Where did Pugacheva and Galkin's children come from? This question worries many people. Alla Borisovna and Maxim have been in a relationship for more than 10 years, and only in 2013 wonderful twins were born.
Responsible decision
In an interview, Galkin admitted that he loves children very much and always dreamed that he had several of them. Building relationships with Pugacheva, he understood that a woman of age is unlikely to decide on childbirth.
Maxim adequately assessed the situation and did not want to put his beloved at risk for the sake of procreation. He often voiced the idea that a loving couple can live happily without children. Where did Pugacheva and Galkin get children in this case?

But after the official marriage, Alla Borisovna confessed to her husband that she froze her eggs in the clinic 11 years ago, so the spouses have a real chance to become happy parents.
Good example
After the birth of children with Philip Kirkorov, with the help of a surrogate mother, Pugacheva and Galkin went to their goal with even greater enthusiasm. They realized that the happiness of becoming parents is not far off.
Kirkorov's like thisThus, a daughter and a son were born with a difference of less than a year. Alla Victoria and Martin grow up in a big loving family. They are not deprived of female attention, and Philip Bedrosovich devotes the maximum amount of time to raising children.
Royal Twins
When information was published that a couple of famous artists had babies, their idols immediately had a question about where they got the children of A. Pugachev and M. Galkin. Everyone clearly understood that at 64, the singer would not be able to give birth to children on her own.
At first, everyone had the idea that the couple had adopted children. This rumor was dispelled after one of Maxim's interviews. He openly said that the children were born thanks to a surrogate mother.

The famous couple are the biological parents of babies. A surrogate mother helped me carry the twins. Her name is withheld to avoid intrusion into the woman's privacy.
Where were the children born?
The well-known doctor and founder of the network of clinics Mark Kurtser helped the famous couple to fulfill their dream. He personally managed the pregnancy and delivered a surrogate mother.
The doctor in an interview says that he has known Alla Borisovna for a long time, and she turned to him 11 years ago. It was then that the singer decided to freeze her eggs.
Twins were born in the perinatal center "Mother and Child" on September 18, 2013. This clinic is located in Lapino. The couple hid the birth of babies for a long time. Therefore, when the news about the appearance of heirs from celebrities was first announced, everyone immediatelythe question arose of where Pugacheva and Galkin's children came from.
Happy parents
Dr. Mark Kurtser says that Alla Borisovna was present at the birth. She took part in them as much as possible and tried to help in every way she could. The first boy was born with a weight of 2950 g and a height of 50 cm. A few minutes later, a girl was born.
She was a little smaller than her brother and was born with a weight of 2400 kg and a height of 48 cm. Such indicators are considered ideal for twins. The babies were born at 35 weeks, and the newborns were rated 9 points out of 10 on the Abgar scale.

Pugacheva spent all the time in the hospital with them. She changed their diapers and participated in the feeding. Maxim also often visited the kids, leaving only for shooting.
What were the children's names?
The news of the birth of twins spread all over the country instantly. Fans of the famous couple were also interested in the question of where Pugacheva and Galkin had children. But even more they were intrigued by the name of the kids.
The couple named their son Harry. The little daughter was named Elizabeth. Maxim Galkin claims that the names were chosen solely for consonance with the surname and patronymic, as well as for personal reasons.

From the photo it already becomes clear that the boy is very similar to his father, and the girl is a copy of the Diva. Such a striking resemblance once again proves that the biological parents of the twins are a celebrity couple. Therefore, the question of where the children of Pugacheva and Galkin come from is not so actively discussed.
Some interestingfacts from children's lives
After the birth of twins, parents regularly post videos and photos about the life of babies with comments on their pages on social networks. Thus, fans of the star couple can watch Harry and Lisa grow and develop.
The family lives in a huge house in the suburbs. Each of the children has a separate room. Even the nannies are different. Maxim and Alla Borisovna decided to hire two professional women who would pay attention to each of the twins separately.
Lisa has an angelic appearance and sharp mind. For her age, she is very smart and inquisitive. Harry is more like his father. He is more restrained and more serious than his sister.

The godparents of the twins are also celebrities. The sacrament of Baptism took place in a castle in the village of Gryaz. Alla Pugacheva decided that the christening should be held in a homely atmosphere, because it is still too early to take out 2-month-old children to people.
For the first time, the babies went abroad at the age of about a year. Together with their parents, they rested in Israel in a villa for 2 months. Alla Borisovna hired a private flight for the flight. The plane had beds for twins. According to the couple, the children slept peacefully throughout the flight.
Every year the number of questions about where Pugacheva and Galkin have children is gradually decreasing. Now people are interested in how babies grow up and what makes their parents happy.
Who spends more time with twins?
Alla Borisovna has become noticeably prettier with the advent of children. She is in one of the interviewsadmitted that she had an incentive to live longer. The singer noticeably lost weight and brought herself into good physical shape. Thus, the Primadonna does an excellent job with the duties of a mother and has time for everything.
Video footage appeared on the Internet, where Pugacheva goes with Lisa to the pool for swimming lessons. According to Alla Borisovna's comments, it is clear that she is madly in love with children and is proud of them.
Mother of twins responsibly approaches the daily routine of babies and their nutrition. She often cooks he althy meals for them on her own and makes sure the kids don't miss their lunchtime nap.
Maxim Galkin perfectly copes with the role of a father. He spends almost all his free time with Harry and Lisa. Even in the car on the way to entertainment, the parodist manages to communicate with the twins and teaches them to pronounce the words correctly.
In the warm season, the star couple often takes their children with them on tour, especially if they are by the sea. Parents try to spend as much time with their children as possible.

Very often you can see Harry and Lisa in the company of Claudia - the daughter of Christina Orbakaite. The girl is only 1.5 years older than the twins.
All friends of the couple emphasize the touching attitude of parents towards children. Surrounded by Pugacheva and Galkin, no one heard that the guys raised their voices. Parents try to talk to kids in an adult way and resolve all conflicts through discussions.
The environment in which Lisa and Harry grow up is filled with the love and care of parents and all the many relatives and friends. Butthis does not mean that the guys are allowed everything. They are well disciplined and obedient. Also, Alla Borisovna and Maxim try not to indulge children with expensive toys, so that they understand their value and take care of their personal belongings.
Where Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva's children came from is not so important anymore. The main thing is that now their marriage has become harmonious and even happier, and the family lives together and in love.