Actor Alexander Shishkin: biography

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Actor Alexander Shishkin: biography
Actor Alexander Shishkin: biography

Video: Actor Alexander Shishkin: biography

Video: Actor Alexander Shishkin: biography
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Alexander Shishkin never dreamed of an acting career. For him, the choice of this profession was a real "God's providence." He has many other facets of talent. How did the personal and creative biography of this bright, interesting person develop?

alexander shishkin family
alexander shishkin family

Biography of Alexander Shishkin before acting

The birth date of the master of arts of the Republic of Moldova is 1966. Place of birth - the city of Chisinau. Actor - Chisinau in the fifth generation. According to him, he “had been ill” with all the childish pranks: dragging sweets, little things, climbing on roofs, running away from lessons, smoking, arson and explosions. But because of the fear of parental anger, he still did not cross the line of what was permitted. He did not have much love for the school, but he treated the team with warmth. And the Soviet school endowed him with the best: respect for elders, the ability to value knowledge, subordination. Alexander Shishkin did not shine with marks, but he easily grasped the material he liked.

Shishkin Alexander
Shishkin Alexander

In 1987, after graduating from the Faculty of Philology of the Chisinau State Pedagogical Institute, he received the speci alty of a teacher of the Russian language andliterature. In life, he faced a lot of trials, the circumstances were such that he tried more than one profession. Among them were even a masseur and a swineherd.

Choosing an acting profession

Once waking up, Alexander Shishkin firmly decided to become an actor. The first attempt at admission was unsuccessful, but he did not give up on his dream. It is interesting that many of the applicants who entered immediately later abandoned their acting careers, but he remains faithful to her for more than thirty years. And he does not feel any regrets about this, on the contrary, he thanks fate for the prompted direction.

In 1982 he came to work at the Youth Theater "From Rose Street" and still plays here successfully. In addition, Alexander Shishkin - director of the television studio "White Crow" (Moldova). The actor came with performances to our country, Hungary, Ukraine. Filming with his participation took place at different film studios. In 2005, he received the speci alty "Drama Theater Director".

who is shishkin alexander
who is shishkin alexander

Working in movies

He starred in thirteen films. Among them are such films as "Russian Amazons-2" (the role of Fyodor), "Women's Dreams of Distant Countries" (the role of policeman Semenych), "Ballads of the Hussars" (the role of Lieutenant Andrei Zherebetsky), "Chandra" (the role of ensign) and other. But at the same time, Alexander Shishkin does not call these works a great experience. He believes that everything is different in the cinema than in the theater. The latter for him is a kind of temporal and spatial portal. In just two hours, a completely different world can be, you find yourself in another dimension. In the theater, the actor feels the audience, his reaction.

Favorite roles

The actor considers any role a gift of fate. He calls the difficult, dramatic and very interesting role of the old Jewish man Morduchai Weiss his favorite (the performance is called “A Shane Madel” - “Beautiful Girl”). He has been performing it for twenty-five years, and during this time the image of the hero becomes only closer for Alexander Shishkin. It is curious that a few years ago he met the namesake of his character, and with a similar fate. Only this man moved to Israel, but everything else coincided: he survived the war, lost loved ones, endured suffering, but did not lose his humanity and survived everything.

The production of "A Very Simple Story" is her favorite performance. He says that this performance is significant for him, as it predicted the actor's life for the next three years. Alexander himself plays the role of the owner of the house, while the performers of the main roles in the production are animals. The meaning of work is in the impact they have on a person.

biography of Alexander Shishkin
biography of Alexander Shishkin

Among other theatrical roles he played, one can name the role of Lyapkin-Tyapkin in The Inspector General (N. Gogol), Koroviev in The Master and Margarita (M. Bulgakov), Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet (W. Shakespeare), the King in The Naked King (E. Schwartz), the prisoner in The Police (S. Mrozhek).

Respects Arnold Schwarzenegger, Al Pacino, Evgeny Leonov, Oleg Basilashvili. On the theater stage, the actor rests with his soul, despite the fact that not a single exit to the stage is complete withoutvoltage. She loves her job and cannot imagine life without this adrenaline.

Actor's family

The actor is married. The family of Alexander Shishkin is creative. Five years ago, his granddaughter was born. The girl was named Marusya, Mashenka. She has already mastered the alphabet and numbers, is learning to read. The actor is comfortable in the role of grandfather.

Relatives inspire Alexander and support, do not interfere in the creative process, which is very important. When an actor needs to be left alone, they understand this very well and are not offended. In their house, it is customary to consult and discuss work issues.

The family loves pets, especially cats. We are not indifferent to the problem of homeless animals. Their favorite, Siamese cat Jacqueline, lived to be fourteen years old. They recently became the owners of a British cat.

Alexander Shishkin
Alexander Shishkin

Other projects

If the question arises, who is Alexander Shishkin, then you should definitely mention his experience in advertising. Here he acts as the director of commercials that viewers see daily on television. Calls advertising a terrible routine. Since it reaches a large audience, he was immediately recognized.

He is also known as a showman, screenwriter, presenter. It is not always easy to combine all these incarnations. Then the actor starts to complain. He calls weddings his strong point (he has held them for more than ten years a lot). He strives to explain to young people the truth about family life, gives useful advice.

Being well-meaning, he entered politics and became a member of the PSDM. But in this role, the actor was literally enough for oneday. He quickly figured out that he did not like this activity.

In 2005, Shishkin Alexander produced the comedy series "Hussar Ballad". It was a joint work of his team and St. Petersburg actors Alexei Nilov and Alexander Bashirov, Mask Show from Odessa.

Alexander Shishkin loves nature, silence, looking at the water, walking in the rain without an umbrella. Loneliness helps him to be himself. He considers himself a shy person with a lot of complexes. In his plans - to live and create, work on performances, act in films. I would like to act in foreign films. Perhaps one day he will start filming his own film.
