Often, in order to find the necessary material, journalists commit frivolous acts that can cost them their lives. The most dangerous is the work of these people in the so-called hot spots. Several cases are known when correspondents died while on duty in these dangerous places. The cause of death of the hero of our article is somewhat different.

Marat Musin was born in Moscow. His childhood was spent in Tyumen, which is why some ill-wishers suggested that at that time Marat's father was exiled to Siberia. However, the young man received his secondary education already in the capital of Russia. The school where the boy studied had a mathematical bias and was considered one of the best educational institutions.
After graduation, Marat Musin graduated from Moscow State University, where he was a student of the Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics. After some time, he continued his studies there, but already as a graduate student. Musin also defended his PhD thesis.
In due time hewas a famous political scientist. He headed the department at the Russian Trade and Economic University. Marat Musin invented unique methods used in the management and study of economic activity. However, most of all he was remembered by people as a professional journalist and war correspondent.
Nothing is known about Marat's personal life, except for the information that the man has an older brother Kamil, who is currently the president of the Do Shukokai Federation in Russia.

Professional activities
Marat Mazitovich Musin devoted a certain period of his life to activities in the banking sector. There was a period in the biography of this person when he was engaged in reforming the infrastructure of the electronic exchange fund and forming its new concept. The man devoted his further research to the development of models that provide financial services.
In the nineties, Marat Musin became the head of the information security system in the structures of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation. He was also a participant in measures to prevent information leakage and unauthorized access to it. Marat Musin devoted his speeches to the development of programs to detect global crimes in the field of the economy.
The well-known figure really wanted the Russian Federation to be freed from the crisis, and believed in the great future of the country. He did a lot to make this wish come true. All speeches and books written by him, as well as organizational activities, contributedsignificant contribution to the common Russian cause. Marat helped people, he could teach them a lot, enlighten them.

Cause of death
He passed away at the age of 60. According to one of Marat Mazitovich's acquaintances, death occurred due to the fact that a blood clot broke off from him. Relatives and friends still do not believe in what happened and always remember Musin as a kind, honest, fair person. The tragedy that happened to him came as a surprise to everyone.