Ksenia Bezuglova: biography and interesting facts from life

Ksenia Bezuglova: biography and interesting facts from life
Ksenia Bezuglova: biography and interesting facts from life

The life of many wheelchair users is divided into 2 parts: before and after the tragedy. But Ksenia Bezuglova was not like that. The accident that the girl got into at the age of 25 forever chained her to a wheelchair. The accident not only did not break Xenia, but also gave her new vitality. In 2013, she won first place at the international beauty contest for girls in wheelchairs "Vertical", which is taking place in Rome, and she was able to prove to the whole world that life does not end with a disability.

bezuglova xenia
bezuglova xenia

Childhood, study and early career

Ksenia Bezuglova (before marriage - Kishina) was born in 1983 in the small town of Leninsk-Kuznetsky, located in the Kemerovo region. A year later, the girl's family moved to Primorsky Krai and settled in the village of Volno-Nadezhdinsky. Here Ksyusha's childhood passed. She studied at an ordinary rural school, andafter classes she performed in the puppet theater. Having become a little older, Ksenia became interested in sports. She liked to run, and she took part in district competitions with pleasure. After school, the girl entered the Faculty of Management at the Primorsky branch of the Modern Humanitarian Academy in Vladivostok, and at the same time began working in the advertising department of the popular glossy magazine Dear Pleasure. She devoted 5 years of her life to this publication (from 2002 to 2007).

Meet my husband, wedding

Making a career, Ksenia Bezuglova did not forget about her personal life. Husband Alexei met her in 2003 when she was a third-year student. A casual acquaintance became love at first sight for young people. Ksenia at that time was going to marry another man, but her feelings for Alexei were so strong that 10 days before the planned wedding, she canceled the celebration, not being afraid of condemnation from relatives and friends. And she never regretted it. In 2006, Alexey Bezuglov proposed to his beloved. This event was remembered by many residents of Vladivostok, because the engagement of the lovers took place in front of hundreds of people right on the central square of the city. The groom, like a fairy-tale prince, arrived there on a white horse, and his chosen one was given a real carriage.

The wedding took place in the same 2006, after which Ksenia Bezuglova and her husband flew from Vladivostok to Moscow. In the capital, the girl continued to work in glossy publications, and Alexei went into the construction business. In 2008, the girl found out that she was pregnant. For young spouses this newsturned out to be long-awaited, and they began to prepare for the appearance of their first child. The future they imagined only in bright colors.

ksenia bezuglova accident
ksenia bezuglova accident

Car crash

August 2008 was forever remembered by Ksenia Bezuglova. The biography of the girl changed in an instant after she got into a car accident. Together with her beloved husband, Ksenia went on vacation to her native Vladivostok in order to relax and celebrate another wedding anniversary. On the way home, the car in which the couple was traveling had an accident. Pregnant Xenia rode in the back seat. As a result of a car accident, she received a fracture of the spine. The pain that the young woman had to endure was unbearable. But it was even more difficult for her to realize that the life of the baby she was expecting was in danger.

After the accident, Ksenia Bezuglova was taken to the hospital by helicopter. A complex operation followed, then resuscitation and long-term treatment. Doctors strongly advised the woman to terminate the pregnancy, because the anesthesia used during surgery could adversely affect the development of the child. However, Ksenia did not listen to the experts and kept the life inside herself. She believed that everything would be fine with her baby.

xenia bezuglova let them talk
xenia bezuglova let them talk

Life after the accident, the birth of a daughter

Having been discharged from the hospital, Ksenia Bezuglova returned to Moscow. The accident crippled her life energy. She could not sit down, so she was constantly in a lying position. Alexei everything is difficult forthe girls being by her side. Xenia's mother flew to his aid from Vladivostok. The support of relatives and thoughts about future motherhood did not allow the woman to finally fall into depression. In February 2009, Ksenia Bezuglova gave birth to a perfectly he althy girl. The biography of this courageous woman contains information that the spouses named their long-awaited baby Taisia.

After giving birth, the young mother began a long process of rehabilitation. It seemed to her that in a year or two she would get on her feet, but the worst fears of the doctors came true: Ksenia was confined to a wheelchair. But the woman could not give up, because her little daughter demanded her constant attention. Spinning in a wheelchair throughout the kitchen, she cooked porridge for Tasenka, and then fed her on her own. Ksenia could afford to cry only when no one saw. The girl could not accept the fact that she would no longer get on her feet, but she also did not want to remain helpless. A fighter by nature, she quickly realized that she needed to change her attitude to the current situation and start a new life.

ksenia angleless story
ksenia angleless story

First steps in social work

Visiting a rehabilitation center for the disabled, Ksenia involuntarily drew attention to women in wheelchairs. They all lost interest in life, looked gloomy and did not look after themselves. To support her friends in misfortune, Bezuglova began to regularly conduct make-up and style master classes among them. She was sure that a woman in any condition should be fineto look like. Ksenia's workshops gained popularity among wheelchair users and showed her that she is on the right track. Encouraged by her success, the woman applied to participate in the Moscow competition of fashion designers for people with disabilities. Now Ksenia Bezuglova understood that fate had sent her such a difficult test so that she could support the disabled, prove to them that even in a wheelchair you can remain energetic and purposeful.

ksenia bezuglova husband
ksenia bezuglova husband

A new turn in life

The last month of 2012 was truly triumphant for the girl. She won the beauty contest for women in wheelchairs "Vertical". The event was held in Rome and was equal in importance to Miss World. A brilliant victory attracted the attention of the entire world press to Xenia. She gave interviews, participated in various TV shows, starred for glossy publications, met with high-ranking officials.

ksenia bezuglova miss world
ksenia bezuglova miss world

Angleless life after victory

The title of beauty queen opened up new opportunities for the girl. Ksenia Bezuglova began to worry about comfortable living conditions for wheelchair users. Shortly after her victory, Miss World ensured that one of the beaches in the Thai city of Phuket was equipped for people with limited mobility. In 2013, Ksenia became a member of the Coordinating Council for the Disabled, functioning under the Moscow City Hall. In addition, she is a member of the councils under the Departments of He alth and Culture of the capital. Russian beauty todayis engaged in active social work, taking care of improving the living conditions for the disabled. On her initiative, one of the capital's beaches was converted to the needs of wheelchair users. In addition, Miss World 2013 supports projects for a barrier-free environment in Russia, oversees a beauty contest for girls in wheelchairs, and takes part in No Borders fashion shows created specifically for people with disabilities.

Ksenia's activities did not go unnoticed by society. For her active public position, the girl became one of those who in the winter of 2014 were instructed to carry the torch at the opening of the Sochi Paralympic Games. Today, all of Russia knows who Ksenia Bezuglova is. “Let them talk” is a program to which the beauty was invited in 2015. The studio filmed a program about a girl without arms and legs from Chelyabinsk. Ksenia came to the program, being expecting her second child. The program went on the air in May, and already in August the young woman gave birth to her husband Alexei's second child.

ksenia bezuglov biography
ksenia bezuglov biography


Real heroines are women like Ksenia Bezuglova. Her life story is impressive and teaches people not to give up even in the most difficult situations. This fragile girl could not be broken by difficulties. She took the blow of fate with dignity and was able to prove by her own example that even in a wheelchair you can remain an attractive woman, a loving mother and a person in demand in society.
