Recently, a very popular name for a girl is Sophia. Still, it is not only beautiful, but also old-fashioned. So they called many princesses, and how many literary heroines with that name - do not count! By the way, the names Sophia and Sophia are exactly the same in meaning and differ only in sound. Many newly-made parents are very surprised when, when registering a child, they are asked how exactly to register the baby. Following this, the puzzled mom and dad ask a completely logical question: “Sofia and Sophia - different names or not?”
Actually, Sophia and Sofya are the same name, except that the first option is the Church Slavonic sound, and the second is colloquial. Therefore, if you are asked the question: “Sofia and Sophia - different names or not?”, You can safely answer: “The same!”
Byzantine heritage
This name appeared in Russia in the 13th century along with the Orthodox faith, which came to our land from Byzantium. Since the Moscow Prince Yuri Danilovich called his only daughter a new name, it has been firmly entrenched in aristocratic families. Sophia is the name given to one of the daughters of the first tsar of the Romanov dynasty. The daughter of the second king, also Sophia, ruled at the end of the 17th centuryRussia.
A century later, this name was one of the most common among the nobles. In those days, in addition to the Russian language, it was fashionable to speak French. Accordingly, this was reflected in the names, which became bilingual. So, Sophia turned into Sophie for a while. By the way, you can read about this in Tolstoy's famous novel War and Peace.
In the Soviet Union, the popularity of the name has fallen almost to a minimum, but today every third newborn is called Sophia.

Entering in a personal file
So, Sophia and Sophia… Different names or not? What is the best way to write this name on the birth certificate? It's up to the parents, of course. Sofia sounds more aristocratic and intelligent, while Sofia sounds more melodious and gentle. In fact, the difference between the names Sophia and Sophia is just one letter.
Sacred meaning
Sophia is a name that is translated from ancient Greek as "possessing wisdom." It perfectly reflects such a zodiac sign as Libra, and is also endowed with all the properties of the planet Saturn. Most esotericists associate this name with dark blue. An unusually beautiful lapis lazuli stone can become a talisman for Sophia, and linden can be a healing plant. The lucky day for the owners of this name is Friday, and the season is autumn.

Kids with kind hearts
Little Sofias grow up as kind and compassionate girls. They do not cry in vain and rarely take offense. In the house of a baby with that name, you can oftenmeet a street animal, which, by coincidence, got into trouble. Baby Sophie has a big and kind heart, eager to help anyone in need.
Among strangers, Sonya behaves somewhat stiffly, shyly. Even their friends do not trust all the secrets and often they are frank only with relatives. By the way, family and good relations with relatives for girls with this name always come first.
Sonechki are inventive and each relative easily finds an approach. They know what to play to get a coveted toy or a handful of chocolates.

As a schoolgirl, Sophia will study diligently, meticulously completing all her homework and speaking brilliantly at the blackboard. The bearers of this name have a sharp mind and an excellent memory. The learned material literally bounces off their teeth.
Girls with this name are activists who are directly involved in school life, from Russian literature competitions to the Fun Starts contest.
Despite the softness of character and non-conflict, they have their own opinion on everything and are ready to defend it to the last argument, which will always be theirs.
Sonya loves to work with beads, embroider and make various crafts, and are also fond of performances and music.

Delicate young ladies
Sophia's tender babies grow into sophisticated girls. They are hardworking, thanks to which they are very much appreciated in any field. Natural livability helps Sonya to make friends with all members of the team. Thanks to such qualities as pedantry, diligence and perfectionism, Sophias move up the career ladder without much difficulty and often occupy leadership positions.
Young Sofia is not deprived of delicacy and sensitivity. She will never offend a loved one, she will always sympathize with the disadvantaged and pity the unfortunate.

The ideal of femininity
A woman named Sophia is a treasure for any man. These are ideal wives who always keep the house clean, and the relations of all family members are in harmony. Sony loves to cook - and they are excellent at it!
The house of such women seems to have a special, warm aura. There will certainly be many books and old films in it. Sofia cannot imagine her existence without pets, whether they are cats, dogs or guinea pigs.
Despite her apparent softness, Sofya is a tough nut to crack! It is unlikely that anyone will be able to offend her and drive her into a corner. The owner of this name knows how to stand up for herself and for others. Truth is above all for her.
Sophias are born with a generous soul. They are not greedy and are ready to give the last piece of bread if something happens. Such women will warm a homeless baby and buy groceries for a lonely grandmother from a neighboring entrance.
In love, tender Sophia has a stormy temperament: she loves sex and knows how to do it. However, she will never enter into a relationship with someone she does not love. Sex for her is a merging of souls in the first place, andlater - tel.
Sophias love it when they admire their beauty, intelligence and other qualities of character. They yearn to bathe in compliments and love and will not tolerate any slights towards themselves.
Falling in love with Sofia is very easy: she captivates with beauty, warmth, tenderness and radiance emanating from her. It is very difficult to forget such a woman - one might say, almost impossible.
So, now the reader knows the answer to the question: "Sofia and Sophia - different names or not?" Parents who decide to name their girl Sonya will be very lucky with a complaisant and obedient child. A man who marries a woman named Sophia will be doubly lucky.