The city of Lipetsk is the regional administrative center of Russia with a population of over half a million people. Located in close proximity to Moscow. The distance to the capital is only 445 km.
Population history
On the territory of the city in the 13th century A. D. e. there was a Slavic settlement. It was located in a hilly area. From all sides the settlement was surrounded by steep slopes. The only entrance to the city was in the south and was well fortified with high walls. The prince's house was located on the central square. The population of the city of Lipetsk at that time consisted mainly of artisans.
In 1284, after a long siege, the principality was captured and plundered by the Mongol-Tatars. The restoration of the settlement took several sonnets of years. In 1703, the rapid construction of factories and wooden houses began. Peter I himself had high hopes for Lipetsk. By his decree, the iron-working industry was developed here. All products from the factories went to the needs of the army and navy. In addition, the problem of unemployment was solved in this way. At the end of the 18th century, the population of Lipetsk was only 6 thousand people. Gradually whole cities began to appear in the city.industrial areas. Since 1779, Lipetsk was part of the Tambov governorate. A few years later he received his own coat of arms. In 1806, a terrible fire broke out in the newly formed city, which engulfed entire districts. After that, the local government decided to start large-scale construction of stone buildings. By 1862, the population of Lipetsk numbered more than 11.5 thousand people.

The formation of the modern city dates back to the end of the 19th century. The main reason was the revival of the economy after a long stagnation. Travel agencies, foreign commercial branches, and a new post station began to appear in the region. Most investors were interested in the endless reserves of ore near Lipetsk. In 1943, in record time, a tractor plant was built from scratch, which is now famous throughout Russia.
Edge Features
Lipetsk is located on the geological border of the Don Plain and the Central Russian Upland. That is why there is such a heterogeneous hilly terrain here. The city is based on the Voronezh River. The region is small in area - only 320 sq. km. At the same time, the height of the center is 160 m.
Lipetsk is on the same time zone as Moscow. The time shift of UTM is +3:00. The climate here is temperate, continental, as in the whole region. The city is located on the same latitude as Amsterdam and Berlin, but the temperature indicators differ markedly. Winters in the region are consistently moderate. It snows most of the time of the year. In winter, the average temperature does not exceed -8degrees.

Summer is sunny and warm, there is no strong heat. The temperature in July is about +20 degrees. At the same time, the amount of precipitation does not exceed 500 mm.
Administrative divisions
Since 1954, Lipetsk has been the regional center of the region. To date, it includes several independent administrative units. They are subordinate to the Lipetsk administration. The city is divided into four territorial districts: Oktyabrsky, Left-bank, Soviet and Right-bank. All of them are approximately equal in area and economic importance. Traditionally, more than a dozen districts are distinguished in the city: Center, Peredelitsy, Syrsky, Sokolskoye, Mirny, Northern Mine, Experimental Station, Tractor, New Life, Zarechye, Matyrsky, Dachny, Venus, Yeletsky and others.

Currently, there are 23 squares, 2 boulevards and over 700 streets in Lipetsk.
Urban population
There has been significant demographic growth over the past five decades. Back in 1897, the population of Lipetsk was about 21 thousand people. Over the next 35 years, this figure increased by only a few percent. A population explosion was observed in 1939. Then, in a short time, the population of Lipetsk grew 3 times. The next jump was in 1956. At that time, the number was 123 thousand people. Each subsequent five-year period, until the mid-1980s, demographic indicators increased at an unprecedented rate - from 15% and above. So, in 1993The population of Lipetsk amounted to exactly half a million inhabitants. Since then, the number has increased by 2-3 thousand people a year.

For the first time, a negative trend in demographic indicators was noticed in the early 2000s. So, from 2002 to 2008, the population fell by 17 thousand people. The situation has returned to normal thanks to the effective actions of the authorities. The regional administration decided to launch a program for the resettlement of compatriots living outside of Russia. As it turned out, the migration flow in Lipetsk really increased. Today, there are various motivating economic programs for new citizens. It is noteworthy that Lipetsk is considered the second most populated city in the Chernozem region. Its demographic figures for 2015 are more than 510 thousand inhabitants.
Population of the region
The largest number of citizens of the region is noted in the city of Lipetsk - almost 50%. The total population of the region is about 1.16 million people. At the same time, the demographic density exceeds 48 people/sq. km. The urban population predominates in the Lipetsk region - about 64%.

It is worth noting that the current population of the region is only 15,000 more than in 1959. In the last 20 years, there has been a serious outflow of young people to larger cities and abroad. During this period, more than 90 thousand citizens left the region. Today, both Russians and Ukrainians live here, andArmenians, and Belarusians, and Gypsies, and Azerbaijanis, and Chechens, and Tatars, and representatives of many other nationalities.
Employment of the population
In 2015, just over 0.5% of unemployed people were registered. This is about 1470 people. Most of them are taken care of by the Public Employment Service. Lipetsk in terms of unemployment is at the very bottom of the list with the best rates in the entire district. All this is due to the fact that every year the number of unemployed citizens is decreasing. The Employment Service works on weekdays, accepting everyone.

Social protection of the population of Lipetsk, including the poor and young families, is in the first place for the city administration. In 2015, a new disability assistance program came into force. It provides employers with subsidies that must subsequently be used to employ citizens with disabilities.
Special Economic Zone
In this area there is an increased employment of the population. Lipetsk is a special economic zone designed to develop the manufacturing and industrial sectors of the Russian Federation. This SEZ has not only regional but also federal significance. The zone is located in the suburbs of Lipetsk. Occupies an area of 10.3 sq. km. The local SEZ attracts investors with its geographic location and transport accessibility. Other economic advantages of the zone include a free customs regime without duties and taxes.