Tatyana Ivleva is the last breath of air for Vysotsky

Tatyana Ivleva is the last breath of air for Vysotsky
Tatyana Ivleva is the last breath of air for Vysotsky

The film about the unique Vladimir Vysotsky tells about the backstage life of the singer, reveals his worst sides and causes a lot of controversy and questions. Special attention in the painting “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive”takes the relationship of Tatyana Ivleva and Vladimir Vysotsky. Who is she, this Tatyana?

Revealing cards

The film about Vysotsky is autobiographical. Names, events, conversations are as close to reality as possible. Only now, absolutely every person close to the singer will say that Oksana Petrovna Afanasyeva has never been in his life. Why, then, does this character take up so much space in the picture. In fact, Tatyana Ivleva is the prototype of Oksana Afanasyeva, the girl who became the last lover of the great creator. In the film, she was played by the inimitable Oksana Akinshina. The actress with all her gestures, actions, conversations resembles a young and in love Tatyana, according to the script - Oksana Afanasyeva.

Oksana Afanasyeva
Oksana Afanasyeva


Oxana Afanasyeva's father is a well-known writer who works with many pop stars. He stayed earlywithout a wife. The girl grew up in a creative family, where there were no prohibitions and restrictions. Her father often drank with friends, so upon returning from school with a French bias, the girl was afraid to go home. She was afraid of him and harbored hatred inside. Hatred for the ill-fated vodka. It was this childhood story that made her feel so deeply about Vysotsky's addiction. She was scared for him.

Ivleva Tatyana Petrovna
Ivleva Tatyana Petrovna

Fateful Acquaintance

Tatyana Ivleva and Vladimir Vysotsky are presented as good friends in the film. The singer met his real girlfriend Oksana at the theater. The girl entered the manager's office to make a call, and there she met him. Vysotsky fell in love with Oksana Afanasyeva at first sight. He offered to give her a lift, the girl agreed. He took her number and asked her out on a date. Afanasyeva gave her number, but did not say anything about the date. He saw her off in his Mercedes, but the brand of his car was not important for the girl. She was already in love with the great artist. At the time of their acquaintance, the avid theatergoer had a promising fiance, with whom she broke up on the same evening.

Afanasiev and Vysotsky
Afanasiev and Vysotsky

Starting a relationship

The first date of Oksana or her character from the film and the last love of Vysotsky Ivleva Tatyana happened in Vysotsky's house. The singer courted the girl, treated her to delicious delicacies and wine of the highest standard. They were as one. That evening, the first intimacy happened between the lovers. She cleaned up her bed, than sincerelystruck Vysotsky. This was followed by continuous communication, understanding of common interests and life perception. Akinshina in the film so remotely and at the same time so accurately played the role of Ivleva Tatyana Petrovna. Afanasyeva was very versatile in life. She could draw a chic drawing in a matter of minutes, and hem the trousers of her lover. Vysotsky greatly appreciated these qualities in his last lover.

Vysotsky's last love tatyana ivleva
Vysotsky's last love tatyana ivleva

She, part of his great journey

Ivleva Tatyana Petrovna in the film is shown as a true friend, but dear Ksyusha was something more. Vysotsky cared for and protected his new love. It was rumored that he even bought her an apartment in the capital. But all the speculation did not materialize, since Ksyusha received an apartment on Yablochkova Street after moving out of her old housing. As for everyday moments, Vladimir Semenovich tried to make the life of his beloved as comfortable as possible. She did not need anything and went by taxi for all her business. He constantly spoiled her and brought all sorts of scarce little things from business trips. At that time, Oksana Afanasyeva had 18 pairs of shoes, which could be called an unprecedented luxury. Vysotsky taught her to drive a car and even wanted to buy a brand new car.

Difficult period and farewell

Life with Vysotsky was both serene and very difficult. He surprised, fell asleep with flowers, but frightened with his addiction. From the increase in doses, their lives turned into hard labor. As a result, Vysotsky was overtaken by clinical death. Only she could save him. And she isdid. Afanasyeva, just like her cinematic prototype, Tatyana Ivleva, found the forbidden pills and brought them to Volodya. She transported them across the border, despite the fact that she could be caught and put in jail. But she was ready to do anything, even cut off her own hands, if it would help the man she loved. He survived. And after that moment he lived for another year. On the day of his death, he seemed to know that the end was coming. He said he felt like death was taking him.

He died. And she was asked not even to attend the funeral, as Vysotsky's father considered her a disgrace to the family. She obeyed and asked only to keep their wedding rings. But no one listened to her pleas. It was insanely difficult for Oksana to survive the loss. She dropped out of school, wanted to emigrate, life went downhill. After a while, Oksana nevertheless found her man. They became Leonid Yarmolnik, with whom Vysotsky also introduced the girl.

tatyana ivleva and vladimir vysotsky
tatyana ivleva and vladimir vysotsky

Ivleva Tatiana in the movie "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive”

In the film, the heroine appears out of nowhere, in fact, Vysotsky and Afanasyeva had a very romantic story.

The directors of the picture did not want to draw analogies, and did everything so that nothing connected Ivlev and Afanasyev. But close people perfectly understand everything. The main actions, the moments between friends in the film, are absolutely identical to those that happened between lovers. She was his mistress, but if a divorce from Vladi had been registered, she would most likely have become a legal wife. Although these feelings were not shown in the cinema, they were,Oksana can't take that away.
