Tamara Degtyareva: actress known for her role as Agata Savelyeva from Eternal Call

Tamara Degtyareva: actress known for her role as Agata Savelyeva from Eternal Call
Tamara Degtyareva: actress known for her role as Agata Savelyeva from Eternal Call

Soviet and Russian theater and film actress Tamara Degtyareva woke up famous all over the country after the release of the serial film "Eternal Call". She got the role of Agata Savelyeva. One of the first Soviet television series was incredibly popular with the viewer. Based on the novel of the same name by Anatoly Ivanov, it tells about the difficult life of ordinary rural families.

Childhood and youth

Star of "Eternal Call"
Star of "Eternal Call"

Tamara Degtyareva was born in May 1944 in Korolyov near Moscow. Already in childhood, the future actress imagined how she plays on stage, how she rehearses roles and gets used to different images.

After graduating from school, I went to enter the Shchepkinskoye school. Parents supported their daughter in her aspirations. Studying was easy for young Tamara. After receiving her diploma, the girl was invited to the troupe of the Moscow Theater for Young Spectators. It was here that the formation of Tamara Degtyareva asactresses. She worked in the theater until 1970, until she was invited to the famous Sovremennik.

Creative biography of Tamara Degtyareva

The actress gave several years of her life to Sovremennik. Until now, giving some interviews, he admits that he considers the theater his second home.

The first performances for Tamara Degtyareva were "Anfisa", "A Star in the Morning Sky", "Demons" after Dostoevsky, "Three Sisters", "Meetings at Dawn" and several others. She reincarnated as grandmothers, older women, as a young girl. And critics at the same time noted that the actress is harmonious in any way.

Tamara Degtyareva "Eternal Call"
Tamara Degtyareva "Eternal Call"

As for the filmography of Tamara Degtyareva, it is insignificant. In addition to "Eternal Call", the most famous works of Tamara Degtyareva were the TV shows "The Wall" and "Warning to Small Ships". The first was based on the play by A. Galin and in 1992 was filmed. It is noteworthy that the actress herself acted as an assistant director. Participation in the second took place five years later. The script for the performance "Warning to Small Ships" was written based on the famous play by T. Williams.

Career and he alth

With the advent of the 2000th, there was not much work in the theater. In addition, in 2012, the actress suffered a serious illness, and the work had to be relegated to the background. However, two years later, Tamara Degtyareva returned to the stage. In the production of "The Time of Women" shegot the role of grandmother. Initially, the producers and directors of the play prepared the script specifically for Degtyareva, but due to the illness of the actress, they were forced to stage Svetlana Korkoshko, who replaced Tamara for two years and approached the work quite seriously.

Tamara Degtyareva at home
Tamara Degtyareva at home

The course of treatment was long - the woman suffered a serious infection, it took more than one year to restore the body. Doctors had to amputate his leg. But the woman did not stop thinking about work for a minute and sought to meet her audience again. And as soon as she received approval from the doctors, she began to speak. In connection with the new circumstances, the directors had to go to the trick: find new scenes, change some details and details.

Personal life of Tamara Degtyareva

For a long time nothing was known about the private life of the actress. She hid the details, did not want her viewer to know about illnesses, ailments, but most of all about how her fate is developing in the love sphere.

She always repeated that she should be more interesting to others for what she did useful, for her performances and work. During her short career, she managed to star in 30 films and was proud of this achievement.

Actress Tamara Degtyareva on the set
Actress Tamara Degtyareva on the set

Despite the fact that the woman never spoke about the details of her personal life, it is known that she was married to Yuri Pogrebnichko. The future spouses met as students, when they played together on the theater stage. After a short time, the lovers played a wedding. But after a while they realized that they were in a hurry. Their relationship could not be called happy and cloudless. The family as such did not work out, the couple had no children. After breaking up with Yuri, Tamara became somewhat withdrawn into herself, did not want to communicate with the press. Until now, he does not want to remember his marriage and tries not to talk about his ex-spouse. She considers divorce the only right decision in the situation that happened.

Actress today

Currently, Tamara Degtyareva lives alone. After a divorce from her husband, she could not find a worthy life partner. She admits that she does not consider herself lonely at all, she tries to lead an active lifestyle, enjoy what is given to her and be happy just like that, or even in spite of everything. Sometimes this is not so easy to achieve.

actress now
actress now

Tamara Degtyareva is not hiding from the press, not so long ago she was invited to the program "Tonight", where they recalled the series "Eternal Call". She looks good for her age, tries to be optimistic.

For a long time, in addition to direct acting, she was also busy as an assistant director in some productions.
