Lena Kuletskaya is a famous person, a world-famous model, TV presenter and just a beautiful girl. The Ideal Pair program on the Domashny channel, the Cinderella project, Shopaholics on MTV - Elena was invited to host all these programs. Don't ignore the Trendy program, where the supermodel has become a "fashion agent".

Lena Kuletskaya was born on August 7, 1982 in Ukraine in the city of Kharkov. Her father, Alexander Kuletsky, was a military man, so all her childhood Elena and her sister were under strict control, and the family was on the road. Dad tried to raise modest, decent, responsible daughters. However, the methods of influence were quite strict. If the girls did not do their homework well, they could be punished for not being diligent. My father set a strict dress code for hairstyles, wardrobe, appearance. No frivolity!
16 years after the birth of the future model, the whole family, led by the father, moves to Moscow. There the girl enteredstudy law at Moscow State University. In the student environment, Elena flourished, made friends and girlfriends.

Lucky occasion
After studying for the first year, she began to earn extra money as a fashion model at exhibitions. At one of these events, she was noticed and offered cooperation. The model passed the casting and went to the city of her dreams - Paris. Lena Kuletskaya planned to work in the capital of France for 3 summer months, while the holidays lasted. However, the incredible world of fashion involved in their glamorous networks, the trip dragged on. Living in France, the model taught French and English, now she knows them perfectly. According to the girl, she even swears in French. However, the student did not quit her studies. Having promised her strict father to get an education, Elena, despite all the hardships, graduated from Moscow State University with honors in absentia.
In Paris, Lena's active development in the modeling business began. But the father intervened again, he was against such a career. After some time, dad let go of his beloved daughter and became a part of this industry himself, helping to the best of his ability in organizational matters. Later, Alexander Kuletsky opened a modeling agency called Mademoiselle.

Becoming an adult, Lena Kuletskaya began to rapidly climb the career ladder. She was offered cooperation by many world-renowned brands and agencies. Among the partners of the model are the following companies:
- IMG Models;
- FotogenModel Agency;
- Louisa Models;
- Group Model Management.
One of the English jewelry companies made Elena the face of their company. From that moment on, the photo of Lena Kuletskaya becomes a regular in tabloids, glamorous publications, news feeds, and brochures.
Active participation in promotional videos of such major brands as Nina Richi, Mary Kay, Helena Rubinstein, Etam, brought the model even more popularity and fans. The news of the supermodel has also reached Russia. The domestic division of the food giant Orbit invited Kuletskaya to star in a video about chewing gum. After this experience, her inner circle nicknamed the model with the cute nickname "Nibbler".
Model Lena Kuletskaya is an active participant in television projects. The career of a TV presenter brought her no less fame. On MTV, the catwalk star acted as a specially invited fashion expert. The Cinderella TV project turned out to be interesting for transforming girls into real princesses, in which the already well-known model Kuletskaya acted as one of the jury members. In the spring of 2014, the show "The Perfect Pair" was launched, where Lena was the host. The essence of this program was as follows: a team of specialists led by a model helped couples improve their style in clothes.
Later, Lena Kuletskaya decided to try her hand at dancing. Together with partner Zhenya Pazenko, she became a participant in Dancing with the Stars. Supermodel decently earns. According to her, she never really needed money. apartment inShe bought Paris and a house in Panama with her own money. Estimated income is 200,000 euros.

Personal life of Lena Kuletskaya
Scandalous and sensational was the news about the relationship of the model with the sought-after Russian singer Dima Bilan. According to them, they met in the French capital when both were at the airport. Then no one realized that an unexpected meeting could become a long relationship. It happened in 2006. The singer promised the model a wedding, which was to take place in 2008 after the end of Eurovision. Bilan won a music competition, but he did not keep his promise. The couple broke up.
Later it turned out that the relationship between Dima and Elena was fictitious. 3 years after the breakup, Dima Bilan himself told everyone that they “met” only for the sake of PR. In the release of the “Let them talk” program, Rudkovskaya’s ex-husband Baturin Viktor said that he paid 30,000 euros so that Kuletskaya became Bilan’s soulmate.
But the model and TV presenter says otherwise. According to her, their relationship was filled with love, romance and tenderness. But since the feelings were very bright, at some point they burned out.
After Lena had a French lover, but she hid his identity from the annoying press. Kuletskaya was also seen with actor Mickey Rourke. Turns out it was just a regular shoot for a magazine.

In 2013, Lena Kuletskaya made an offer of a hand and heart, operator StanislavRomanovsky. The wedding took place in the beloved and most romantic city of Paris a year after the proposal. Another three years passed, and the happy couple had a child. On May 15, a girl Nika was born, weighing 3.8 kg. She gave birth to a supermodel in the Lapino hospital. On Instagram, she shared her impressions of the clinic and the doctor. Elena said that the birth began during Eurovision and lasted 12 hours, everything went without a caesarean section, she praised the doctor for a good job.
Now a well-known model, TV presenter and happy mother leads a page on Instagram. Her account has 176 thousand subscribers. There she shares photos from her life, videos with her daughter, events from the fashion world.