Andrew Upton is a famous director and playwright, husband of actress Cate Blanchett. The article talks about his career, biography and personal life.
Date of birth and the meaning of the motherland in life
A talented director, an unsurpassed actor, producer, screenwriter and even artistic director of the Sydney Theater - this is how the genius of Hollywood cinema Andrew Upton appears in our article. Date of birth - February 1, 1966. The future conqueror of Hollywood peaks was born in Australia. The director decided to return here with his family after several years of wandering in England. As they say, back to basics. The actor has always considered Australia his only home, his homeland, and he wanted his children - three sons and a daughter - to grow up here.

Andrew Upton's family and personal life
The hero of our article, together with his wife, the unsurpassed Cate Blanchett, known for such films as the historical film novel "Elizabeth", the trilogy "The Lord of the Rings", "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", "The Scandalous Diary" and "Babylon", can rightfully be called one of the most harmonious and colorful, and most importantly, strong couples in Australia. And these are not empty words - the couple lived inmarriage for no less than 18 years! During this time, no public quarrels, scandals, and even more so, partings were noticed behind them. It seemed that any disagreements bypass the spouses.
Andrew Upton and Cate Blanchett met in early 1997 while preparing for the famous play The Seagull. The couple has been legally married since December 29, 1997. Their marriage took place in the Blue Mountains National Park, which is located in the state called New South Wales. For a while, the newlyweds had to live in the coastal area of the city of Sydney, then, a few years later, the couple moved to London, where the couple's career immediately began to gain momentum. But, despite such a rapid rise to the long-awaited heights, with the birth of their sons, the couple make a unanimous and very noble decision to return to their homeland, to hot and so alluring Australia.

They have three beautiful sons (Ignatius Martin Upton, Roman Robert Upton, Dashiell John Upton) and one and only daughter (Edith Vivian Patricia Upton), whom the couple adopted in March 2015. Today, the children of a talented couple delight their parents with their school successes and daily achievements on such a difficult path of growing up. Surprisingly, both Andrew and Kate manage to combine not only acting in the theater, a busy filming schedule, but also raising children, which poses no particular difficulties for them.
The screenwriter's most famous films
The genres that Andrew liked are dramas,comedies and thrillers. He has 9 films shot between 1999 and 2015. Among them, the most famous are such paintings as "10 Moments of Fate", "The Cherry Orchard", "The Lost" and "Secrets of Lost Souls".

Upton's collaboration with Blanchett and other merits of the playwright
Upton and Blanchett opened a film production company, Dirty Films, whose "brainchildren" rightfully include the short film Bangers, filmed in 1999 with the participation of Blanchett herself and another Australian actress, Lynette Curran. Also, their film company cannot but boast of the film Little Fish, known in domestic circles under the name "Little Fish". Andrew Upton acted as an assistant producer in this film, and his wife played the main role. The film was released in 2006. In the same year, Andrew Upton wrote the screenplay for the film Lost, which was later directed by Ringan Ledwidge. Thanks to Upton, the libretto for Alan John's Through the Looking-Glass was also born, the main premiere of which took place in May 2008.

Life and Art
In the professional field, each of the spouses plays a role: Upton acts as the main thinker and optimist, and his wife tries on the main force - active. Andrew Upton is also willing to collaborate with other film companies and monitor young people for their passion for live theatrical performances.
The playwright gives himself completely to work, which, as he has already mentioned more than once,helps him to look at hitherto familiar things from a different angle. Indeed, it was thanks to work and creativity that Upton learned to clearly distinguish between the places where a person expresses himself, bathes in the rays of glory, and the place where he comes for new knowledge and thoughts. But he could never call the Sydney theater a peculiar institution. This place was rather spiritual, saturated with the continuity of past times.
Sydney school has helped many actors of the theater and film industry to prove themselves, to present hidden talents to the world. She is still popular with young talents to this day.

In conclusion
In June 2014, Andrew Upton was honored with a professional award for excellence in his chosen field and for his service to the community.
This talented playwright remained in the shadows for a long time, without ceasing to write masterpieces for the next films, ready to be released on television. In addition, the brilliant screenwriter who has created many plays for theatrical productions is none other than Andrew Upton. The biography of the playwright describes him as a unique, even somewhat strange person, capable at any moment of abstracting from reality, of going into the world of dreams, as well-known critics allowed themselves to talk about him. And as we can observe today, this in no way prevented him from achieving such significant heights in his professional field.
Artistic director of the famous theater, talented and knowledgeablea screenwriter, a director masterfully managing his work, a skilled actor, an exemplary family man and a loving father - all this is Andrew Upton. Photos of his family, which often appear in the press, seem to carry some kind of charge of energy, warmth and harmony. Only truly close people can create such an atmosphere, as this star couple appears before us. And it is worth noting that they do not make scandalous and impartial details of their personal lives public, unlike many other famous families.