The Federal State Budgetary Institution "Joint Directorate of the State Nature Reserve "Baikal-Lensky" and the Pribaikalsky National Park", better known as the "Reserved Pribaikalye", began its activity in 2014. This non-profit organization arose during the reorganization of subordinate To the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation state institutions.
A Brief History
The basis for the emergence of this organization was the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia No. 251, which was adopted on July 18, 2013. And the very next year, this state institution began its vigorous activity.

Several reserves of the East Siberian region were included in the "Reserved Baikal region" at once. All of them were the most important environmental organizations.
Due to the large area of the "Reserved Baikal region", which stretches over vast territories from north to south from the upper reaches of the Lena River to the Sayan Mountains, the climate, although sharply continental, is more mild in areas close to Lake Baikal. Near Peschanka Bayeven a positive average annual temperature is observed. In the upper reaches of the Lena and Kirenga rivers, the climate, on the contrary, is sharper and more severe. There are short summers and long, frosty winters.
Pribaikalsky National Park
This protected area is a large protected natural object. In addition, this is one of the four components of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "Reserved Baikal Region".

The park itself was created in 1986, and its area is about 417,000 hectares. This national park includes vast territories along the western shore of Lake Baikal, as well as Olkhon Island and the Small Sea (Baikal). On its territory there is a variety of natural landscapes.
Baikal-Lensky Nature Reserve
Its area is slightly larger than that of the Pribaikalsky Park, and is approximately 660,000 hectares. It was also created in 1986.

The reserve is located on vast territories in the upper reaches of the Lena. Almost all of it is covered with dense taiga forests, where untouched, virgin nature has been preserved. It is also home to the largest number of bears in the mainland.
State Reserve "Krasny Yar"
This is another integral structural part of the "Reserved Baikal region". Unlike the aforementioned protected areas, Krasny Yar was created much later, namely in 2000. However, the basis for itappearance was the species reserve of regional subordination, created back in 1971.
It is extremely important for the conservation of many species of animals inhabiting Eastern Siberia. Among these species: roe deer, deer, moose and others.
Tofalar State Reserve
Established in 1971. Previously, one of the first protected natural areas in Russia, the Sayan Reserve, was located in this area.

The "Tofalar" nature reserve is distinguished by incredibly colorful and picturesque mountain landscapes, stormy mountain rivers.
Flora and fauna
The species diversity of the "Reserved Baikal region" is not very rich, but a large number of animals have been preserved here, which have almost disappeared in the rest of the Russian Federation.
Among the animals whose habitat falls on these territories, we can distinguish:
- brown bear;
- Baikal seals;
- Siberian moles;
- great cormorant.
There is also a wide variety of other birds, smooth-nosed bats, beavers and muskrats. It is difficult to count all the animals living on these vast lands.

As for the plant world, the "Reserved Baikal region" is no less interesting. Many important and rather rare representatives of vegetation are preserved here.
In the "Baikal-Lensky" reserve, almost a thousand species of plants are under protection, as well as a largenumber of mosses, lichens and fungi. Many of them continue to exist only thanks to the activities of this organization.
Almost one and a half thousand species of flora are officially registered in the Pribaikalsky National Park. In total, on the territory of all structural parts, there are a total of more than one and a half thousand plant species that need constant protection.
About fifty species of plants are endemic, so they can not be found anywhere else. Their protection and protection is especially important.
This organization, located on the western coast of Lake Baikal, has several main areas of activity where active work is carried out.
The key areas in which the employees of the environmental organization are active are:
- enlightenment;
- science;
- security.
Scientific and security work is fundamental. It is these two directions that determine almost the entire course of work of the "Reserved Baikal Region". In Irkutsk, on Baikalskaya Street, there is an office of the organization where all documents are processed, the organization is managed and much more.
As far as science is concerned, the employees of the organization carry out extensive activities aimed at studying flora and fauna, as well as some natural phenomena. The composition of the scientific department includes 7 people.

The total list of scientific papers written by the employees of the institution is in the tens. They contributea considerable contribution to modern botany, zoology and related sciences.
Protective activities are aimed at protecting the flora and fauna from illegal hunting, poaching, illegal logging, etc.
One of the biggest problems of Zapovednoe Pribaikalye as an organization is the lack of funding and labor. The real salvation is to attract volunteers and get them involved in the work.
With the help of volunteers, garbage collection, repair of some objects and structures, improvement of trails, etc.
Volunteers do not need to pay, but they can get new impressions and acquaintances as a reward for their work, as well as the opportunity to visit the most beautiful and picturesque places in the Baikal region: on the Small Sea (Baikal), in the Sayans, on the island of Olkhon etc.
One of the most important sources of income for the organization is tourism, which brings the lion's share of earnings. In many ways, this helps to cope with underfunding.
Ecotourism, in general, is one of the most developed and promising industries in the East Siberian region. "Reserved Pribaikalye" carries out cruise trips and excursions on Lake Baikal. Among them there are both short walks and long, multi-day excursions.

Especially for these purposes, a representative office has been set up in the village of Listvyanka (a popular tourist destination), which regulates the work of the organization in the field of tourism.
Mostincome from this activity falls on the summer period. In winter, there are much fewer tourists, so work in this direction practically stops, although formally it continues to be carried out.
In addition to excursions, a small fee is also charged for visiting protected areas. A full ticket for an adult costs about 100 rubles. For privileged categories of citizens 50, and for children under 7 years old, orphans, disabled people, etc., admission is free.
"Reserved Baikal" is a unique environmental organization that is of great importance not only for Eastern Siberia, but for the whole country, and possibly the world.
Many species of animals and plants are preserved here, scientific research and research is carried out, as well as work to improve the environment. Thanks to this, ordinary residents of the region and visiting tourists can join the natural splendor of the Baikal region.
If it were not for the active and continuous activities of this organization, then, most likely, many animals and plants that inhabit these lands today could disappear from our planet without a trace. In a critical and unstable ecological situation on Earth, this would be completely unacceptable and negligent. Because of human activity, all nature on the planet suffers, therefore, only by protecting and preserving it, you can save the entire planet and prevent an ecological catastrophe.