A simple, clear and relatively short story - the city was founded at the end of the 19th century and named after the founder. Understandable fate - to become part of St. Petersburg in the near future. Vsevolozhsk continues to develop successfully, gradually becoming one of the centers of the country's automotive industry.
General information

Vsevolozhsk has come close to its regional center, now they are separated by only 7 km, at the beginning of the century it was at a distance of 28 km. It is the administrative center of the Vsevolozhsky district of the Leningrad region. The territory of the city is located on the Rumbolovsko-Kyaselevskaya and Koltushskaya uplands. The Lubya River flows through the city from east to west.
Thanks to attracting foreign investment, several enterprises of the automotive cluster are operating, including the Ford car assembly plant. The city has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the country. The Vsevolozhsk Employment Center is located at 28 Aleksandrovskaya St. Offered vacancies:
- highly skilled workers (locksmithtoolmaker, milling machine, locksmith) with a salary of 40-50 thousand rubles;
- engineering and technical workers (design engineer, labor protection engineer) with a salary of 30-53 thousand rubles;
- teachers, educators, salespeople with a salary of 20-25 thousand rubles;
- cleaners with a salary of 11.4 thousand rubles.
Foundation of the city
The city of Vsevolozhsk appeared thanks to the construction of the Irinovskaya railway - the first narrow-gauge railway in Russia, designed to deliver peat to St. Petersburg. Construction was carried out on shares, and one of the shareholders was a we althy nobleman, landowner and industrialist Pavel Alexandrovich Vsevolozhsky. He wanted one of the stations of the narrow gauge railway passing through his lands to receive a family name.
However, the first built railway platform was "Ryabovo", after the name of the landowner's estate. It was opened in 1892, now it is considered the year of foundation of the city. Only three years later, a mile and a half after the completion of the construction of the Irinovskaya railway, the Vsevolozhskaya station was built. Gradually, a dacha settlement grew up around the two stations, later becoming a regional center, between the two world wars.
Development of the region

Russian settlement of the region began after the triumphant victory in the Northern War of 1700-1721. Emperor Peter the Great began to grant the surrounding lands around the future capital to his especially distinguished associates. Convoys withpeasant families, who began to populate the granted lands, crowding out the local Finnish population. The proportion of Russians gradually began to increase among the population of Vsevolozhsk.
The territory of modern Vsevolozhsk began to be built up with noble estates (farmstead, estate from Finnish). Ryabovo manor was built among the first, the owners of which were at different times, including the legendary prince A. Menshikov and banker I. Frederiks. Settlements have existed in the region since ancient times, the villages of Lubya, Ryabovo, Ryabovo Vladykino and Ryabovo Novoe in the valley of the Lubya River were mentioned in the "Census Book of the Vodskaya Pyatina" of 1500. On the maps of 1580 by the Swedish cartographer Pontus de la Gardie, the village of Lubya is marked in Karelia.
Vsevolozhsky appeared in this region in 1818, when Ryabovo was bought by chamberlain Vsevolod Andreyevich Vsevolozhsky. An old noble family owned the estate until 1917.
Further history

The railway was also built through the lands of Johann Bernhard, in January 1910, by his forgiveness, one of the stations was renamed "Bernhardovka". Currently, this is the name of one of the microdistricts of the city. Several more former narrow-gauge railway platforms entered Vsevolozhsk. By 1914, a hospital, two churches - Lutheran and Orthodox, and several schools were built in these settlements.

The city status of the village of Vsevolozhsky was assigned on February 1, 1963 by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. It was on this day that the populationVsevolozhsk celebrates the birthday of the city of Vsevolozhsk.
Data on the population of Vsevolozhsk in the pre-revolutionary period are not recorded. The region was quite densely populated, as evidenced by the fact that in 1914 there were two schools - Vsevolozhskaya and Ryabovskaya, and the Kyasselev two-year school. From 1920 to 1926 only residents of the dacha village Vsevolozhsky were registered. In 1920, 1425 people lived in the village. According to the census, Russians (49.47%), Finns (45.98%) and Estonians (4.53%) lived in the Vsevolozhsk volost. In 1938, an administrative reform was carried out, the dacha settlement was classified as a workers' settlement with the addition of several settlements, including Maryino, Ryabovo and Berngardovka. 11,848 people lived in the workers' settlement Vsevolozhsky. In 1939, 90.2% of Russians lived in it, followed by Ukrainians - 1.5% and Belarusians - 1.3%. Representatives of the indigenous nationality, the Ingrians, there were 220 people or 0.2%.
Population dynamics

During the years of the war, by 1945, the population had almost halved to 6296 people. Many people went to fight, some were evacuated inland. In the first post-war years, the population of Vsevolozhsk increased rapidly; in 1959, 27,768 people lived in the city. In subsequent years, the number of inhabitants continued to grow. In addition to natural growth, the population is increasing due to a large influx from other regions to numerous newly opened new industries. For all subsequent years, only threecase of a slight decrease in the number of inhabitants.

Even in the difficult 90s for the whole country, the population of the city of Vsevolozhsk did not decrease. In the 2000s, thanks to the development of an automobile cluster in the Leningrad region, the number of residents continued to grow. It first exceeded 60,000 people in 2012. The presence of a good supply of jobs and sufficient social protection for the population of Vsevolozhsk also attract people to the region. The national composition of the inhabitants is quite stable - Russians make up more than 90%, followed by Ukrainians and Belarusians. Ingrians live 92 people or 0.2%. In 2018, the population of Vsevolozhsk was 72,864.