What to do if you forgot things on the subway?

What to do if you forgot things on the subway?
What to do if you forgot things on the subway?

All Russian subways share a single set of basic rules for passengers. They also contain a line familiar to everyone: “Do not leave your things at the exit …”. As you know, rules are made to be broken. What should a passenger who has forgotten things on the subway and is not ready to accept the loss do?

Search for loss on fresh tracks

forgotten things in Moscow metro
forgotten things in Moscow metro

The faster you discover the loss, the higher the chances of getting it back. This axiom works great with things forgotten on the subway. If a person finds that he left a bag or package in the car immediately after leaving it, returning his property is quite simple. You need to contact the station attendant for help. It is advisable to give the number of the train and carriage, then they will go to look for the loss at the next station. If the absent-minded passenger does not remember this data, it is necessary to describe in detail what was lost. The train number can be easily tracked by metro staff, but the search for the car may take some time. And what about a person who forgot things on the subway and did not immediately discover the loss?

You canCan I return a forgotten bag on the subway the next day after the loss?

what to do if you forgot things on the subway
what to do if you forgot things on the subway

In the hustle and bustle of the day, many of us don't pay attention to the little things in life. What to do in a situation if you realize that you forgot your personal belongings in the subway only after returning home in the evening? It’s worth starting with a call to the information service of the metro in your city. During the conversation, it is necessary to describe in detail everything lost and to name at least the approximate date and time of the loss. If the described items were found, they can be picked up at the Lost and Found Office. Even if the passenger forgot things in the subway yesterday or a few days ago, he can ask for help from the station attendant or through the emergency call column.

Storage period of finds in the subway

lost things office in the subway
lost things office in the subway

According to the rules, passengers must report the discovery of any orphan items to subway employees. At the discovery stage, all finds are inspected in the subway security department. This check may take up to three days. Accordingly, if a person forgot things in the subway and started looking for them in a day, he may have to wait for the inspection. Food left in the subway is disposed of immediately after discovery. Subway employees transfer documents to the police department. All other personal items are sent to the Lost Property Office in the metro. The shelf life of finds is six months from the date of receipt at the warehouse. After this time period, things will be disposed of.

What to do if forgottenthe item was not found in the subway?

According to statistics, in the subway and other types of urban transport, passengers most often leave mobile phones, wallets, plastic cards, small accessories (glasses and gloves). It is not uncommon for lost and found shops to also end up with shopping bags, and children and teenagers are the most likely to forget their change of shoes and sportswear.

The return of losses to their owners is complicated by the fact that not all passengers follow the rules of the subway and inform the employees of the organization about the finds. What should I do if I forgot my things in the subway and they could not be found in the subway warehouse? In this case, you can try to advertise in a popular newspaper in the region or in thematic groups of social networks. Be vigilant: fraud cases are not uncommon, when attackers respond to announcements of losses and require remote transfer of rewards before transferring the discovered items. The most reliable way to make sure that the person who actually found the property responded is to ask him to describe all the objects or the most conspicuous of them. If the description matches, you can safely arrange a meeting and reward. Hand over the award in person, not by transfer.

Useful information for residents and guests of Moscow

how to look for lost things on the subway
how to look for lost things on the subway

In the Moscow Metro, there is both a Lost and Found at the Universitet station and a whole warehouse of lost things at the Kotelniki station. It makes sense to start the search with a call to the help desk. All requests are recorded, and employees mustcheck whether they received the described loss. Finding forgotten things in the Moscow metro is quite possible. Often, passengers bring even expensive phones and wallets with money to the station attendants. It should be noted that in the warehouse of the Moscow Metro, funds are stored separately from other personal belongings - at the box office. To receive them, you must write a corresponding application. All unclaimed funds are stored for six months, after which they are transferred to the city budget. The Lost and Found Store is open daily from 8:00 to 20:00. If there were documents among the lost things, the metro staff will tell you which police station to contact in search of them.

Be careful when traveling on the subway and try not to leave your belongings unattended! But if you still lost something, we hope that our article will help you get it back!
