Sergey Aleksashenko: biography, family, career, interviews and photos

Sergey Aleksashenko: biography, family, career, interviews and photos
Sergey Aleksashenko: biography, family, career, interviews and photos

According to the modern Russian tradition, after the resignation, the former high-ranking official sharply saw the light and saw all the shortcomings of the existing political system. Now Sergey Aleksashenko lives in Washington, where he feels better than in Moscow, because in the USA the atmosphere is friendly, calm and safe. As he himself explains, he left because he was not allowed to work in Russia. It is considered one of the creators of the market for government short-term bonds and the perpetrators of default on them.

For a conversation
For a conversation

Early years

Sergey Vladimirovich Aleksashenko was born on December 23, 1959 in his mother's homeland, in the small town of Likino-Dulyovo, Orekhovo-Zuevsky District, Moscow Region. In a family of technical intelligentsia. When he was two months old, the family moved to Zhukovsky, where he lived for the next 25 years. Parents got a job in this Soviet center near Moscow.aviation industry. My father worked at the Radon finishing base at the Tupolev design bureau. Mom worked there, first at the Institute of Instrument Engineering, and then moved to teach at a technical school, where she worked for the next 30 years.

As Sergei Aleksashenko said in an interview, he was always good at natural sciences, but he was not a techie. Therefore, when it came time to choose a profession, the young man chose from three speci alties: economist, teacher and lawyer. He chose the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University and never regretted it. I chose my speci alty consciously, having worked at a defense plant. Passed on second try.

First work experience

At the institute
At the institute

After graduating from university in 1986, he worked at the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, where he defended his Ph. D. thesis in economics. The laboratory, in which the young specialist came to work, was headed by Evgeny Grigoryevich Yasin. He was Sergey Aleksashenko's scientific adviser in his third year at the university.

A lot of economists worked at the institute at that time, who later became high-ranking Russian officials. Including Andrei Vavilov, Alexander Shokhin and Sergei Glazyev. As already an experienced and adult man, Sergei Aleksashenko tried to make a career. He was distinguished by an active life position, as they said in Soviet times, so a year later he was elected to the institute's Komsomol committee, then he became deputy secretary.

During the years of perestroika

Black and white portrait
Black and white portrait

With the beginning of perestroika in 1990, he moved to work as a leading specialist in the Commission of L. I. Abalkin (Commission for Economic Reform of the Council of Ministers of the USSR). Participated in the preparation of the "500 days" program, which was supposed to reformat relations between the center and the republics and launch reforms. However, the program was not adopted, and Yeltsin began to create government bodies in Russia that would duplicate the central ones.

Many Russian economists believe that it was Sergei Aleksashenko who was the first in the country in his publications to begin to justify the introduction of taxes instead of the concept of redistribution of added value adopted under socialism. In the commission, they were involved in the development of tax legislation for the country. In the confrontation between the parliament and the president in 1993, which ended with the shooting of the White House, in those years and later he was on the side of Yeltsin, believing that the leaders of the parliament were the first to take up arms.

In public service

In government
In government

After two years of work in the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, in 1993 he was invited to work in the Russian Ministry of Finance. Sergei Aleksashenko served two years as a Deputy Minister, responsible for macroeconomic and tax policy and leading negotiations with the IMF, later budget planning was added to his duties.

He believes that he did a lot of good for the country in this position, including introducing a budget classification. In 1993, there was no unified budget in Russia, it de alt withconsolidation of budgetary funds and optimization of expenditures in order to reduce dependence on Central Bank loans. He thinks he was a good negotiator with the International Monetary Fund, loved these negotiations, as a result of which the country regularly received the next tranches of the loan.

Almost the main banker of the country

On Radio Liberty
On Radio Liberty

After three years in senior positions in the private sector, from 1995 to 1998 he worked as First Deputy Chairman of the Central Bank of Russia. Responsible for monetary and foreign exchange policy, settlement system and accounting, and for conducting negotiations with the IMF.

In his interviews, Sergei Aleksashenko takes credit for creating a chart of accounts, a project for a real-time settlement system. His critics, including oppositionist Illarionov A., believe that the policy pursued with the participation of the first deputy chairman of the Central Bank became one of the causes of the 1998 economic crisis. Under him, a highly profitable market for government short-term bonds was formed, the decision on default on which was made with the direct participation of Aleksashenko.

Default Participant

On "Echo of Moscow"
On "Echo of Moscow"

The press reported that the Prosecutor General's Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs suspected the participation of Sergei Aleksashenko in speculation in the government securities market. It was reported about accounts in commercial banks to which funds received from transactions with GKOs were transferred. In 1996-1997, 560 million non-denominated rubles were credited to them. In developed countries thiscombining activity in the market of state obligations with work in a state body that regulates this activity is the gravest crime. In 1998, he resigned after the arrival of V. V. Gerashchenko to the post of chairman of the Central Bank.

In 1999, Sergey Aleksashenko's book "The Battle for the Ruble" was published, which tells about the events that preceded the crisis and the key decisions taken to stabilize the situation. The former deputy chairman is trying to analyze why international loans could not save the country from investor flight, devaluation and default.

In the private sector

In reverie
In reverie

The biography of Sergei Aleksashenko continued in the private sector, from 2000 to 2004 he worked in senior positions in the Russian holding Interros, where he was responsible for strategic planning. Supervised the project to create a Siemens enterprise with the Russian company Power Machines, to organize the first development company in Russia, which at the first stage had only 5-6 buildings on its balance sheet.

From 2004 to 2006, he was the president of Antanta Capital, a junk stock trading company, oversaw strategic development, relationships with major clients and partners. In 2006, he joined the American investment bank Merrill Lynch as the head of the representative office in Moscow.

Since 2008, he began to be recruited to the boards of directors of state corporations, including Aeroflot - Russian Airlines, UnitedAircraft Corporation" and "United Grain Company

Personal Information

Oppositionist Aleksashenko
Oppositionist Aleksashenko

In the fall of 2013, economist Sergei Aleksashenko flew to Washington DC for an internship at Georgetown University to work on several research projects. He himself said that in many respects such a decision was made due to the fact that he was not given the opportunity to be re-elected to the board of directors of Aeroflot. In later interviews, he described himself as a Russian refugee who left due to fear for his life and serious restrictions on work. He also did not want to injure the mind of his youngest son, forcing him to live in the Russian system.

Relatively little is known about Sergei Aleksashenko's personal life. His wife Ekaterina is a former Russian language teacher. When she was in Russia, she directed a children's theater studio at a boarding school, and was involved in charitable projects. The eldest son Artem graduated from the University of Warwick with a degree in business administration and a film school in Los Angeles. Works as an operator in America. The second son is studying at an American university, the youngest is still of preschool age.

In his free time, Sergey likes to travel, ski, play golf, hockey and preference. Since his student days, he loves to cook, he even knows how to bake a Napoleon cake, now sometimes he cooks omelets and barbecue for friends.
