Issues of national security are a priority in the implementation of the activities of the Government of the Russian Federation. Therefore, they receive a lot of attention. Economic security is the foundation of national security. She provides her material base. The essence of economic security, its main factors will be discussed further.
General definition
The concept and essence of economic security should be considered from the point of view of its place in the overall system of protective measures of the state, which are taken to minimize negative external impacts. This branch of national security provides its material base, independence. It also provides an opportunity for the state to pursue a free economic policy, forming the basis for its uniform development in the future. Economic security is essential for economic and social growth.

Because inRecently, issues of global economic integration have become relevant, the Government's activity in the direction of protecting its own economic system is a priority.
National security includes, in addition to protecting economic interests, defense, environmental, information policy and so on. This makes it possible to ensure such a state of the national economy that can stimulate uniform, constant development.
The essence of the country's economic security is to create conditions in which industries such as financial and socio-political can work stably. This will stimulate the development of defense capabilities. A well-planned policy regarding the protection of national economic interests characterizes the activities of the government as effective. This allows you to protect the interests of the country both in the domestic and foreign markets.
Because economic security interacts with other areas of national security, it must be viewed as a complex phenomenon. This is the state of the socio-economic sphere, in which material production is developing steadily, providing an impact on the internal and external fulfillment of the interests of the country. Economic security is ensured by the degree of development of production, as well as the high development of the social sphere, the level of scientific and technical progress.
Objects and subjects
Considering the concept and essence of the economic security of an enterprise, industry and country, it should be noted that they are interconnected. Micro levels provideconditions for the development of macrolevels. At the same time, the situation in the sphere of international relations of the state affects the development of its industries, individual enterprises, etc.

Objects of economic security are specific. This is the whole system of trade relations in the complex. They form the essence of economic security. Its elements are also considered objects. They can be the following categories:
- production, non-production funds;
- natural we alth;
- financial resources;
- real estate;
- business structures;
- households;
- each individual;
- other.
The subjects of the country's economic security are the state and its institutions of power, as well as legislative structures, departments, institutions.
Material base
Considering the essence and content of economic security, it is necessary to determine what is included in the material base of this concept. Its components are the correct formation of production forces, which guarantees a gradual increase in potential, a high level of development of the social sphere, and the standard of living. Also, the material base is the independence in decision-making of the state, as well as the effective management activities of the Government of the Russian Federation.
There are certain economic security factors. The essence of this concept is based on the main components that form the national strategy of the state in the contexttrade and financial relations. The main factors that affect the security of the country in this aspect are the independence of the economy, its stability and sustainable growth rates. These are prerequisites that ensure the normal functioning of the entire system.

The national economy is becoming more and more involved in global processes. Interacting with other countries, the independence of the national economy may decrease. Therefore, this factor is relative. However, the governing bodies strive to achieve, although not absolute autonomy, but its acceptable level. This position allows you to take a competitive position in the world market, get access to favorable conditions for the development of the country's national economy.
Stability of the economy is essential to protect national interests. In this state, the internal situation develops at a stable pace. At the same time, there are no serious shocks, the influence of criminal structures is excluded. Stability is expressed in providing security for every citizen of the country, household, enterprise, etc.
Considering the essence and features of the country's economic security, one should note such a factor as a stable growth rate. This implies a gradual development of production, an increase in its quantitative and qualitative indicators. The professionalism of employees is increasing, innovations and new technologies are being introduced. Only in this case it is possible to provide a sufficient level of protection for the national systemhousekeeping.
Conditions and factors
The essence of the economic security of the region, the country as a whole is seen as a process that allows you to provide the necessary conditions for the harmonious development of the national economy. At the same time, all processes in the national economy must proceed correctly, ensuring the reliable functioning of the entire system.

The structural elements of economic security are interconnected. These include the material security of production, the composition and condition of the workforce, the size of the fixed assets of organizations, as well as their structure (how much new and worn out equipment is on the balance sheets of enterprises). Also, one of the main structural elements of this system is the development of technologies, innovations, as well as their implementation in the production process. Another important component is the possibility of selling products in the domestic and foreign markets.
The economic security of the state consists of several components. These include the following components:;
- number and type of natural resources;
- geographic location of the country, features of its territory;
- features of public administration, its quality;
- potential of the manufacturing sector;
- development of the agricultural complex;
- socio-demographic situation in the country and each region.
The states that today lead the world in terms of economic security havemost of the components listed. At the same time, the components of the system in these countries are significantly developed. This is the basis of their economic security.
However, it is worth saying that for a high level of security, it is not necessary to own all of the listed components. Many developed countries cannot boast of a favorable geographical position or a large supply of natural resources. Their lack is compensated by other factors. So, for example, it can be a high level of production, its quality, the use of innovative technologies. Most developed countries stimulate the growth of not quantitative, but qualitative indicators of their economy. This guarantees their protection from external negative impacts.
System of criteria and indicators
The essence of the economic security system is to maintain the required level of development and stability. To assess the level of effectiveness of the policy regarding external and internal trade and financial relations, a certain system of indicators is used.

Their calculation allows you to identify negative factors hindering development, as well as take actions to eliminate them. The following indicators fully reflect the processes taking place in the system:
- resource potential of the country, prospects and opportunities for its development;
- efficiency in the use of resources (capital, labor, etc.), as well as a comparison of this indicator with the level of developed countries;
- levelcompetitiveness of the national economy;
- integrity of the economic space, its features;
- independence and sovereignty of the state, its ability to withstand external negative factors;
- stability of the social sphere, the ability to prevent the development of conflicts between certain national groups.
There are a number of indicators that allow you to assess the level of protection of the national economic system. These include indicators such as the inflation rate, unemployment, quality of life, budget deficit, and economic debt. This category of indicators also includes the external and internal debt of the state, the gold and foreign exchange reserve, the shadow economy, integration into the world economy.
Security measures
Considering the essence of the economic security of an enterprise, industry or the state as a whole, it is necessary to consider a set of measures taken by the governing bodies to prevent negative trends in the system. After analyzing the above indicators, a set of actions is developed that allows to reduce negative impacts at the macro level.

Relevant public authorities daily carry out targeted activities to prevent the development of negative trends. They work to ensure that the listed indicators do not cross the acceptable line, after which the situation may become unstable. To do this, a set of actions is being developed that prevents the appearance of internal or extern althreats to the security system. This procedure includes the following steps:
- predicting the emergence of possible dangers for the economy, as well as the likelihood of their development;
- establishing the main indicators of the security of the country's economic sphere;
- development and adoption of laws that contribute to increasing the level of protection in the current situation;
- eliminate negative trends within the country's economy.
The essence of economic security is to maintain the required level of development of the country. To do this, the correct interaction between different structures, as well as strategic resources is maintained.
Providing security: tasks
The essence of the economic security of the state also lies in the performance of certain tasks by the relevant structures. Their implementation makes it possible to comprehensively protect the interests of the state.

To achieve the set goals, the Government of the Russian Federation and the relevant subordinate bodies solve a number of tasks. Forecasting is carried out in the field of the appearance of external and internal threats, the required measures are developed and carried out to influence them. Measures are being taken to protect the sovereignty of the Russian Federation and its territorial integrity.
A competent, well-thought-out economic policy is also being conducted, which contributes to the growth of the welfare of economic entities. The necessary conditions are being created for the development of technologies and scientific research. Ensuring rights and freedomssecurity of every citizen, economic entity. Conditions are being created for the implementation of legislative norms. Work is underway to strengthen the efficiency of the state apparatus.
An important task facing state authorities is to maintain a balance in the field of interethnic relations.
Work is underway to form mutually beneficial relations with other countries of the world. Funds are being created to create and strengthen the military potential and the ecological situation in the country. Actions are also being taken to protect the interests of domestic producers in the domestic and foreign markets. At the same time, the activities of foreign companies that are conducted on the territory of the Russian Federation are subject to regulation.
Internal threats
Considering the essence of ensuring economic security, a number of its threats should be noted. These are the processes, phenomena that negatively affect the state of security of the Russian Federation. They can be external and internal. The first group of threats include:
- Strengthening the degree of stratification of the property status of society. So, the level of security can differ many times over. This leads to social disharmony.
- Increasing the level of criminalization of the economy and society as a whole. Thus, according to experts, the scale of the shadow economy is 25-40% of the total GDP.
- Creating unfavorable conditions for the development of scientific and technological progress. Financing of the scientific complex in the Russian Federation is significantly inferior to developed countries.
Threats can also be external. A set of measures helps to reduce negative trends.
External threats
The essence of the economic security of an organization, a country is protection from internal and external factors. The second group includes:
- Leakage of information, technologies abroad.
- Export of capital abroad.
- Dependence on imports in the field of food, consumer goods.
To guarantee the protection of national interests, work is underway to reduce the impact of external and internal adverse factors.
Having considered the essence of economic security, we can determine the importance of conducting appropriate work in this area. This is one of the main components of the country's national security. Therefore, much attention is paid to this direction.