First, let's figure out where the tiger lives. It is generally accepted that the birthplace of these wild cats is Southeast Asia. From there they settled closer to the north, reaching the Ussuri region and the Amur region. But their habitat is not limited to the Far East alone. Once upon a time, tigers lived throughout India, on the islands of Sumatra, Bali, Java and the islands of the Malay Archipelago.

Eternal Wanderer
In a narrow sense, the question of where a tiger lives is difficult to answer. The fact is that this is an eternal wanderer. Even if he marks the territory, it will not be for long, after a couple of weeks he leaves for other places where you can profit.
Hunting prey
The predator goes hunting in the evening, only in rare cases, if the beast is terribly hungry, he hunts during the day. Because of its peculiar color, the tiger seems very bright, but in fact the orange skin with black stripes is a very good disguise for the field . His favorite way of attacking his prey is with a lightning jump from a dense bush. This is where the predator comes in handy with a protective coloration that masks it. The tiger sneaks up almost close and rushes at the victim, biting into its throat or breaking its neck with a powerful blow of its paw. Of course, the victim has no chance of survival. A predator easily kills a bear or a horse with one of its deadly paw strikes! Horror is simple! Interestingly, it does not make any sounds when attacked.
It should be added that a tiger is a solitary hunter, and even if he hunts with a female, this "cooperation" lasts no more than a week, after which they diverge from the world.

Tiger menu
It's actually an omnivore. If a predator is very hungry, it is ready to literally gobble up everything that gets in its way, but its final diet depends on where the tiger lives. Domestic cows, wild bulls, deer, buffaloes, bears, wild boars, lynxes, monkeys, crabs, wolves, various fish, snakes, mice, frogs and even locusts with grass become its victims. In the "hungry year" the tiger can eat earth and tree bark. There have been cases when crocodiles, pythons and leopards became victims of the tiger! If the predator starves completely, then its own brethren become its prey. Very rare, but still there are man-eating tigers!
Tiger cubs are born completely helpless and blind (however, like all cats). Not later than in 11 months they are already capable of independent hunting. For almost two years, the cubs live with their mother, after which they leave their "parental home", becoming solitary hunters. Therefore, if you meet three or four tigers next to the killed victim, do not think that they violated their own principles and began to hunt in packs. It's just a mother and her baby tigers. The photo is proof of that.

Species extinction
The life expectancy of tigers is 15 to 20 years. Today it is an endangered animal species. They are protected all over the world. For example, the Siberian tiger, better known as the Amur tiger, is listed in the Red Book because it is on the verge of extinction. Outside the territory of the Russian Federation - in the wild - Siberian (Amur) tigers, unfortunately, no longer exist. Note that in India there are only two thousand of these animals left, while until recently there were more than twenty thousand. In Sumatra, Bali and Java, they disappeared completely due to the hunt for a predator.
Fortunately, today there are still places where the tiger lives. But their habitats are shrinking as striped predators die out… Whether it will be possible to save tigers from extinction at all is a big question. Everything is in our hands with you!