Olga Krutaya is the wife of the famous composer. Her husband, Igor Krutoy, writes modern music, which becomes a favorite of all hits. Olga prefers not to overshadow his fame, remaining in the shadows. However, this does not mean at all that she does not lead a secular life and does not develop independently.
Short Biography: Hard Facts

Olga Krutaya, whose date of birth is 1963-11-11, was born in Russia. In 2015, she will celebrate her 52nd birthday. A native of St. Petersburg, at that time Leningrad. Olga grew up as an ordinary child. Her zodiac sign is Scorpio. All representatives of the water element appreciate stability. Olga is no exception. She is restrained in the manifestation of emotions, smart, sensitive, has a huge inner world. Very beautiful and stylish, she always looks after her appearance. At 52, she looks at most 35-40 years old. Olga Krutaya, whose biography is covered in the article, has her own business, proudly bears the title of a business woman, which allows her to be an example for many women. She is an excellent psychologist, high-class designer and stylist, has the skillsmakeup artist. All this knowledge allowed her to become an image maker.
Family Values

Olga was born into a family of strict rules. Her father was an inveterate communist, a very strict person by nature, so in their house they clearly adhered to traditional values. Mom did not work, she devoted herself entirely to her husband, children and the hearth. It was these stereotypes that Olga transferred to her family, having clearly learned that a man should be the head.
However, having adopted the character of her father, the girl has always strived for freedom. Her inner world rebelled from the framework into which she was driven. Olga often says that at the age of 17 she was allowed to walk only until seven o'clock. Of course, this resented the teenager, since all her friends could not return until nine. The upbringing of the father was reflected in the appearance of the girl. He was firmly convinced that the dress was the most appropriate clothing option, but Olga Krutaya was able to defend the right to wear jeans that were in trend in the 70s.

Olga Dmitrievna Krutaya preferred to get a higher education in her hometown of Leningrad, having entered the St. Petersburg State University of Economics. Thanks to this education, Olga Krutaya (photo can be seen in the article) has a very successful business abroad.
Currently, the Krutykh couple live in several apartments, therefore, as a true financier, Olga took control of the entire family budget. It should be noted that, in contrast toshe leads her husband quite sparingly.
Student years
After school, Olga deliberately disobeyed her father and chose a direction that was the direct opposite of what her parents had planned. It was during these years that rebellion reached its peak. She gets married at the age of 19, gives birth to her first daughter, Vika.
After graduation, he leaves to visit a friend living in America. Unexpectedly for everyone, in 1991 Olga Krutaya (her age at that time was 28 years old) decides to stay there. The husband agreed with his wife's decision. However, such news shocked the parents, but it was not possible to convince the girl otherwise. Six months later, Olga took her daughter to America with her. So the family lived for 4 years.
Igor Krutoy's wife Olga: a biography of relationships

In 1995 Igor Krutoy came to America with the concert program "Song of the Year". After the performance, a banquet was organized in Atlantic City. We can say that fate itself brought these two people together, Olga and Igor were sitting at adjacent tables.
The first acquaintance was rather fleeting, as Krutoy was accompanied by his mother and sister. Igor's mental trauma after the divorce from his first wife also did not favor a close acquaintance. Yes, and Olga at that time was married and raised her daughter Vika. However, a month later, Igor returns to America. Having found the phone number of his new acquaintance, he called her and offered to meet, to which Olga agreed. From that moment on, a reallove. After a two-year romance, they decide to legalize their relationship.
The wedding of Igor and Olga was distinguished by chic and luxury, there were so many guests that the rented restaurant could not accommodate everyone, so the next day they organized another banquet to which Russian pop stars were invited: Laima Vaikule, who worked closely with Igor Krutoy, Lev Leshchenko, Irina Allegrova and other performers.
The family life of this couple can hardly be called cloudless, but Olga Krutaya does not waste time on reproaches and quarrels. Igor's schedule is very busy, he devotes little time to his family, but his wife has learned to deal with it. They live in different countries. Olga - in America, Igor - in Moscow. Most often, communication between spouses is limited to phone calls. Approximately once a month they meet, while both Olga can come to visit her husband, and Igor can visit his wife.
Many friends of the couple claim that their warm and strong relationship is maintained thanks to this lifestyle. Due to frequent breakups, they simply do not have time to get bored with each other.
Secrets of dating Igor and Olga: revelations about the first meeting

Igor Yakovlevich shared his impressions that he experienced at the first meeting. At that moment, there was only one thought in his head: this woman is so beautiful that every man would immediately propose to her. Igor is no exception. He was not even stopped by the fact that he only survived a divorce from his first wife, he liked it so muchhim Olga Krutaya.
The biography of the couple's relationship developed rapidly, already at the third meeting, Igor made an offer. The main reason for this was life in different countries.
Olga often remembers the first meeting, but she did not experience any feelings then. Cautious by nature, she looked at her new acquaintance for a long time. However, his pressure and determination did their job. Over time, Olga realized how dear Igor had become to her.
Olga's business
Business lady Olga Krutaya found herself in the perfume industry. In 2011, she presented her new creation. This idea was suggested to her by Nezhla Barbir, who was a famous French perfumer.
The scent of Opus pour Homme laid the foundation for a successful business development. The first line was designed for men only. Suddenly, in a very short time, she gained popularity. Olga was not going to stop there, a little later, a presentation of women's perfume Opus pour Femme took place in Riga. This collection also made a splash in the perfume industry.
After such a dizzying success, it was decided to unite the two brands under one name - OKKI. This abbreviation is made up of the initials of the spouses.
Elder daughter Victoria

Olga Krutaya gave birth to Vika in 1985 at the age of 22. At first, the daughter behaved cautiously towards her mother's new husband. However, over time, Igor was able to win her favor. He adopted Vika and gave her his last name. In the Krutyh family, there is no division of children into relatives and strangers. Newdad helped his daughter develop in every possible way, later she began to build a career as a singer with his help. Olga is very grateful to her husband for such a relationship with her eldest daughter.
In 2014, in the summer, the couple played Victoria's wedding. The role of the father during the procession to the altar was played by Igor Krutoy. The holiday was of a large scale, it was attended by many stars of Russian show business.

The youngest daughter of Alexander
The fruit of love between Olga and Igor was the beautiful girl Sasha, who was born in 2003. She was able to try herself as a singer at the age of 6 (in 2009) at the New Wave competition for young performers in Jurmala. Alexandra is currently engaged in vocals. However, a qualified teacher was hired to teach, as dad does not have enough time for classes.
Secrets of youth
Olga Krutaya, whose photos often adorn the pages of fashion magazines, is the standard of female beauty. Already, having exchanged her fifth decade, she still remains young both in body and soul. Olga thanks nature for this. She never allowed thoughts of plastic surgery, believing that beauty should be primarily natural. Her goal is to preserve what is given to her by nature. In the morning and in the evening, Olga conducts cosmetic rituals that help maintain the skin in proper condition. Compulsory sports give her vigor and allow her to monitor her he alth. By nature, Olga Krutaya is a conservative; in her entire life she has neverexperimented with hair color and hairstyle.
Of course, her daily routine includes rest and long walks in the fresh air.