Tyumen is a city in the Russian Federation, one of the largest cities in Siberia. It is the administrative center of the Tyumen region. By the number of inhabitants, it is in 18th place among the cities of the Russian Federation. Tyumen was founded in 1586. The economy of this city is quite well developed. And what is the average salary in Tyumen? The average salary in Tyumen is 33,500 rubles. However, a closer analysis shows that the spread of salaries is actually very high.
Geographical features of Tyumen
Tyumen is located in the southern part of Western Siberia, on the Tura River, at a distance of 325 km from Yekaterinburg and 678 km from Omsk. The average height above sea level is 60 meters. Tyumen time corresponds to Yekaterinburg time, which is 2 hours ahead of Moscow time.
The climate is on the border between temperate continental and continental. Weatherunstable, with frequent and sharp temperature changes. So, with an average January temperature of -15 ° C, the absolute minimum is -52.4 degrees, which is an extremely severe frost. At the same time, with an average July temperature of +18.8 °C, the absolute maximum exceeds 40 degrees.
Annual rainfall is 480 mm per year. Number of days with stable frost - up to 130.
Thus, the climate of Tyumen is quite unfavorable for human habitation, which is also reflected in the responses of residents who moved there.

City economy
The city's economy is largely based on oil and gas production. This sector accounts for the largest volume of production. A smaller, but also significant contribution to the city's economy is made by enterprises producing equipment and machinery, metal products, electronics and electrical equipment.

Living standard and average salary in Tyumen
Tyumen is one of the richest (if I may say so) cities in Russia. In terms of average wages, it is in 6th place among the cities of the Russian Federation in 2018. So, according to official data, the average salary in Tyumen is 33.5 thousand rubles per month. Annual growth was only 4%.
At the same time, on average, salaries in Russia are even higher and in 2018 average 34.7 thousand rubles. Their growth over the past year is also higher than in Tyumen, at 5.8 percent.

Most in demand inOccupations recognized in this city in 2018 include Builder, Salesman, Transporter, Automotive Businessman and Manufacturing Worker. In total, they account for 65.3% of the total number of vacancies.
In dynamics, the largest increase in the number of proposals is observed in the profession of salespeople, and the largest decline - in construction work. A year ago, the situation was reversed. However, these fluctuations are insignificant and therefore are of interest only for statistical reports.
The total number of vacancies decreased by 8% from mid-2017 to mid-2018. However, this decline says little, as the random fluctuations from month to month are even larger.
Average salaries in Tyumen according to official data
Wages are far from the same at the most demanded jobs in the city. Builders get the most. In 2018, the average level of wages in this area amounted (according to official data) to 40,700 rubles, having decreased by 7.5% over the year. In second place is the profession of a driver. Here they pay an average of 39,400 rubles, while a year ago they paid less by 5.1%. Significantly lower wages for salespeople. In 2018, they amounted to 33,200 rubles, having increased by 3.4% over the year. In the sphere of production (including agriculture), they are even lower and amount to 32,700 rubles. (annual growth of 10.8%). Students receive quite a lot - 27,200 rubles. (annual dynamics - minus 9%).

However, the highest paid professions are in the field of personnel management (63,000 rubles), jurisprudence (49,000 rubles),consulting (46,000 rubles), education (44,000 rubles), administration (34,000 rubles), sales (33,000 rubles). Probably, we are talking about individual vacancies, and not about the average figures for the city of Tyumen. The average salary of doctors in Tyumen, even according to these optimistic data, is at the level of 29 thousand rubles.
Current job center vacancies
As of the end of August 2018, the city is in need of different types of workers and specialists. There are a lot of vacancies in working speci alties. The spread of salaries is also very large. The smallest (from 5 to 10 thousand rubles) in the field of medicine and education. Jobs in this salary range are rare.
A significant number of employers offer salaries from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles. This range includes a variety of specializations. For many vacancies, the lower bar is set at the level of 20-25 thousand rubles, and the upper one is often much higher. However, given the Russian realities, it cannot be ruled out that they will pay exactly according to the lower bar.
Salaries with a lower bar above 25 thousand rubles are relatively rare. The maximum (upper) limits of salaries for the most expensive jobs are in the range of 50-100 thousand rubles.

Reviews from relocated residents
Among the reviews, there is approximately an equal number of negative, positive and neutral. With regard to the standard of living, the main dissatisfaction is associated with high prices and low wages. Obviously, getting a well-paid job in the city is not easy, while the prices are quite high.
Thus, the standard of living in Tyumen is not much different from this indicator in other large Russian cities. An unfavorable factor for the population is the high level of prices. Salaries vary greatly from employer to employer. Often there is a big difference between the lower and upper bar of the salary indicated in the vacancy. The city needs many workers of various technical and construction specialists. The average salary in the city of Tyumen is slightly lower than in Russian cities as a whole, and amounts to a little more than 30 thousand rubles.