What time zone is Australia in? What is this state? And what time zones do exist? It is known that there are two basic concepts of the time zone, what is the difference? What is the time difference between the capital of Russia and Australia? The answers to all these questions are presented in the article.

Before talking about the time zone of Australia, you should find out what kind of territory it is. This is a state that completely occupies the mainland of the same name, as well as several other islands. Australia ranks sixth in the world in terms of area. It is also one of the developed countries in the world. The state is located in the Southern Hemisphere, this country includes six states. The capital of Australia is the city of Canberra. The official language of the country is English. The official currency is the Australian dollar.
It's impossible not to say that Australia is one of the driest countries in the world, as there is little rainfall, and most of the territory is desert. It is worth noting that onthere is not a single active volcano on the mainland.
Here lives a huge number of poisonous snakes, kangaroos, camels and other species of animals. And the main symbol of the coat of arms of Australia is a kangaroo and an emu. Another interesting fact: the number of sheep is several times greater than the number of people living in this area.
The population of the country is approximately 24 million people. The territory of Australia is equal to 7 million km2. It is here that such world-famous attractions as the Sydney Opera House, the Great Barrier Reef, Burning Mountain and many others are located.

A time zone is a specific area where people live at the same time. There are two concepts: geographical and administrative time zone. Now we are more interested in the second term. An administrative time zone is a section of our planet where a certain time is officially fixed by law. The establishment of time zones is directly related to how the Earth rotates around its axis. It was decided that there should be twenty-four administrative time zones on Earth, which should adjust to geographic time zones. Before the emergence of this concept, it was relevant to use only solar time in everyday life. But it was very inconvenient for many reasons, especially with regard to train schedules. Therefore, in North America at the end of the 19th century, standard time was invented. Time zones in Russia were officially legalized only in the XXcentury.
Australian time zone
So, we found out what standard time is, and what state we are talking about. But we did not learn about the time zone of Australia. There are three time zones on the territory of this state: the west of Australia - UTC + 8 hours 45 minutes, central Australia - UTC + 9 hours 30 minutes, and the eastern part of the country - UTC + 10 hours.
It is also known that in Australia there is a daylight saving time. The transition from winter to summer time takes place on the last Sunday of October, and if we talk about the transition to summer time, it falls on the very last Sunday of March. All crossings are carried out exactly at midnight.

Australia and Russia
The time zone of Australia is already known to us. And what is its difference with time in the cities of Russia? More precisely, what is the difference between the time zone of Australia and Moscow?
For example, consider the Australian city of Melbourne, which is in the UTC/GMT +11: time zone, and Moscow's time zone is UTC/GMT +3:. If we assume that the capital of the Russian Federation is now one in the morning, therefore, in Australia it will be nine in the morning at this point in time. This means that the difference between the time zones of Australia and Moscow is exactly eight hours.