The modern arms market is represented by various rifle units. In the group of smooth-bore models, Altai guns are very popular. The high demand is due to their excellent fighting qualities, which many hunters have managed to appreciate. Information about the device, principle of operation and technical characteristics of Altai smoothbore hunting rifles is contained in the article.
Altai guns have been produced since 1997. Today, in this series, a line of various shooting products is presented to the attention of hunters. They are mainly used for bird hunting. Structurally, these models are unified weapons, for the assembly of which one common base was used. According to experts, rifle models differ in barrel length, stock and forearm materials, as well as some finishing features of individual elements. Since the guns "Altai" have a similar design and principle of operation, the consumer, if necessary,repair no particular difficulties with the replacement of parts.
About design
Altai guns are equipped with a bolt action. The barrel shank is equipped with a special mechanism that locks the swinging combat larva. Thanks to this design, it became possible to use light alloys for the manufacture of the receiver without the risk that reducing its weight would impair the performance of the weapon. For the production of trunks, the method of deep drilling, heat treatment is used. The barrel channels are chrome plated. The material used is high quality steel. The 1 cm wide aiming bar occupies the entire length of the barrel and is connected to it with silver solder. It has jumpers-bases, which are located at a high frequency, which had a positive effect on the soldering strength. The aiming bar is adapted for mounting a red dot sight.
Black chrome is used as a coating substance for receiver boxes. Once on a polished metal surface, it begins to shine, and on a polished one, it acquires a matte shade. There are options in the line of shotguns that are fully coated with a durable protective synthetic film with camouflage patterns. As a material for the manufacture of receivers, an alloy of titanium and aluminum is used, which is widely used in the aircraft industry. The handguard and butts can be plastic or wooden. Turkish walnut is used as raw material.

Ammunition is located in a tubularunderbarrel shop. Shooting is carried out with Magnum cartridges with a 76-mm sleeve. The store holds four such charges. Also, the guns are equipped with five standard cartridges. Rifle units in this series are equipped with a trigger mechanism. The location of the USM was a separate base, on which the tray and the feeder were placed. The trigger mechanism is attached to the receiver with two transverse pins. During maintenance, the USM is easily separated. Shotguns with non-automatic safety catches. The deactivation of the weapon is carried out by pressing a special button, which is located on the trigger guard on the back.

How does it work?
Altai guns function by removing powder gases from the barrel channels into the underbarrel cylinders. To do this, the barrel was equipped with two special holes, with a cross-sectional area that allows the use of both standard cartridges and powerful 76-mm Magnum ammunition. Judging by the numerous reviews of the owners, automatic rifles work equally reliably with any ammunition. There are no additional mechanisms that would restrain the effect of powder gases on the piston in this series of smoothbore. Given this fact, experts recommend regularly cleaning the gas exhaust system and removing carbon deposits in the cylinder.
About disassembly
To clean the gun, it must first be disassembled. You can do it like this:
- Unscrew the magazine nut.
- Remove the handguard.
- Pull the handguard back while holding the pull.
- Move the gaps and get the handle.
- Move the piston forward.
After these steps, you can remove the spare parts located in the receiver. Using a center punch, the firing mechanism is dismantled. With this tool, two pins holding the trigger are knocked out.
About modifications
The line of guns "Altai" is represented by the following shooting options:
- Trap. The length of the barrel in this 12-gauge shotgun is 76 cm. Walnut is used for the manufacture of stocks. The rifle unit weighs up to 3, 50 kg. A product with polished and chrome-plated barrels and receivers. The weapon has a wide aiming bar and two front sights. The gun is supplied with interchangeable choke bushings in the amount of five pieces, which are equipped with the muzzle by screwing. The length of the choke is 1 mm, the middle choke is 0.75 mm, and the half choke is 0.5 mm. The use of bushings increases the accuracy of the scree during firing.
- Deluxe. Shotguns are available in two versions: 12-gauge and 20-gauge. The dimensions of the trunks are 47, 61 and 71 cm. The weight varies between 2.6-3.35 kg. Comes with 3 or 5 choke bushings. For the manufacture of the forend and butts, walnut is used.

Camouflage. Unlike previous shooting models in this gun, the stock and fore-end are made of high-strength plastic, on which a camouflage protective film is applied. The length of the barrels is 61 and 71 cm. They produce guns of two calibers: 12 and 20. It weighsrifle unit no more than 3, 25 kg. The smoothbore kit comes with 3 or 5 choke bushings

- Akkar. The Altai gun is equipped with a 76 cm long barrel. The 12-caliber smoothbore is fired with cartridges with 76-mm cartridge cases. The tubular underbarrel magazine contains 4 ammunition, one more is sent to the barrel. The rifle unit weighs up to 3.4 kg. Comes with 3 or 7 choke tubes.
- "Lefty". Structurally, the gun is adapted for use by a left-handed shooter.

How to shoot correctly? What the experts recommend
Judging by the numerous reviews, shooting at a stationary target is quite easy. Difficulties begin when you have to deal with a running or flying target. To reduce the number of wounded animals, you need to know how to shoot correctly. The first thing that experts recommend is that it is important for a beginner to master the technique of throwing up a smoothbore. To do this, put your left foot forward and slightly shift to the side. The second leg is taken to the right. This position is called the waiting position. The left hand should grip the forearm, the right hand should hold the stock. In this case, the fingers are placed on the triggers. The trunk is lowered into the ground and slightly retracted to the left side. The butt should not be raised above waist level. When hunting birds, aiming the gun should be done from the bottom up. Reduction of the rear sight and front sight is carried out with the left hand, with the right - pressing the butt to the shoulder. You need to pull the trigger smoothly.

In closing
Enough time has passed since the appearance of the Altai guns on the arms market. Initially, judging by the numerous reviews, hunters, not having enough information about these rifle units, purchased them at their own peril and risk. According to many owners, the guns fully met all expectations. Today, Turkish smoothbore due to excellent performance, lightness and low cost are in great demand among hunters.