Traditions and customs of the peoples of the world

Traditions and customs of the peoples of the world
Traditions and customs of the peoples of the world

Although for many years politicians and sociologists have been talking about imminent globalization and unity of cultures and civilizations, the states of the globe still retain their bright individuality, originality and historical flavor. The customs of the peoples of the world are an integral part of this individuality, because in every country people look at the same phenomena through the prism of their own culture. The traveler will certainly need basic knowledge about the peculiarities of life abroad.


life and customs
life and customs
  • Canadians adhere to strict rules of formal courtesy even when it comes to small gaffes. If you step on someone's foot or push another person, you should immediately apologize briefly. Although such behavior is also expected in Russia, in Canada even the "victim" apologizes. Therefore, if you accidentally step on your foot, do not neglect the politeness formula "I'm sorry" - this will show that you are an intelligent person who does not want to cause trouble to others (for example, stand in someone's way and "force" others to push you).
  • Smokingprohibited in public places, including restaurants. Smoking at a party is only allowed if the host has given express permission to do so.
  • Many customs of the peoples of the world dictate specific rules of conduct when meeting. In Quebec, for example, shaking a woman's hand (even if it's another woman's handshake) means establishing a certain detachment and showing that you're in a purely formal relationship. As a sign of friendliness, you should hug each other when you meet and kiss lightly on both cheeks.
  • In Canada, you have to take off your shoes when visiting someone else's house.
  • If you are offered coffee late at night, it means that the hosts expect you to go home soon.

United States of America

customs of the peoples of the world
customs of the peoples of the world
  • When talking with another person, it is advisable to look into his eyes - otherwise you will be considered secretive and untrustworthy. This rule contrasts sharply with most other states, where eye contact is considered rude.
  • Modern customs of the peoples of the world dictate respect for service personnel. So, in an American restaurant, you should always leave a tip to the waiter - if you do not, your guests will feel extremely uncomfortable. Waiters are paid a lot of tips, so your guests will also feel embarrassed if you leave too little money on the table. Traditionally, visitors leave 15 percent of the order to the waiters; 10 percent is considered a complaint about poor service, and 20 percent is considered an award for satisfactory orgreat service. Tipping over 20 percent is considered ostentatious generosity, but the waiter will no doubt be pleased.
  • Tipping isn't just for restaurants - extra money is given to taxi drivers, hairdressers and stylists, food delivery couriers, and random handymen (even if you've hired neighborhood teens to mow your lawn). So, pizza delivery costs from two to five dollars, regardless of the amount of the order.
  • The national customs of the United States - a country with the greatest diversity of cultures and peoples - provide due respect to all categories of the population. When meeting a new person, he should not be asked about his marital status or the presence of a romantic relationship, as well as about his political views. It is impolite to ask a woman her age or weight.
  • Most traditions in America are based on the principle of mutual respect. It is impossible to violate the personal space of a person, that is, to be closer to him than at arm's length. Exceptions to the rule are being in a crowd or crush, as well as friendships.
  • If you are invited to visit, bring a bottle of wine with you. It is also possible to buy a cake or other sweets, but in this case it is advisable to find out in advance if the hosts have prepared a special dessert themselves.


traditions of Italy
traditions of Italy
  • If you are interested in European customs, you can take a closer look at the traditions of Italy. An interesting fact: in this country it is not customary to take off coats and other outerwear immediately whenentrance to the premises. You need to wait for a special invitation or ask if you can leave your raincoat or jacket.
  • Don't put hats on the bed as there is a sinister superstition about it.
  • When visiting stores, you should always greet sellers, even if you just came to look at the goods and are not going to talk to consultants.
  • It is undesirable to ask for a check immediately after finishing dinner in a restaurant. Better take a couple of minutes to relax and enjoy the atmosphere and a cup of cappuccino.
  • Men shouldn't wear white socks in public as the popular belief is that only "mama's boys" do that.
  • It is not recommended to bite the bread with your teeth. It is customary for Italians to tear off small pieces with their hands, put butter or pate on them, served in special segments in a separate dish, and immediately send them to the mouth in this form. Do not use a knife or other cutlery. Such specific traditions of Italy originate in the Middle Ages, when the peasants, exhausted by hunger, having barely received bread from the masters for food, ate it right on the spot, stuffing their cheeks. The noble intelligent townspeople were always full, and therefore they were expected to behave appropriately calmly.


Spanish traditions
Spanish traditions
  • Unlike the customs of many European countries, the traditions of Spain are mostly based on the supremacy of local culture. Arguments about which country and which language is better should always be avoided, especially ifcomparison of spanish with english. The inhabitants of this state speak English relatively poorly and often require tourists to know their language. If you don't speak Spanish, it's better to use gestures - the locals will perceive such communication more favorably than the persistent use of English expressions.
  • Some traditional topics are best not discussed at all. These include fighting bulls (toro), religion, fascism and nationalism. Regarding the latter, even the Spaniards themselves still cannot come to an agreement.
  • Always try to look calm and casual. You can talk loudly, gesticulate emotionally, joke with your hosts, and use forms of physical contact without any embarrassment.
  • It is customary to say hello to all neighbors, even if you don't know them.
  • When greeting, men shake hands, and women wait for kisses on both cheeks.
  • Many traditions in Spain are associated with active sports. So, for example, even a practically stranger can be invited to watch a football match together. If you receive such an invitation, in no case do not criticize the team that the owner of the house is rooting for.


  • Ireland is a very distinctive state, where even Christian holidays are observed in their own way, such as, for example, Easter and Palm Sunday. The customs of this country, however, partially reflect the procedures adopted in Great Britain (although Ireland is a sovereign republic). It is not necessary, however, to publicly attribute thisstate to the United Kingdom - the natives will instantly be offended, since only Northern Ireland remains part of the UK. Avoid talking about the country's sovereignty.
  • In bars and pubs, don't talk to the bartender until the bartender has served the customer who came before you.
  • If a guest comes to you, you must definitely offer him coffee or tea.
  • It is not recommended to ask other people about their income and business success. Colleagues are not interested in salary. In some companies, such questions are officially prohibited.
  • If people celebrate Easter or Palm Sunday, customs and religious rituals are best observed from the outside. In no case do not ask people what religion they adhere to - Catholicism or Protestantism.

Arab countries

Eastern culture
Eastern culture
  • In the Middle East, it is customary to perform personal hygiene rituals with the left hand - therefore it is considered dirty. Shaking hands with the left hand is considered an insult. There are also taken only right.
  • Don't expose the soles of your feet or touch anyone with your shod foot.
  • In Iraq, the "thumbs up" gesture is taken as a serious insult.
  • The customs of the peoples of the world living in Arab countries dictate honor and respect for elders. This means getting up as soon as the elders enter the room and greet them first if they are already in the room.
  • In most Arab countries, holding hands while walking isit is a sign of courtesy and a symbol of friendship. Unlike Western states, here such a gesture does not carry any hints of romance.
  • If a person puts all five fingers of his hand together and points upward with his fingertips, this means that he needs to meditate for five minutes. This sign should not be confused with a fist and threatening gestures.
  • Welcome rituals (ceremonies) of the peoples of Africa are always associated with a demonstration of the sincerity of emotions. In Morocco, for example, after shaking hands, the right hand is placed over the heart. It is impossible to shake hands (for example, if acquaintances are separated by a highway), just put your right hand on your heart.
  • Strangers you meet for the first time may invite you to lunch or dinner at their home. If such an invitation bothers you, do not refuse - refusal will be considered rude. Instead, ask to postpone the visit until an indefinite moment in the near future.
  • The traditions of the peoples of the Arab countries require plentiful treats, so don't be surprised if guests offer you food endlessly, over and over again. You can constantly refuse, but the main thing is not to take the persistence of the owners for a manifestation of tactlessness. It is better to eat little and take a little from the dishes offered in the first rounds, and only then refuse with a clear conscience.

China and Taiwan

traditions of peoples
traditions of peoples
  • Oriental culture is very distinctive and diverse, so you should not mention in a conversation with Asians that for you the Chinese, Koreans, Thais and Japanese are "all for oneface." It's just rude.
  • Eat only with the right hand.
  • Don't use the American "thumbs up" gesture - it's considered indecent here.
  • If you are invited to visit and the hosts have prepared lunch or dinner on their own, they will certainly report that something is wrong with the food - for example, that it is too s alty. To such a remark, it should be answered that all dishes are excellent and not overs alted at all.
  • Interesting traditions are associated with holidays. If you are given a gift, refuse it. It is customary for the Chinese to offer gifts several times. They should not be opened in the presence of the donor.
  • You can't give married men hats. The Chinese expression "wearing a green hat" means that the wife is cheating on her husband. Such a gift will be regarded as an insult to the spouses.
  • You can’t also give another person a watch - an ancient superstition that people adhere to even in the modern world says: such a donor counts the moments before the death of the donee. Umbrellas (a sign of parting) and white flowers (a ritual symbol of a funeral) should also not be presented as a gift.
  • The traditions of the peoples of Asia suggest that others will look after you when visiting. Therefore, you, in turn, will have to pour drinks into the glasses of your neighbors.
  • Pregnant women should not attend funerals - this is a bad omen.


national customs
national customs
  • Eastern culture differs from Western culture in the priority of modesty over external beauties. Both men andwomen in India wear closed clothes. Shorts are highly undesirable for both sexes; women should not wear bikinis, short skirts and off-the-shoulder dresses. Plain white dresses and saris should also be avoided, as these garments are considered a symbol of widow's mourning.
  • In most Indian homes it is customary to take off your shoes in the hallway. Although hosts may be gracious about the ignorance of foreign guests, it is better to ask in advance if it is possible to enter the house without taking off your shoes.
  • The unusual traditions of India are associated with spiritual beliefs. If you accidentally touch another person with your feet or step on objects of veneration (coins, banknotes, books, paper, etc.), you will be expected to apologize. The generally accepted form of apology in this case is to touch the person or object with the right hand, which then needs to be placed on one's forehead.
  • While you are visiting an Indian house, you will be offered food several times - you can safely refuse if you are already full.

The strangest national customs

  • It is customary in Greece to throw a child's missing baby tooth onto the roof - according to a common superstition, this action brings good luck.
  • One of the peoples of Iran has a calendar of nineteen months, each of which has only nineteen days.
  • In Sweden, gold and silver coins are placed inside the bride's elegant shoes at the wedding ceremony.
  • At a traditional wedding in Norway, the bride wears a silver crown with longamulets designed to ward off evil spirits.

For the New Year

  • In Brazil, a bowl of lentil soup is a must for New Year's Eve, as lentils are considered a symbol of prosperity.
  • Traditional life and customs of Latvia at Christmas necessarily involve cooking stewed brown beans with pork and cabbage sauce.
  • In the Netherlands, Santa Claus has a helper named Black Pete.
  • In Austria, on the fifth of December, Krampus Night is celebrated. This event is dedicated to Santa's evil twin brother.
