In Russia, hazel grouse dishes have long been considered a table decoration. They were given mainly to the kings. Also, game was prepared for important guests during important receptions. Even today, many gourmets appreciate the unique, exquisite taste of their tender white meat.

In tsarist times, hunting for this bird was predominantly commercial. Today the situation has changed dramatically. Now they do it mainly for the sake of sports interest. Since the time of hunting for hazel grouse comes in the fall, many lovers of gourmet meat are looking forward to this time of the year with great impatience. However, it is not easy to get a bird. The article provides information on how hunting for hazel grouse should take place in the fall.
Meet the bird
The hazel grouse is the smallest member of the chicken family. Among the black grouse, capercaillie and partridge, he is considered the smallest chicken. This type weighsno more than 500 grams. Its habitat is the entire territory of Eurasia. The hazel grouse leads a sedentary lifestyle. His summer diet consists of insects.
The hazel grouse differs from other forest inhabitants in its colorful plumage, due to which it got its name. Thanks to this coloring, hunting for hazel grouse in the fall is much more complicated. At a distance, the bird is able to completely merge with the environment and becomes completely invisible to the human eye. Therefore, you have to hunt for hazel grouse in the fall with a decoy or with a dog.

About the timing of hunting
Officially, upland game can be harvested from the beginning of September until the end of winter. The best time to hunt hazel grouse is autumn. Peak season falls on Indian summer. If we take into account the ethical side, then autumn hunting is logical and justified. In winter, it is not advisable to carry it out: the hazel grouse is struggling with hunger and cold. By September, the bird will have time to raise its offspring. In addition, she will be full and well-fed. This is the most successful time for hunting hazel grouse with decoy.
In autumn there is a high concentration of upland game near their nests. They feed on the whole family in open areas. Hearing the sound of an alluring device, old individuals, or starks, as hunters also call them, mostly do not respond. Young people do it for them, who by this time had not yet managed to acquire their own plots and those who should be protected. At the sound of the call, the young look at how the starks will react. If they are calm, then young individuals mostly do not give a voice. Butoften they do not hold back and begin to sing, which reveals themselves and the whole rash. Hunting for hazel grouse is also carried out in late autumn. By this time, the starks already live separately from the young, which now gives a voice to the sound of the call even more often.
About upland game permit
In 2015, changes were made regarding the procedure for issuing licenses. They consist in the development of two special permits. One of them can be obtained by amateur hunters, as well as those who treat upland hunting as a sport entertainment. The second permit is provided for other hunters. Licenses are issued by executive authorities. Now the official date for the start of hunting for hazel grouse in the fall is September 15th. The season runs until February. For violations of the rules for hunting hazel grouse in the fall, administrative liability and fines are provided.
Where does the bird live?
According to hunters, birch forests, dense alder, willow and aspen thickets have become a place for hazel grouse settlements. The bird can sit on thick spruce branches, curved in the form of an arc, hide in the grass, ravine or behind deadwood.

About demeanor
Judging by the responses of hunters, it is absolutely impossible to see this bird calmly walking through the forest.
Hunting for hazel grouse in autumn will be effective if you know how he behaves in the forest. The fact that the bird is somewhere nearby will be indicated by the following characteristic signs:
- Loud fluttering. The hazel grouse breaks out of its placewhenever he senses danger.
- The bird whistles.
About ways to hunt hazel grouse in autumn
Judging by the numerous reviews, the most common option is hunting with a dog. This method is considered classical. Less commonly used options from the approach and surge. Hunting in autumn for hazel grouse with decoy is also very effective. In this case, a person, with the help of a special device, reproduces sounds that, in their timbre, are very reminiscent of the song of a hazel grouse. Anyone who has chosen this method of hunting must, in addition to great patience, also have the skills to handle the decoy.
When should I start?
According to experienced shooters who have studied the habits and instincts of the bird, it is best to start when it is light enough. The most effective time of the day to hunt hazel grouse in autumn is after 10 am.
What to consider?
Before hunting, it is advisable to carefully prepare theoretically: you should know about the habits of upland birds, be able to imitate the sounds of females and males. In addition, you need to know how to choose the right place for hunting and how to disguise yourself. You also need to purchase a good decoy.

Since the singing of females and males is different, it is desirable that there are several alluring devices. In addition to theoretical knowledge, the hunter must choose the right weapon and have good shooting skills.
About decoys
These luring devices are special products thata person can recreate the voices of birds. Decoys in a wide range are presented in almost any specialized hunting store. Products can be plastic or tin.
Decoy is also easy to make with your own hands. Experienced craftsmen for the retail trade make very high-quality fixtures from hare and goose bones. This decoy is equipped with two saw cuts. On one side of the product, the saw cut is even, and on the back, it is made at an angle. In the middle, the decoy is equipped with a special 5 mm cut into which a wax bridge is inserted. It is pierced with a pin by the owner himself.
Those who decide to hunt hazel grouse with the help of decoy should acquire only a high-quality device and learn to perfectly imitate the sounds of females and males. According to experienced hunters, hazel grouses have very good hearing. If the hunter makes a fake sound, the bird will immediately notice it.

Where to start?
Hunting begins with the right choice of position for the shooter. Such a place should be imperceptible to the bird. Mostly it is a dense shrub. It is important that the likely hiding places of birds are clearly visible from it. Also, they must be within range of the shot. The position hunter can sit or stand. Judging by the reviews, most prefer to be in a standing position. This allows for a 360 degree view. It is difficult to do this while sitting.
How to use the device?
Long whistles andiridescent trill at the end are characteristic of the song of the male calling the female. Experienced hunters recommend starting to blow this particular melody into the decoy. When she appears, it is not recommended to immediately fire a shot, because the female, seeing that the male is not nearby, also begins to sing. In this case, it is best for the hunter to wait for the male. At the call of the female, several individuals can arrive at once. There are frequent cases when a male may appear at the sound of a call, jealously guarding his site from the encroachments of competitors.
According to the hunters, it is not easy to make the right signals. Therefore, very often you have to experiment with decoy. But once the correct tonality is reached, it should not be changed. The fact that the sound of the decoy was heard, the hunter learns from the reciprocal singing of the hazel grouse. This means that the bird believed the “song” and should not be changed. However, one should not expect that the hazel grouse will respond at the very first sound of the call. If the bird does not respond, you need to wait a while. Continuous trills are unnatural and will only alert upland game. Therefore, after each series, it is recommended to take small pauses. There are frequent cases when a hazel grouse may not fly to the sound, but approach silently, the hunter should simultaneously observe the area.

When playing the sounds of a decoy, you need to control the volume. In a very dense forest area, the song of the hazel grouse is heard at a distance of one hundred meters. In open space, the range can be extended up to 200 meters. The upland bird is able, using the power of sound, to determineexact distance to its source. Wanting to deceive the hazel grouse, many hunters are cunning and blow the decoy in the opposite direction. Among the hazel grouses, individuals may come across that react non-standardly to the sound of a decoy. Such a bird has something in common with a person, but does not come closer. A real competition begins between the hunter and the bird, which can drag on for a very long time.
When hunting for hazel grouse, you must adhere to the following rules:
- After the bird has been seen, it is not recommended to give out its presence, because, having seen a person, the hazel grouse will immediately run away. In this case, the hunter will have no choice but to leave this place. You can return here after a few hours. Therefore, as soon as the game appears, it is necessary, without moving, to continue to lure it.
- If a very quiet stomp or rustling of wings is heard after the sound of the call, the hunter should especially carefully look at the ground. Ryabchik, trying not to give himself away, scouts the situation. A person can only let him get closer, and then use the weapon.
- If the sound of the call was answered, and then there was silence, then the bird felt the danger. Now it may take a few hours for her to calm down. In such situations, experienced hunters advise not to waste time and change the place.
About weapons and equipment
The effectiveness of hunting, according to experts, largely depends on the right equipment. For the production of upland birds, it is advisable to acquire a light, waterproof suit and rubberboots. A cap or panama is suitable as a headdress. It is better to walk light in the forest. You can hunt hazel grouse with a smoothbore gun. Since this bird has a small mass, even a minor injury can immobilize it.
Mostly 20-gauge shotguns are used for hazel grouse. They weigh a little and are quite economical in terms of cartridges. Also, the 16th and 12th calibers are suitable for upland birds. They have a weak sound that does not scare away birds. Those do not take off immediately after the first volley. Having made a choice in favor of small-caliber rifles, a hunter in the same place can “shoot” several individuals.
When choosing a bandolier, it is better to purchase a product for which a lid is provided. It will protect the ammunition from getting wet. The best option would be a belt bandolier, designed for 10 rounds. The remaining ammunition can be placed in a special shoulder bag or in a duffel bag. Also, the hunter must take care of food and drink supplies. The duffel bag is completed with spare linen, socks, matches, a cooking pot and a light tent. Also, do not forget about such things as a mug, a flashlight, a tourist hatchet, a hunting knife, binoculars and a compass.
Among the wide range of different field bags among hunters, crumbs are in great demand. These products are very light and roomy.
In conclusion
Production of upland birds is predominantly gambling. Following the recommendations of experienced hunters, you can ensure yourself a greattrophy.

You can cook meat in 20 minutes. Those who wish to extend its preservation can fill it with coniferous branches.