Ivan Rheon: filmography, photo, personal life

Ivan Rheon: filmography, photo, personal life
Ivan Rheon: filmography, photo, personal life

Ivan Rheon is a young actor from the UK, who managed to become a favorite of the public by the age of 30. Talent, an extraordinary appearance, a charming smile - these terms gave the rising star bright roles that the audience and directors will remember. So, in what films and TV shows did the actor manage to appear, what is known about his past and present?

Ivan Rheon: Biographical Information

A young man who managed to try on different images of the loser Simon and the sadist Ramsay Snow was born in 1985 in a family of office workers. Ivan Rheon became interested in the stage while still in elementary school, from time to time he participated in school performances. The decision to become an actor did not come to him immediately, as there were other hobbies: travel, music. However, unexpectedly for his parents and himself, after school he enters the Academy of Dramatic Art, located in London.

ivan reon
ivan reon

Becoming her graduate, Ivan Rheon successfully auditions for a role in the musical production of "Spring Awakening", which is shown in one ofmetropolitan theaters. Since then, successful roles in performances have followed one after another, the young man is becoming famous in theatrical circles, nominated for honorary awards. No wonder he wants to try his hand at cinema.

First roles

The first appearance of a novice actor on the screen dates back to 2004, when he gets a minor role in one of the then popular television series. However, Ivan Reon achieves true fame only after 7 years, becoming one of the central characters of the telenovela "Dregs", aimed primarily at teenagers. His hero is a shy loser who happened to be among the juvenile offenders of the law, possessing a supernatural gift. Actor Ivan Rheon, whose photo in the image of Simon can be seen below, has been filming for 3 seasons. He then decides to leave the project and focus on further development.

ivan reon photo
ivan reon photo

Ivan Rheon is also filming in the "big" movie. His filmography includes work in such films as "The Liberator", "Wild Bill", "Resistance".

Game of Thrones shooting

2012 was marked for the actor not only by an invitation to star in the film "The Liberator", but also by the successful passing of the casting for the role in the "Game of Thrones". Initially, he intended to embody the image of one of the main characters of the popular television saga - Jon Snow. However, the supporting character Ramsey Snow became the role Ivan Rheon ended up getting. A photo of the actor in the image can be seen below. First time viewerssaw a rising star at the beginning of the third season of the sensational TV project.

ivan reon filmography
ivan reon filmography

Ramsey Snow is the illegitimate son of Lord Bolton. When asked about the nature of his character, the actor describes him as a maniac who takes pleasure in the physical suffering of those around him. Ramsey's inadequacy is especially evident in the scenes where he mocks his captive Theon, his wife Sansa. Critics and fans of the series note how well the young man managed to convey the image of his hero, who causes hostility by his very appearance.

Fans will be able to see their favorite actor in Season 6 of Game of Thrones as he continues to star in the series.

Private life

Despite his career choice, Rheon has no intention of giving up his other passion, which is music. For several years he remained among the members of The Convictions, but said goodbye to her in 2010. After leaving the group where he worked as a soloist, Ivan creates his own project. At the moment they have been given to the public for two albums. Interestingly, he is the author of all the songs included in them. This is not surprising, given that the young man has been fond of writing songs since the age of 16.

Ivan Reon personal life
Ivan Reon personal life

Many actors like to reveal the smallest details of their novels to journalists, but Ivan Rheon is not among them. The personal life of the star has been “behind the scenes” for many years, he invariably refuses to answer questions related to her. It is only known for surethat the actor has never married, has no children.

Ivan Rheon is only 30 years old, he does not stop actively filming, therefore, fans can safely hope for new bright projects with the rising star.
