Tatyana Pushnaya: biography, personal life, children

Tatyana Pushnaya: biography, personal life, children
Tatyana Pushnaya: biography, personal life, children

Once they met in the 90s, they have been married for 20 years. They have, as in a Russian folk tale, three sons. Both do what they love and do not interfere with each other. Tatyana is a botanical artist and designer, and her husband is a musician and, in addition to participating in popular TV programs, writes his own rock versions of famous music and cartoon melodies.

What is it like to be the wife of a former KVN star, and now a famous TV presenter and musician Alexander Pushnoy?


The biography of Tatyana Pushnaya began on a fine day in the Siberian spring on March 14, 1977. The place of her birth was the distant city of Novosibirsk, the center of trade, business, cultural, industrial and scientific life in Siberia.

The working family she was born into was very ordinary. From early childhood, she liked to draw, as well as do all kinds of needlework: knit and cross-stitch.

Being a schoolgirl, Tatyana showed a great inclination towards the exact sciences, in the tenth grade she even won second place in the city's mathematical Olympiad. Therefore, after graduating from the gymnasium in 1993, she entered the M. A. Lavrentiev Physics and Mathematics School at Novosibirsk State University. This educational institution is located in the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok.

Below in the photo are students of the Physics and Mathematics School of the Novosibirsk Akademgorodok.

Lesson at the Physics and Mathematics School
Lesson at the Physics and Mathematics School


After graduating from the Physics and Mathematics School, Tatyana Pushnaya's education continued at the Novosibirsk National Research State University, where she entered the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics in 1994. In this educational institution, our heroine studied mathematics for four years, which she loved from school.

Becoming a student of this university, she was completely unaware that one tall and thin student-musician with eternally disheveled hair was already studying within its walls - her future husband.

Alexander Pushnoy, Tatyana's husband
Alexander Pushnoy, Tatyana's husband


Alexander Borisovich Pushnoy was born on May 16, 1975. The place of his birth was the same Novosibirsk Academgorodok, in one of the microdistricts of which the family of cybernetics Boris Mikhailovich and economist Nina Dmitrievna, his parents, lived.

Sasha grew up as a very musical child. Already at the age of seven he was sent to a music school, in which he had to combine classes with the usual general education ten years. On his twelfth birthday, his father gave him a seven-string guitar, which Alexander learned to play from books.

In 1992, whenTatyana Pushnaya was still a high school student, Alexander became a student at the Faculty of Physics at Novosibirsk State University, where his future wife entered a few years later.

Already being Tatyana's husband, Alexander became a member of the KVN team of his native university, in 1997 having won his first popularity with the audience with a brilliant parody of the singer Sting. His participation in KVN continued until 2004, when the well-known married couple of TV presenters Tatyana Lazareva and Mikhail Shats invited Fur to become a co-host in their Good Jokes program. Alexander's talent quickly manifested itself here too - he came up with the "APOL" contest, which was very fond of TV viewers.

In 2006, Fur became the host of the Galileo scientific and educational program, in which he independently conducted various experiments in front of the camera, demonstrating the laws of physics and chemistry.

Starting from 2008, Alexander has released three of his own music albums, the last of which, called "nedoshok", was released in 2015.

This will all be later, but for now, his fate, like the fate of Tatyana Pushnaya, the beautiful half of his future family, was slowly but inevitably approaching the moment of their meeting.

At the dawn of their relationship
At the dawn of their relationship


Alexander Pushnoy became an integral part of the personal life of the heroine of this article back in 1996, during their student days. The future showman worked as a sound engineer at the Palace of Culture of Academgorodok and at that time was the only one who knew how to set the sound correctly. Tatyanaworked there as a graphic designer. The case brought the future spouses together in one of the rooms of the Palace of Culture during a punk festival. That day the girl was busy cleaning it. The door opened, and through the clouds of dust raised by the broom in her hands, Tatyana Pushnaya made out the silhouette of a lanky figure, who immediately began to cough indicatively. They had a fight, and at the same time they got to know each other.

No romance, love swoons and sighs between the physicist Alexander and the mathematician Tatyana happened. Just for a moment, the two scholarly students were overcome by the realization that they seemed to have known each other for many years.

Then the couple met for almost two years and walked along the streets of Akademgorodok, after which one fine day Pushnoy brought his chosen one home and told his mother: “Tanya will live with us.”

Newlyweds Alexander and Tatiana Fur
Newlyweds Alexander and Tatiana Fur


Tatyana Pushnaya became the wife of Alexander Pushnoy on August 11, 1998. Being people not particularly romantic, but more so-called "crackers" from science, they immediately decided that the celebration of marriage is a holiday exclusively for the bride and groom, and not for a bunch of people and unnecessary expenses.

Fur Wedding
Fur Wedding

Therefore, their entire wedding consisted of themselves, a witness with a witness, the groom's parents, and even a couple of mutual friends.

True, according to the recollections of Nina Dmitrievna, Alexander's mother, Tatyana Pushnaya was subsequently very worried because she did not have a wedding dress, and still cannot survive it.

Fur Family

Pragmatists in life, young husband and wife turned out to be very suitable for each other. Alexander suffered from a mild form of color blindness since childhood and practically did not distinguish colors. Tatyana, on the other hand, had no ear for music at all. Therefore, their creative life absolutely never intersected. Both of them extremely valued their own personal space, but at the same time learned to help each other in their endeavors, or at least not interfere with each other.

After a long participation of Fur in the filming of KVN, held in the capital, they moved to the small town of Dolgoprudny near Moscow, where they settled for almost fifteen years.

Alexander considers himself a good husband, despite the complete lack of romance in their relationship:

Well, I don't know how to look after… Arrange some kind of romantic surprise, come with a bouquet of flowers, unexpectedly set the table - something doesn't work for me. Probably, sometime in the distant past, I broke off a lot, and now all this is somehow scary to me - I'm afraid of being ridiculed, or something. Even from my wife, whom I have known for a hundred years…

Like everyone else, there are quarrels in the family of Tatyana and Alexander Pushny, but they quickly fade away.

Spouses Alexander and Tatiana
Spouses Alexander and Tatiana

Tatiana became a real support for her rocker husband and taught him that family is forever, and all TV projects and shows are passing.

A rather funny story happened once. Journalists from a well-known magazine came to their home to interview.

Theycame to us, talked with me, with my wife, it all lasted an hour and a half. Then the journalists left, and then they called us and said that the material about us would not be published. I ask, what happened? They said - everything is so boring and banal with you that somehow it’s even uninteresting …


Tatyana Pushnaya and her husband Alexander have three children. And all are sons.

In 2004, six years after the wedding, their first child Dmitry was born, and five years later his younger brother Mikhail was born.

Furry with her husband and son
Furry with her husband and son

In 2016, an entry appeared on Tatiana's personal page in one of the social networks:

Today at 18:20 our Andrey Alexandrovich was born. A handsome guy with a height of 53 cm and 3,570 g. So now we have, like in fairy tales, three sons!..

According to Alexander Fur, his father turned out to be a "figovenky". He sees himself as a crazy, alarmist dad overly responsible for his sons' he alth.

Elder sons
Elder sons

Tatyana, on the other hand, treats motherhood more calmly and judiciously. While her husband Alexander disappears on the set and performances, she leads the usual life of a mother. She is responsible for her sons, their lessons, school and kindergarten.

Recently, her nanny has been helping her, taking on walks with the children, so that Tatiana can calmly and in silence do her favorite art.


After her second son Mikhail was born in September 2009Tatyana learned what scrapbooking is, a kind of handicraft art, which consists in the manufacture and design of family or personal photo albums. Seeing examples of work, she recognized the name of what she had been doing for many years.

Below in the picture is a photo frame from Tatyana Pushnaya.

Photo frame by Tatyana
Photo frame by Tatyana

Being on another maternity leave, suffering from sitting in one place and routine, she plunged headlong into this meticulous needlework. Her first page of the photo album, made in this style, was dedicated to her son.

Album from Tatyana Pushnaya
Album from Tatyana Pushnaya

At the same time, in addition to taking care of the children, Alexander Pushnoy's parents had he alth problems. Her everyday life became too heavy and sad. The relief from scrapbooking she had before was gone.

Then Tatyana tried to make postcards using this technique, hitting the nail on the head. Making a small postcard was a faster process, but the result was no less spectacular. In just a few night hours, it was possible to get a completely finished product (a New Year's card from Tatyana Pushnaya can be seen below in the photo).

New Year card
New Year card

When Tatyana was interviewed and asked about the source of her inspiration, she answered:

I don't have a special muse. Sometimes paper inspires, sometimes photos, sometimes some emotions! In general, for me, a breakthrough and a step in the direction was participation in the blog team "Look around!" That's when Idiscovered unusual sources of inspiration…

While the Pushny family lived in Dolgoprudny, Tatyana often had to huddle on the kitchen windowsill, doing her favorite art.

And then they moved to Moscow.

Talented designer
Talented designer


What is Tatyana Pushnaya doing now? After buying a new apartment, she was busy developing her future design for a long time, fully embodying all her creative talent in the result.

Today, still being a patient and sensible mother, she began organizing children's parties in the style of scrap fashion. Tatyana is the official designer of the network of scrap shops and clubs, maintains her scrap blog on social networks

Exhibition of paintings by Tatyana Pushnaya
Exhibition of paintings by Tatyana Pushnaya

Besides scrapbooking, Tatyana is still interested in painting and drawing, and recently her work can be seen at contemporary art exhibitions.
