Chancellor is The meaning of the word. Chancellor of Germany

Chancellor is The meaning of the word. Chancellor of Germany
Chancellor is The meaning of the word. Chancellor of Germany

The post of chancellor is known both in Russia and in European countries. In all languages of the world, this word is spelled and pronounced in approximately the same way. The position does not always mean the same thing, although in general the chancellor is the leader. In each country, the meaning of this word has its own characteristics. Most often it is associated with Germany and Austria. In these countries, the post of chancellor has the highest rank in the state.


The concept came from the Middle Ages. At that time, the position of chancellor was received by the heads of copyist workshops, who had special authority. Over time, in the German lands, the head of government began to be called the Federal Chancellor. The position has the same meaning in Austria.

The meaning of the word Chancellor
The meaning of the word Chancellor

During the empire, this position was appointed and removed from it by the monarch. In Germany, the emperor could also directly influence the legislative process. After 1918, in the Weimar Republic, the position of chancellor became subordinate to parliament, although the decision to appoint and remove him was made byReich President. After 1948, the political weight of the head of parliament increased significantly.

In tsarist Russia the chancellor is the highest civil rank. He was appointed leading officials who were engaged in foreign policy. That was the name of the presidents of the collegiums and ministers of foreign affairs.

In the UK, this is how the Minister of Finance is called.

Meaning of the word

Chancellor (the word came from German) in most dictionaries means the highest official or rank. This is a leadership position, the representative of which is called a little differently in different countries:

  • in Germany - Reich Chancellor, Federal Chancellor;
  • in England, the Lord Chancellor.

Powers of office

Since the word is German, the position is more related to Germany. Therefore, the powers and rights in this state will be described. The most famous chancellor of the past is Otto von Bismarck.

the chancellor is
the chancellor is

The Federal Chancellor is the Prime Minister. He is the only one who can form a government. This means the sole right to select ministers, as well as put forward proposals for their dismissal and appointment. It determines how many ministers will be in the cabinet, as well as the scope of their activities.

Federal Chancellor of Germany

Federal chancellors of modern times began to be appointed in 1949. They are the most significant figures in the German political system.

List of leaders of the German Parliament:

  • Konrad Adenauer;
  • Ludwig Erhard;
  • Kurt Kiesinger;
  • Willy Brandt;
  • Helmut Schmidt;
  • Helmut Kohl;
  • Gerhard Schroeder.

Since 2005, Federal Chancellor of Germany - Angela Merkel. Appointed by the German Parliament. The service life is four years. You can remove from office ahead of time by holding a vote of no confidence.

Modern leader in Germany

german chancellor
german chancellor

Angela Merkel is the first woman chancellor. She is also the leader of the CDU (Christian Democratic Union) party. It was the representatives of this organization that most often became chancellors. Her appointment date is November 22, 2005. She received more than 50% of the votes of the Bundestag deputies. At this point she was 51 years old. For most women in Germany, it was a personal victory.

She began her work in government by reforming the federal system. This included cracking down on bureaucracy, conducting scientific research, he alth care reforms, energy policy, and more. In 2007, Angela Merkel met with the 14th Dalai Lama. It was a real international sensation. In the same year, she was appointed representative of the European Union. Under it, the EU Constitution was adopted. That was her priority during the introduction.

From the above, we can conclude that the chancellor is the head of the German government. It determines the political course of the Bundestag, although it can be removed by a majority vote in case of no confidence.
