World history has repeatedly witnessed the ascent of the fair sex to the political Olympus. But, unfortunately, in modern politics, an influential woman at the helm of the state is the exception rather than the rule. And now, perhaps, one of the most striking examples is Angela Merkel, whose biography will be presented in this article. Many wonder how this homely woman managed to achieve such success in the political and economic sphere and influence the development of many countries of the world.

Childhood of Angela Kasner
The biography of Angela Merkel is a success story that not everyone can repeat. In 1954, on July 17, a girl was born in the family of Gerlina and Hoster Kasner, who was given the name Angela Dorothea. The girl's parents were educated people: her mother was a teacher of English and Latin, and her father (a Lutheran priest) was a teacher of theology at the Hamburg and Heidelberg universities. When Angela was onlya few weeks, parents moved from well-fed western Germany to eastern. In the GDR, they were very wary of the representatives of the church, nevertheless, Hoster Kasner was able to head the seminary. They were given two cars and a big house. But the family lived in the new place for only three years. The Kasner family again changed their place of residence, moving to the small provincial town of Templin. In 1957, on July 7, Angela had a brother, Markus, and in 1964, a sister, Irena. The biography of Angela Merkel contains many white spots: for example, little is known about her childhood. She herself does not like to share memories of her early youth. Angela once said that when she was little, the Soviet military stole her bicycle several times. But this fact now only makes her smile.

Angela Kasner's Boyhood
In 1961, the girl went to the first grade of the secondary polytechnic school in the city of Templin. Throughout her years of study, she was the best of the best. According to the recollections of teachers and classmates, Angela was an inconspicuous, quiet girl, although she was perfectly socially adapted. Her favorite school subjects were mathematics and physics. She was also fond of studying the language of Pushkin and Dostoevsky, and succeeded so much that, while studying at the university, she managed to become the winner of the national Olympiad in the Russian language. For this, the girl received a trip to the USSR as a reward. In 1973, Angela Dorothea graduated from high school with excellent marks in all her exams. In the same year she moved to Leipzig to continue her studies atUniversity, where she entered the Faculty of Physics and again became the best. She was equally good at all disciplines. According to the biography of Angela Merkel, she was also an active member of the Free Youth of Germany organization and was responsible for propaganda and agitation. But she did not join the party, citing excessive talkativeness.
First marriage

While still at university, young Angela met her future husband, Ulrich Merkel. He was a student at the same university where the future German Chancellor studied. In 1977, the lovers got married, but family happiness was short-lived. The couple lived in marriage for only five years, without having time to have children. In 1981, they officially broke up. But Frau Merkel decided to leave her husband's surname, it sounded very harmonious: in German, "Merkel" means "noticeable." Subsequently, recalling her first marriage, she will say: “We got married because everyone did it, I didn’t take this issue seriously - and I was deceived.” And when her friend suggested that Ulrich leave at least something as a keepsake, Angela said: “Enough for him and the fact that I kept his last name.”
Frau Merkel's scientific career
Unlike her family life, Angela's scientific career developed very well. In 1986, Merkel defended her doctoral dissertation. Until 1900 she taught at the University of Leipzig. It should be noted that in the scientific field, Mrs. Merkel has reached great heights.
The beginning of a political career
The miraculous transformation of a physicist into a political activist happened in the late eighties. The rise of his political career coincided with the fall of the Berlin Wall. Angela Merkel was so delighted and inspired by this event that she took an active part in the unification of the two Germanys. Her face became recognizable on both sides of the collapsed wall.

Then she was spotted by Chancellor Helmut Kohl. In the new conditions, Kolya really needed young active people who could bring new ideas to politics, pour in fresh blood. The Chancellor told her, "You will lead the women." And she led, and not only women. For some reason, people believed her, even when she didn't keep her promises. After another victory in the elections, Kohl offered Merkel the position of Minister of Youth and Women, moreover, she led the Christian Democratic Union party. No one remembers the years of Merkel's ministry - she did not make loud statements, did not carry out significant reforms. She was devoted to the Chancellor, and he greatly appreciated it. In 1994, Angela received the post of Minister of Ecology. And when Kohl lost the election to his opponent Gerhard Schroeder in 1998, and a corruption scandal erupted, Merkel led the persecution of the former patron. In 2000, the ex-chancellor resigned from the Bundestag. In 2002, Mrs. Merkel announced her candidacy for the post of German chancellor, but then withdrew from the elections in favor of Edmund Stoiber, the leader of the Christian Socialist Union party.

Angela Merkel: short biography - second marriage
In 1998, when Merkel led the CDU party, she met her second husband, a chemist, Professor Joachim Sauer. Gossips said that Mrs. Merkel decided to take this step only in order to correct her image. The marriage turned out to be happy. Angela's husband turned out to be a very worthy person who achieved no less success in the scientific field than his wife in the political one. They say that the husband often advises Frau Merkel on political issues. Angela Dorothea did not take the surname of her second husband. It sounds very dissonant for a woman politician: “Sauer” is translated as “sour”. Sometimes they make fun of Professor Sauer, calling him Mr. Merkel, but he is not offended by this. Joachim Sauer independently decided to be in the shadow of his wife, and, apparently, this does not depress him at all. The couple has no children, when they got married, Angela Merkel's age no longer allowed her to become a mother.

Merkel the mistress
Spouses try to spend all their free time outside the city. Angela is a very good housewife: she loves to tinker in the garden and just loves to cook. Angela Merkel's house is always full of guests whom she treats with pies of her own making. The couple often go to theaters, and sometimes go to concerts with friends.
Angela Merkel's politics
In 2005, she became the eighth chancellor of Germany and the first female chancellor. Neither the gender nor the age of Angela Merkelprevented from achieving such heights. Many people agree that Merkel can hardly be called a bright political figure. She is a vivid example of a nomenclature worker who was in the shadows for the time being, but thanks to her diligence and connections, she was able to climb the political career ladder. Biography of Angela Merkel confirms that ordinary Germans love her very much, as she pursues a policy of pragmatism based on numbers. Very often, the "iron chancellor", as Merkel is called, forgets about the ideology of the party, if it contradicts the goals set. Many believe that her success is due to the fact that she does nothing without careful preparation, and yet never deviates from the intended course.
Image of Angela Merkel
Many make fun of Frau Merkel for her rustic appearance. It seems that she absolutely does not care about how she looks. Invariable same-type trouser suits make it nondescript. But it is worth noting that recently the German Chancellor has been increasingly appearing in public in dresses, and sometimes allows himself a deep neckline.

Success Formula
According to many serious publishing houses, Angela Merkel is the most powerful woman in the world. So what is the secret of her success? Political scientists will puzzle over this phenomenon for a long time to come. The attitude towards this figure is ambiguous, but almost everyone agrees that behind the seeming rusticity, a steel vein is felt in it. And the nickname "Iron Chancellor" Angela Merkel is very appropriate.