Population of Volgodonsk. The main indicators of the population of the city

Population of Volgodonsk. The main indicators of the population of the city
Population of Volgodonsk. The main indicators of the population of the city

The city of Volgodonsk is located in the southeastern part of the Rostov region and was founded in 1950. Volgodonsk is a large commercial, industrial, geographical and scientific center of the Rostov region, the energy center of the south of the Russian Federation. The Volgodonskaya NPP (Rostovskaya) nuclear power plant and the largest industrial association in the Russian Federation Atommash (a branch of nuclear power engineering) are located within the city.

In 1949, the construction of the Volga-Donskoy navigable canal began, a settlement with temporary infrastructure was erected for builders and engineers, but the number of workers grew, and there was not enough housing for everyone, so it became necessary to expand the settlement and its infrastructure. These are the origins of the future city of Volgodonsk.

population of Volgodonsk
population of Volgodonsk

Population of Volgodonsk

The population of Volgodonsk has been growing rapidly since 1950, so in 1959 its number is about 15,710 people, in 1970 - 28,000 people, in 1982 - 139,000 people, in 1990 - 179,000 people, in 1995 -184,000 people. But since 1996, the number of citizens of Volgodonsk begins to decline. It is: in 2000 - 178,200people, in 2005 -171,400, in 2010 - 170,700 people, in 2015 - 170,200. In 2016, the number of citizens of Volgodonsk is already 170,550 people.

In 2016, in terms of population, Volgodonsk ranks fifth in the Rostov region after Rostov-on-Don, Taganrog, Shakhty and Novocherkassk and 108th in the Russian Federation out of more than 1,100 cities.

population of Volgodonsk
population of Volgodonsk

The population of the city (like all cities of the Russian Federation) is currently characterized by positive migration and a slight decrease in the natural loss of citizens.

In the age and sex structure of the population of the city are: 45.6% - men, 54.4% - women.

The population density of the city is 932.93 people/km².

Birth and death rates

In 2015, the number of births - 2,067 people, in 2016 - 1,973 people, the number of deaths in 2015 - 1,833 people, in 2016 - 1,925 people.

population of the city of Volgodonsk
population of the city of Volgodonsk

The natural increase in 2016 was +0.28, in 2015 - +1.38 per 1000 population. The birth rate in 2016 was 11.59 per 1000 citizens, in 2015 it was 12.14 per 1000 population. The decline in the birth rate is explained by a sharp decrease in the sex and age structure of the city's population of females aged 20 to 36 years, which is associated with a low birth rate of girls from 1991 to 2001.

Mortality among citizens of working age remained high. In 2016, 29% of the total number of deaths died at working reproductive agecitizens during this period. High mortality in the reproductive age leads to a natural decrease in the population of the city (the excess of the death rate of the population over the birth rate).

Another factor influencing the rate of decline in the number of citizens is life expectancy. With an increase in the life expectancy of citizens, the natural decrease in their number is somewhat reduced. The life expectancy of citizens has decreased from 66 years to 65.7 (the average life expectancy for women is 70 years, for men - 64 years).

Migration of the population of Volgodonsk

In the city, migration has recently increased and the natural population decline has somewhat decreased. Thus, in the city of Volgodonsk in 2016, population growth was registered due to migration processes, which amounted to 865 people (in 2015 - 110). The number of people who arrived in Volgodonsk in 2015 was 4,891 people, in 2016 - 5,319, the number of people who left the city in 2015 was 4,781 people, and in 2016 - 4,454 people. Most of the citizens migrate to the neighboring cities of the Rostov region, in addition, migration flows are noted to Central Russia, the Volga region, the Moscow region and Moscow, the Volgograd region, the Urals, as well as to non-CIS countries.

Volgodonsk employment center
Volgodonsk employment center

Labor market

The unemployment rate officially registered in the city of Volgodonsk in 2016 was 0.7%. The number of citizens recognized as unemployed during 2016 amounted to 1,485 people (100.2% compared to 2015). January 1, 2017 officiallyregistered by the Employment Center 611 unemployed.

Employment Center in Volgodonsk

The Employment Center organizes retraining and retraining of unemployed citizens in professions that are in demand on the labor market in order to further their employment. In 2017, the following professions were offered for citizens to choose from: a cook, a cashier-controller, an educator, a nurse, a storekeeper, an electrician of electrical equipment, a pipeline installer, an electric and gas welder, a metalwork fitter, a turner, an accountant.

The Employment Center in every possible way assists the unemployed in finding decent work and employment by organizing a "Fair of Professions", where officially unemployed citizens are offered free vacancies at enterprises and organizations of the city. Trainings are organized for schoolchildren of the city, which help them in choosing a future profession that is in demand in the labor market.

The Employment Center actively cooperates with the Department of Social Protection of the Population in this locality, provides assistance to the disabled, persons with disabilities in matters of their retraining and employment.

Employment center of the city of Volgodonsk is located at the address: Volgodonsk city, st. Pionerskaya, 111.
