Unemployment is a complex socio-economic indicator that depends on a number of different factors. Official statistics are often criticized because they are calculated in a way that is more beneficial to the state and may not reflect the real state of affairs. Unemployment statistics in the United States has its own individual characteristics. In general, it is considered very low and is gradually decreasing.

US standard of living
In general, the level of material well-being in the United States is considered to be quite high, if we compare the state of affairs in this country with the general situation in the world. Approximately half of the income of the average American family can be used for savings, while the other goes to current expenses. Significant amounts are spent on rent, food, medical services. At the same time, various non-food productsare cheap. Communication is quite expensive.
The cost of food in the US (in terms of rubles) is significantly higher than in Russia. Moreover, the ratio of prices for different types of products differs sharply from ours. Much more expensive than in Russia, there are fruits, eggs, bread. The cost of milk and cheese is about the same.
$80 to $90 a week for groceries. The cost of a taxi ride is significantly higher, and gasoline prices are significantly lower than in Russia.
Some states mark up food. They are highest in California (18%). In other states, such as Idaho, food prices are lower than the national average. The cost of one dinner for two in places of public catering will be about 10 dollars, and in a good restaurant - 4-5 times more.
Quite a significant cost of utilities. The levels of total taxes deducted from wages are also high. In the US, they make up about a quarter of the patch. At the same time, there is a progressive scale of taxation. In America, a lot of money is spent on real estate.
Medical services are particularly expensive in the US. This means that getting sick in this country is not economically profitable. Higher education is also paid and is not cheap. At the same time, it is much easier for people with higher education to find a job.
Demographic dynamics
Important for the employment situation is population dynamics. The US population is constantly growing, at an average rate of 1% per year. This may be due, among other things, to the increase in life expectancy in this country, whichincreases by 0.5 - 1 year annually. The increase in life expectancy is associated with a decrease in mortality from diseases.
Employment statistics
The US working-age employment rate is estimated at 67 percent, in line with the European average. Among Americans with higher education, this figure reaches 80. Employment in the EU countries is not so sensitive to the level of education. There are also gender differences in the structure of employment in the United States. For women, this figure is 62%, and for men - 71%. Among young people, 17.5% are unemployed. All this corresponds to the average European levels.

At the same time, wages in the US are higher than in Europe. For a year, the average American receives $54,500, and, for example, in Poland - $19,800 a year. The meager, in comparison with these figures, salaries in the regions of Russia can not even be mentioned.
The difference between the wages of the poor and the rich is moderate at 2.95.
According to statistics, among the white population of this country, employment is significantly higher than among representatives of other races. It is also easier for whites to get jobs.
In recent years, it has become more difficult to find a job in the US in the speci alty, and many live on benefits and savings for years before they get this opportunity.
The average time spent in the same position is about 4 years, and for young people it is 2.9 years. The number of working pensioners is constantly increasing, which worsens the opportunities foremployment of young people. So, in the 80s of the 20th century, 18% of the total number of people of retirement age worked, and in 2015 - 29%.
US Unemployment - Level, Statistics
The average official unemployment rate in the United States is about 5%. The actual level is significantly higher, which is associated with the peculiarities of accounting for the unemployed. However, in any case, the data on unemployment in the US is quite optimistic.

At the same time, more and more unemployed leave the labor exchange, registering for disability, entering higher education institutions or simply stopping looking for a new job. The level of benefits in the US is quite high, which allows you to exist without working anywhere at all. This is especially true for migrants. Those who never found a job and stopped looking for it are not included in the statistics. There are 2.1 million of them in the USA. These people receive special benefits and food stamps.
According to statistics, the total number of unemployed is up to 12%. This is the true unemployment rate in the US. From 2007 to 2014 their number has doubled.

The proportion of people working in low-paid places is 48 million people. According to the chairman of the Fed, the real situation with US employment is worse than according to official government statistics. The highest unemployment rates are among African Americans, Hispanics and young people. Among young people, the share of unemployed is 19.6%, this share is slightly lower among people from Africa. Moreover, the situation with unemployment in these categoriespopulation is not improving.
Many older people do not want to leave their jobs, holding on to jobs that are underserved by more able-bodied and younger citizens. Now more and more young people with higher education are employed in low-skilled professions. The worst situation is for black Americans. The poverty rate among them is 27 percent and is on the rise.
Retail, food, he althcare, construction, business and services, and some of the manufacturing sectors posted the biggest gains in jobs.
In total, 92 million Americans are unemployed. The number of people working full-time, according to some data, is less than 50 percent.
Solving unemployment
The US is dealing with the problem of unemployment at the highest level. Measures are being taken to create new jobs. So, in 2014, 811,000 new vacancies appeared in the country, but only on a part-time basis. At the same time, full-time jobs are being cut. Thus, those who wish to work full-time often fail to find a suitable job, as noted in the research report. Of the new jobs, ¾ are part-time vacancies. From 2007 to 2014 their number has increased dramatically.

Comparison with Russia
If we compare the unemployment rate in Russia and in the US, then we will find it much higher. This is related toincluding the fact that in our country not all unemployed are registered at the labor exchange. The actual unemployment rate in Russia is now very high.
Gender differences
In the past, the labor market was built in such a way that men were more in demand and could receive more salaries. The country needed a significant number of workers, builders and economists. These areas are much better mastered by men. Now the situation in the United States is changing and the demand for women in the labor market is growing. They are more likely to get jobs related to the service sector, trade, medicine, and education. At the same time, traditionally male professions are less and less in demand, and there are layoffs. One of the tasks of the new US President Donald Trump was the revival of these traditionally male areas of activity, but in the long term he is unlikely to reverse the trend.
Another difference between American women and men is the better adaptability of the latter to a changing situation. Men, on the contrary, are distinguished by conservatism and adherence to the usual rhythm of life and work. They are also more negative than women about the idea of changing their place of residence in order to find a better job. As a result, finding a suitable place is now easier for women than for men.
American attitudes towards work
According to statistics, in the United States a large number of people are unemployed by vocation, that is, in principle, do not want to get any job. This is especially true for migrants. They make outvarious benefits. Among the homeless in the United States, there is a significant percentage of those who have consciously chosen this life path for themselves.
In addition, statistics show a deterioration in the attitude of American citizens to their work. So, in 1987, at least 60% of the total number of residents were satisfied with it, and among people over 65 this figure reached 70.8%. Now the numbers are almost 20 percent lower.

The reasons for dissatisfaction with their work are standard: these are complaints about the high demands of the employer, insufficient wages, low growth prospects, as well as the personal characteristics of the leader. Many are also afraid of losing their jobs. Despite high salaries, in a number of American families, the loss of a job of even one of the spouses can lead to serious financial problems. First of all, of course, this applies to those who have (or rent) expensive housing, send their children to study in expensive universities, and have outstanding loans (a very common situation in the United States). It is also known that the cost of medical care in the country is too high.
US unemployment rate by year
The economic crisis of 2008-2009 had a great impact on the level of employment in the US. So, until mid-2008, the unemployment rate did not reach even 5 percent, but then it increased sharply, reaching a maximum level of 10 percent in the first months of 2010. After that, its level began to decline, and in March 2015 it amounted to 5.3%. During this period, the number of jobs in the entertainment and tourism sectors has grown dramatically, and people have becometravel more.

Some people who lost their jobs during the crisis have not been able to find a new job until now.
In recent years, there has been a decline in the unemployment rate in the US. In March 2018, it was less than 5% in many states, with a low of 2.6 percent in Colorado. The highest rates are traditionally in Alaska - 7.3%. According to experts, this is due to historical reasons. The fall in the unemployment rate is likely caused by the protectionist policies of the new US President Donald Trump, who promised to create many new jobs.
External causes of unemployment in the US
One of the main causes of unemployment is the outflow of industries to developing countries. As a result, American factories employ specialists from China, India, and Latin America. Their salaries are lower, and the level of qualifications is sufficient.
Another possible reason is the growth of competition with other countries in the field of high technologies. As a result, America is losing its former position as a supplier of such products. Goods from China, for example, turn out to be cheaper, but in terms of technical parameters they may not be inferior to American ones. The reduction in the sales market also means a reduction in the number of jobs. This may also apply to other areas of production activity.
Thus, the US unemployment rate is low.