Sukharev Alexander, director and actor: biography, personal life, photo

Sukharev Alexander, director and actor: biography, personal life, photo
Sukharev Alexander, director and actor: biography, personal life, photo

Alexander Sukharev – is a famous Russian actor, screenwriter and director who made his debut in the 2002 detective series Azazel. He is distinguished by a special look at the stage production, a wonderful sense of tact and humor. Let's tell you more about this wonderful person.

Sukharev Alexander
Sukharev Alexander

A few words about the biography of the actor and director

Sukharev Alexander is a strong and creative person. He is known as a good actor, talented director, screenwriter and producer. And if a lot is known about his film career, then information from his childhood is practically absent. So, according to certain data, our hero received a specialized stage education, having graduated from a professional studio school at the Moscow Art Theater.

First job and career success

After graduating from school, aspiring Moscow actor Alexander Sukharev (his biography is full of interesting events and unique coincidences) was noted by the leadership of the Chekhov Moscow Art Theater, where he was invited to work in 1995. And it was there that he easily put all his knowledge into practice.

Here Alexander Sukharev got a colossalstage experience. However, for personal reasons, the hero was forced to leave such an interesting place of work and in 2005 left the theater team.

Later he was a member of the Aparte theater group, where he began to act not only as an actor, but also as a director. It is here that our hero will meet his future wife a little later.

Alexander Sukharev director
Alexander Sukharev director

Alexander's teaching activities

Starting from 1999 to 2013, actor Alexander Sukharev decided to share his knowledge with other people. To do this, he wanted to learn a new profession for him as an acting teacher.

And while he was thinking where to go to realize his plans, he was invited to the studio school at the Moscow Art Theater. It was a wonderful place where he had previously studied. Therefore, he quite easily managed to find a common language with other teachers and the students themselves.

According to them, Sukharev Alexander Nikolaevich was famous for his extremely easy teaching style. He was well erudite and could continue any discussion, but only on the topic. For this, his students simply adored him, and other teachers respected him and set him as an example. And it's amazing. After all, our hero did not have a special pedagogical education.

photo by Alexander Sukharev
photo by Alexander Sukharev

The performances of the actor while working at school

During his work at the school at the Moscow Art Theater, director Alexander Sukharev managed to work on staging several performances at once. So, under his strict guidance, the play “A few days from the life of AlyoshaKaramazov”, the legendary production of “Othello” (according to W. Shakespeare) and “Notes from the Underground” by Dostoevsky. At the same time, for participation in the creation of the last play, Alexander Nikolayevich was awarded the Golden Leaf Prize.

In addition, Alexander Nikolayevich managed to recreate such a wonderful production as Chekhov's Five Pounds of Love. It is known that Alexander Sukharev (his photo can be found in this article) staged this performance together with students of the famous Harvard Institute. At the same time, the student premiere of this film adaptation received a huge number of positive reviews and was highly appreciated by theater critics.

Alexander Sukharev actor
Alexander Sukharev actor

Works of Alexander Nikolaevich

Despite all Alexander's love for the theater, he was always fascinated by large TV screens. Therefore, he easily combined his theatrical activity with a film career. At the same time, he started as an actor. For example, director Alexander Sukharev (the biography confirms this information from the artist's life) starred as a collegiate registrar and second officer in the film Azazel. And even though his participation in this film was insignificant, it was it that gave impetus to the further career of Alexander Nikolayevich.

Almost immediately after filming in the film "Azazel" our hero was invited to the site of the famous TV series "Turkish March". At that time, the shooting of the second season of the film saga was actively going on, and the director urgently needed a new face for the role of a young criminologist.

After small trials, Sukharev was immediately included in the already approved cast. Butsince the shooting of the series was already in full swing, the hero himself had to quickly get used to the role, learn the words and get involved in the filming process itself. And he did it with ease. So, our hero starred in the tenth episode, which was called "Golden Shot".

Then Alexander Nikolaevich starred in the film-performance "The Sakhalin Wife". Here he played a charming and uncompromising non-commissioned officer. In 2003, he had a small cameo role in the film Kill the Evening. And exactly a year later, Alexander was waiting for the promising role of a lieutenant in the film “MOORE is MOUR.”

In the period from 2007 to 2008, our hero periodically appeared in the movie "Atlantis". And the last time he was seen in the film "My main role in life" in 2013. The actor did not act in films anymore and acted more as a director, director and producer.

alexander sukharev actor biography
alexander sukharev actor biography

Director activity of Sukharev

One of the most serious works of the author was the series "Medical Secret", filmed in 2006. This tape told about one domestic clinic, within the walls of which a variety of patients were treated. At the same time, the main characters were the doctors themselves, who find themselves in various life situations.

In 2007, Sukharev not only starred in several episodes, but also worked on a production in the aforementioned Atlantis. In this series, we are talking about two families whose fates are intertwined by a combination of circumstances. At the same time, each of the main characters must return their "Atlantis" and restore the natural order of things.

In 2008Alexander is actively working on the series "Crazy Angel" with Svetlana Khodchenkova in the title role. In 2009, Sukherev released a new melodramatic film called "The Pursuit of Happiness".

In the main roles of this television film, our hero decides to use Tatyana Shchankina, Nikita Zvereva and Ekaterina Vinogradova. After the premiere, the film received a flurry of criticism. However, this did not stop the talented director, who almost immediately released his signature "Olympic Village".

By the way, in this series, our hero acted as a co-producer and co-author of the script. Sukharev received many positive reviews for this work. Moreover, he won the prize for the most interesting script. He received this award during the international film festival in the city of Cheboksary.

In 2012, another directorial work of Alexander was the film "Team Che", followed by two other films: "Marry at any cost" (2016) and "Hostage" (2017).

actor Alexander Sukharev personal life
actor Alexander Sukharev personal life

The brightest scenarios of the author

In addition to directing and acting, Alexander Nikolayevich also liked to work on writing scripts. According to his colleagues and people from his entourage, Sukharev likes to keep everything under control. And to follow the correct course of events, in his opinion, is possible only by doing all the work yourself. That's why writing the script helped him to control the entire filming process.

During his entire career, Sukharev managed to personally have a hand in writing scripts for the followingmovies:

  • Olympic Village (2011).
  • "Lace" (2014).
  • "Not Honeymoon" (2015).
  • Villainous Destiny (2016).
alexander sukharev director biography
alexander sukharev director biography

Actor Alexander Sukharev and personal life

Despite being busy and participating in the filming process, our hero still managed to arrange his personal life. So, during his work in the theater group "Aparte" at the Moscow Art Theater, Alexander met a pleasant and charming girl Anastasia Gorodentseva, who was born in June 1983. The chosen one of our hero impressed with her incredible grace (at that time the girl was actively involved in dancing) and impeccable lyrical soprano.

The future director liked the Muscovite so much that he almost immediately decided to get married. However, his dreams were not destined to come true due to certain circumstances. He managed to realize his plans a few years later, when he invited his beloved to the shooting of the series "Olympic Village".

After the wedding, the actress was repeatedly invited to small roles in various films directed by Sukharev. For example, she starred in the TV series "Doctor's Mystery" and the crime drama "Team Che".
