About who Neymar's ex-wife was and what happened in the personal life of the famous Brazilian football player, many of his fans want to know. It is known for sure that at a young age he had a son, but not everyone succeeds in compiling the whole picture of his personal life from individual facts. This is what the material below is about.
Baby and wedding
When Neymar was nineteen years old, he had a child with a girl named Carolina Dantas. It was a resonant event for the then rising star of world football. He did not hide the fact of having a baby, but, on the contrary, supported his girlfriend, who was then only seventeen.

A boy was born, who was given the name Luca Davi. Carolina after childbirth became the wife of Neymar, a modest wedding took place in the homeland of young people. According to rumors, the footballer decided not to abandon his child on the advice of a close friend of Ronaldo, who is considered a legend among Brazilian stars. After the birth of the boy, the guy said that he was grateful to God for this miracle and was incredibly happy to become a father. It happened in 2011, but the relationship did not last long.
Worth itIt should be noted that even before the birth of the child, Neymar was a fairly popular young man. He had many short-term relationships, including TV presenter Nicole Bals, Daniela Carvalho and even porn star Daniele Sperle. There were also longer relationships with beautiful young ladies, and they all shone with their beauty. The birth of a child and the wedding put an end to such novels, although the demand for a football player did not subside.

The guy continued to be a target for female fans, which probably did not please Neymar's wife too much. The reason for their separation is not exactly known, but the young people did not stay married for a long time. Age also played a role, because they wanted to learn something new, but they were bound to each other by an oath of allegiance. Neymar's wife, like the footballer himself, did not comment publicly on this matter, and therefore one can only guess what exactly happened to them. Most opinions agree that fame among the general public and youth did not allow the couple to find common happiness.
Current relationship between them
Neymar's ex-wife Carolina was never a famous public person, but nevertheless agreed to participate in a TV show, where she shed light on her current relationship with the father of their child. She talked about how they were afraid during pregnancy and how difficult it was to remain calm during childbirth. In an interview, the girl again passed the real reasons for the couple's separation, but told about how the connection with Neymar is maintained.

Shesays that the couple has maintained friendly relations and the football player continues to take care of her and her son. When the boy gets sick, the guy tries to find free time to visit his relatives and support. Neymar does not lose ties with his ex-wife and son, which makes Carolina happy. She likes to look at the joy of her son when the whole family is together. Luka does not understand the popularity of his father, but continues to think that all parents are shown on television. At the end of the program, the girl said that she still wants to find her man in this life. She is not averse to getting married, but has not yet found a worthy candidate.
Neymar's personal life
Neymar's ex-wife looks great in the photo, as do his other girls. Even before the wedding, the football player had an affair with a young person named Anamara Barreiro. This model became even more famous after her nude photo shoot for a popular men's magazine.

Before that, many men wanted to see her near them, but it was Neymar who managed to do this, although the romance did not last too long. The new girl after the dissolution of the marriage was the actress Bruna Marchesini, as evidenced by their joint photos and public appearances. Relations were prevented by moving to Spain, associated with the transition to the Barcelona football club. Young people began to see each other less often, the relationship failed to survive the test of distance.
In 2014, Neymar had a new lover named Gabriella Lenzi. She is a model, enjoys sports, including swimming, leads an active life insocial networks. This is the latest news about the personal life of Neymar, whose relationships with girls have never been long. Everyone hopes that the last girl will become his wife.