In the European Union, the public does not stop discussing the sudden rumors that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is Hitler's daughter. Adherents of this point of view believe that she came into being from the dictator's sperm, which was frozen in the past. Moreover, this information is owned by both Russian and North American intelligence services. Moreover, they are actively distributing it, they say, the mother of the current German Prime Minister is the sister of Eva Braun herself.

However, is there any reason to believe that Angela Merkel is Hitler's daughter?
Is Angela Merkel really the daughter of a dictator?
Let's try to understand this in more detail.
European media wrote that the initiative for the Fuhrer to have as many offspring as possible belonged to the gynecologist Karl Clauberg. He was actively engaged in the study of the theory of artificial insemination. He also came up with the idea of freezing the spermatozoa of the Nazi dictator. Subsequently, the CIAand the GKB took advantage of the Fuhrer's seminal fluid, deciding to impregnate Margaret (Gretl) Fegeleit, who was the younger sister of Eva Braun. Thanks to the power structures, Angela Merkel turned out to be Hitler's daughter. It is known that Gretl was Hitler's mistress for many years. It is said that the Nazi leader's sperm was thawed and transferred into the uterus of Margaret Fegeleit. As a result of this fertilization, Angela Merkel was born in April 1954. Hitler's daughter, as some representatives of the European public now believe, speaking of the German chancellor, was given to a foster family who adopted her.
Experts do not recognize the fact of kinship
It should be noted that some experts deny that Merkel is related to Hitler.

“This is impossible. Despite the fact that the first experiments on fertilization using thawed seminal fluid were crowned with success just in 1954, the process of sperm cryopreservation did not begin until 1949, four years after the suicide of the German dictator. Prior to this period, attempts to freeze the semen were unsuccessful,” said Ivan Samokhvalov, a fertility specialist.
Proof 1
“Even assuming hypothetically that the German scientists managed to get ahead of their time, it can be said with great certainty that they would not conduct experiments on a lady who was already under forty years old. That is why the hypothesis that Angela Merkel is Hitler's daughter is untenable - the probability of pregnancy after the age of thirty-five in a womandecreases sharply. And given the fact that the potential dad was more than fifty years old at that time, it makes no sense to talk about fertilization,” the expert added.
Proof 2
The second proof that highlights the absurdity of the idea that Angela Merkel is the daughter of Adolf Hitler are photographs of Margaret Fegeleit taken in 1954. On them, Gretl, being the newly-made wife of Kurt Berlinghoff, looks quite natural: there is simply no hint of pregnancy. If she had carried the fetus of the future German chancellor under her heart, Margaret would have been seven months pregnant at the time of the marriage.

This information is provided by Russian historian Pyotr Antipenko.
“Periodicals write that Merkel took the Vatican under his wing, about which he signed an agreement with the USSR and the USA. For this alleged reason, the future chancellor was brought up in the family of a clergyman. However, this explanation can be sharply criticized. The Church has always opposed unnatural insemination. She did not recognize the child who was born in this way. Besides, why do Americans, and even more so Russians, need a new dictator when they defeated the previous one with such difficulty.
However, there are still some similarities
At the same time, it should be noted that there is still a certain similarity of characters between Angela Merkel and the leader of Nazism. She, like Adolf Hitler, has composure and an iron will to win. Her feelings sheknows how to carefully disguise. Her desk is adorned with a small silver-plated knuckle that reads "In der Ruhe liegt die Kraft", which means "strength in stillness".

However, she can get quite emotional and noisy when she is very excited. She can often afford to say the non-literary word "Scheisse", which translates as "shit".
Merkel's biography
The current chancellor of Germany was born in the western part of the country in the city of Hamburg. However, she did not manage to live long in her homeland, and a few months later she travels to the east of the German state. Her dad, Horst Kasner, was a clergyman, he led a small passage located on the territory of Brandenburg.
It should be emphasized that none of Merkel's father's inner circle supported the family's move to the eastern lands of the country. Even the loader he hired said that only "fools and communists" go there. However, Mr. Kasner had a clear position on this matter. He stated that if the church needs it, he will go, even to the African continent.
After school, she entered a physics and mathematics university, she even managed to get a degree. In 1986, she successfully completed her doctoral dissertation. It should be noted that it was during her student years that Angela Merkel began to show an increased interest in politics.

She is entrusted with the position of secretary for agitation and propaganda of the German Komsomol. At the same time, anycontacts with representatives of the KGB were not noticed, however, there was still an attempt to recruit the future German chancellor. However, Ms. Merkel replied to the special agents that she did not know how to keep other people's secrets and could not give any guarantees that she would not blather about cooperation with the "Chekists".
It is noteworthy that, having become at the helm of the country, Merkel did not want to receive official housing, but preferred to rent an apartment in the center of the German capital.
Angela Merkel married twice, and she got her current surname from her first husband, Ulrich. However, the marriage with him was short-lived - five years later, in 1982, he broke up.
The second marriage was more successful for Merkel. Her chosen one was the famous physicist Joachim Sauer. She was in the status of a common-law wife for a long time, and only in 1998 Angela and Joachim legalized their relationship.