching absolute.
Among the largest industries, which involve most of the residents of Shadrinsk, it is worth noting the auto-aggregate plant, which produces radiators, hydraulic jacks. It was founded back in 1941 on the basis of the Moscow plant named after Stalin, evacuated from the capital.
The production of electrodes for welding has been launched at the electronic plant. Electrode production has existed in Shadrinsk for several decades. Initially, it was based in one of the shops of the plant for the repair of diesel locomotives. The plant acquired its current status in 1992.
Metal structures plant in Shadrinsk produces metal structures for civil and industrial construction energy facilities. The local precast concrete plant produces paving slabs and reinforced concrete products, as well as curbstones. The plant of enclosing structures is engaged in the production of metal structures.

The telephone factory in Shadrinsk is well known throughout the country. Here they produce devices for high-frequency communication, which are used in the energy sector. This plant also appeared at the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War on the basis of the capital's radio plant No. 18, evacuated to the Kurgan region.
The production of propanes is carried out by the Technokeramika enterprise, which supplies them to the oil industry. This is one of the youngest and largest enterprises in Shadrinsk, it was created only in 2004.
Cast iron and non-ferrous castings are produced by LLC "Liteyshchik", a diesel locomotive and car repair association that carries out full-cycle repairs for railway equipment. A large number of employees are required for a polymer bag plant, a furniture factory, a textile bag manufacturing enterprise.