Amazing Daria Verbova: a beautiful model with a high IQ

Amazing Daria Verbova: a beautiful model with a high IQ
Amazing Daria Verbova: a beautiful model with a high IQ

One of the most sought-after models in the world is said to have caught her luck by the tail, in response she works hard, not paying attention to envious people. Living in conditions of the most severe discipline, the Canadian, who grew up in a Ukrainian family, is capricious, but the film crew treats her character indulgently, receiving luxurious photos. They say about her that in front of the camera the model reveals herself like no one else, bringing herself to ecstasy, and they call the shots with the participation of the eminent catwalk diva “real trophies.”

The start of a successful career

Accustomed to working on herself daily, Daria Verbova was born in 1983, but even after stepping over her 30th birthday, she looks amazing. The model considers all the achievements in her modeling career to be her merit, now she herself chooses those projects in which she would like to participate. After several months of intense filming, Daria takes a mandatory vacation for herself, recovering with yoga classes.

photo of darya verbova
photo of darya verbova

The beginning of a career was laid at school, when the girl acceptedparticipation in a local modeling competition, which she won, after which the well-known agency Elite Models concludes a contract with Daria. However, the real success comes only in 2003 during fashion shows, and the whole world will recognize her after advertising the fragrance Hypnose by Lancôme. Daria Verbova demonstrates the most popular clothing brands and appears on the covers of glossy magazines. Two years later, she is named Top Model No. 1 and given the title of Face of the Year.

Favorite thing

Included in the top ten highest paid models, the beauty, who once admitted that she would end her career at 27, still acts a lot and considers her words premature. “While I’m doing what I love, I don’t think about anything else. Of course, I could sit back, but I am granted many privileges that it is a sin to complain about. True, I slowed down the pace, and there are much fewer filming now,”admits Daria Verbova.

Seven-year contract with Lancôme

The "dream contract" with the cosmetics and perfume brand Lancôme has been extended for 7 years, which is considered a real record for the model. Representing the company's fragrances and skin care for a long time, Daria Verbova is not going to cooperate with other brands, despite the promised fabulous fees. She explained her position this way: “I love Lankom products, and the people who work there have become my family for a long time.”

Icon in the modeling world

The leadership of the modeling agency that collaborates with Daria calls her a professional in her field and a real icon in the world of gloss. On stingingjournalists' statements about an aging fashion model, who are stepped on the heels of young people striving to reach heights in the profession, it restrainedly answers that the value of icons only increases with age.

Passion for yoga

Daria Verbova's photo in popular beauty magazines suggests the ecology of modern life. This type of soulful face is at the very peak of fashion, so the beauty passionate about yoga is the muse of all designers. She carefully controls her image, because on the set she must demonstrate impeccable external data and harmony in her soul. For two years, Verbova has been engaged in the most difficult practice, which requires not only psychological concentration, but also good physical data, allowing you to perform dynamic asanas without rest.

daria verbova
daria verbova

Beauty recalls how hard it was at first in the modeling business: she lived under constant pressure of ups, downs, moving from one place to another. The depression that covered the model lasted a long time until Daria turned to the spiritual practice of Buddhism.

High IQ

She is not afraid to grow old, believing that age is only in a person's head, and society imposes all limits regarding model boundaries. Fragile Daria Verbova, whose height, weight (180 cm, 56 kg) allow her to look amazing in any, even the most tight-fitting outfits, is also known as the smartest model on the globe.

daria verbova height weight
daria verbova height weight

The well-known editor of the magazine that dictates fashion, Anna Wintour, in one interview gave a description of the most sought-afterfashion model, calling her "a model with high intellectual development", and confessed her love to her. And hearing this from the lips of the most powerful woman in the beauty industry is worth a lot!
