There is a city in Russia about which jokes are made, it is often mentioned in the movies. Many people living in it, coming to another locality, often hear the same question: where is Uryupinsk? This town really exists and is located in the Volgograd region.

Foundation of the city
So where is Uryupinsk and what is its history? The city is located in the north-west of the Volgograd region, on the banks of the Khoper River. Uryupinsk was founded in the fourteenth century and was considered a border fortress of the Ryazan principality. In those days, the city was inhabited by mounted Don Cossacks.
In 1618 the settlement was known as the village of Uryupin, and since 1857 it was renamed into a village. And only in 1929 the village received the status of a city.
The official foundation date is 1618.

A bit of history
There are several legends about the city of Uryupinsk, each of which speaks of its origin. One of them is connected with the Tatar princeUrup, who, during the struggle with Yermak, got stuck in a swamp in these places and was captured. Another version says that the name is associated with the surname Uryup. Someone claims that the word “uryup” according to Dahl’s dictionary means “slob”, which in this case does not mean any particular person, but about swampy areas and wildlife. And this is not all versions of the formation of the name of the city. Another is the version about the location of the city “at the ruba”, which means “near a steep cliff.”
Uryupinsk, Volgograd region, was chosen by settlers. They were attracted by the pristine nature, the abundance of game. Many people took refuge here, participating in the uprising and fled to the open field (the so-called empty lands on the banks of the Don).
The place chosen by the settlers for residence was not very successful, as it was flooded during spring floods. Because of this, the settlement moved to the other side of Khoper.
At the beginning of the nineteenth century, the Don Cossacks formed in the city. In the XVII-XIX centuries, the village was one of the most important trading centers in the south of the country. It was here that the winter Epiphany and autumn Pokrovskaya fairs were held. By the way, the last one is still held in the city.
Since 1857, Uryupinsk, Volgograd Region, has become the administrative center of the Khoper District. Schools, a military vocational school, and gymnasiums are being opened here. During the formation of Soviet power, the village changed hands many times.
After the civil war, Uryupinsk is rebuilt, farms are being restored. Since 1929, it has been given the status of a city.
In timesWorld War II, many citizens went to the front. Over 700 residents fought at Stalingrad.

Geographic reference
The Khoper River, where Uryupinsk is located, is more than ten thousand years old. It is a tributary of the Don. Tourists from all over the world come here to relax. The banks of the river are called the Khoperye. These places are rich in diverse vegetation, various animals live here, some of them are listed in the Red Book.
In the early Iron Age, the Sarmatians lived on the territory of the Uryupinsk region. In the fourth century, the Huns invaded here and subjugated the local population. From the seventh century, after the invasion of the Avars, the Hun kingdom was completed. Since this century, the local population was called Burtases. In the next century, the Khazars conquered the Khazars and it entered the Khazar Kaganate. During this period, the population was engaged in cattle breeding and agriculture. Camels, sheep and horses were bred here. In the eleventh century, the Cumans appeared. They constantly raided Russia, including the Khoper region.
In the twelfth century the Polovtsians were defeated by the Golden Horde and the region became part of it. The local population was assimilated by the Mongol-Tatars. In the same century, the Horde survived the invasion of Timur, from which she could not recover. On the border regions with the Horde, settlements with a mixed composition began to form: there were both Tatar and other populations. However, the advantage was on the side of the Slavic ethnic group. They are considered the ancestors of the Cossacks.
In Uryupinsk, Moscow time.
Fame of the city
Few peopleknows where Uryupinsk is and that it really exists. Its name became famous thanks to the film "The Fate of a Man", based on the story of M. Sholokhov. The action of this tape takes place in Uryupinsk.
Today Uryupinsk is a beautiful, developing city with many attractions. It is famous for its downy products made by local craftswomen. The city even erected a monument to the goat-nurse. It is carved from solid stone in full human growth. The monument is visited annually by thousands of tourists, and not only from Russia. Shawls and clothes made of natural down can be purchased almost everywhere, but only here the goat down has unusual, unique qualities. Of course, attempts were made to breed Uryupin goats in other parts of the country, but the down was losing its quality.
Several years ago, the Uryupinsk knitting factory began to sell products with inscriptions, which were distributed throughout the country. It was from there that the famous phrase "… I will drop everything - I will leave for Uryupinsk" came from. Many people do just that - drop everything and move to this wonderful town.

The population of Uryupinsk is small, about forty thousand people. There is a lot to see in this town. These are attractions such as:
- Local History Museum. It is located in a building built by the merchant Smelov in the nineteenth century. The exhibits tell the history of Uryupinsk from the moment the city was founded to the present day. There are layouts built in naturalvalue.
- Goat Museum. It was opened approximately along with the monument to the goat, in 2003. In this museum, you can trace the history of goat breeding in the Khoper region, get acquainted with down products, attend master classes.
- Monument to the goat. It was installed on the city's 382nd birthday. The sculpture is made of solid granite. She depicts a goat and a kid. There is even a sign that if you rub a goat's nose, your wish will come true.
- Monument to needlewomen. A monument to needlewomen working in down yarn was erected on Lenin Avenue.
- Monument to the heroes of "The Fate of a Man" by M. Sholokhov.
The city has a beautiful square with a monument to the sailors of the Kursk submarine, an alley of heroes and many other interesting places.
Shemyakinsky dachas with an area of about a thousand hectares have become an advantage. The name of the cottage is associated with the name of its owner. Once this place was owned by Prince Potemkin, but lost the dachas to Shemyakin. Now this unique property is one of the sights of the city. Here are oaks, whose age reaches three hundred years.
The arch dedicated to the appearance of the Uryupinskaya Mother of God has become a special value. Once it stood in the same place where it is now, but was destroyed.

Miraculous icon
The city is famous for the miraculous icon of the Uryupinskaya Mother of God. By the way, it is because of her that many are wondering, where is Uryupinsk?
The icon is located in the city chapel near the well with holy water. This water is believed to haveunique healing properties. And some time ago, the icon began to stream myrrh. Guests from different parts of the country came to see this phenomenon. Also, pilgrims come not only from Russia, but also from other countries of the world to bow to the icon and ask for he alth. They not only bow to the icon, but also collect "living water" from the holy spring. The locals use the water daily.

The Khoper region is rich in talents. The city was glorified by a variety of people with world names. These are D. Petrov (Biryuk), V. Avdeev, writer B. Lashchilin, artist I. Mashkov.