Who are they, Meladze's wives? From time to time, this theme excites the hearts of fans of the work of two brothers - Konstantin, born in 1963. (composer and music producer), and Valeria, born in 1965. (singer). Although, when Konstantin married singer Vera Brezhneva in 2015, for many the news of the wedding, shrouded in mystery, did not come as a surprise. The fact that the popular diva had an affair with a no less famous author of pop music began to be talked about shortly after his divorce from his wife Yana Summ. The couple lived together for nineteen years, they have three children.

If there is no faith, but there is Faith
Rumors about the relationship between Konstantin and the bright and sexy soloist of the group "VIA Gra" reached Meladze's wife Yana much earlier. But there was no undeniable evidence directly confirming adultery. When she openly asked for clarification from her rival, Vera assured: "Friendship and working relationships are nothing more." Yana tried to drive away gloomy thoughts, convinced herself that she was just winding herself up.
PoAccording to rumors, the romance of Vera and Konstantin began in 2004. True, secretly from the producer, the girl started a relationship with another gentleman (there is a daughter from a civil marriage). Then she married the oligarch Mikhail Kiperman, gave birth to another daughter. But the family broke up: supposedly Kiperman found Vera in an embrace with the composer. Now Meladze's ex-wife Yana found out about this, but did not dare to expel her husband: this meant leaving two daughters - Alice and Leah - and son Valery (the boy has a severe form of autism) without a father. She is said to have urged her rival to leave her husband alone, but to no avail.
Ten years of lies
Having survived the betrayal of a loved one, Konstantin Meladze's ex-wife Yana Summ does not want Brezhneva to come into contact with her children, but she cannot change the situation: she often comes to meetings with Konstantin. At first, the children were delighted with the pretty Galushko (the maiden name of the singer V. Brezhneva). They told the mother that she was good. They considered everything a given: dad got married again, mom got married. But gradually, teenagers began to understand: the family was broken, separated, nothing would be the same as before, and it hurts so much.

After a decade-long deception was exposed, the couple Konstantin and Yana broke up. In 2015, Summ (she is known to be a native of Ukraine, has a law degree) married a man named Oleg. Yes, life does not stand still, one way or another getting better. But the deceived woman admits that it is still difficult for her to accept and forgive the deceit. Yana is notunderstands how it was possible to lie for so long and vilely? Today, she less and less recalls the bitter role of Meladze's wife.
The world has changed
The wedding anniversary (as once the celebration itself) became "Italian" - producer Konstantin Meladze and singer Vera Brezhneva celebrated it cheerfully on the "boot" that washes five seas at once. Since they entered into a legal marriage, the newly-made husband has avoided sensitive conversations on the topic of "first wives", especially since his brother Valery, after 20 years of marriage, also broke up with his wife Irina.
Meladze Sr. believes that much has changed in his life with Vera. Previously, he was not known as a lover of long trips, but with Brezhnev he began to travel a lot. Watches weight, tries to move a lot. A new passion weaned him from the habit of walking in the same T-shirts and jeans for years.

Parting of Irina and Valery
The ex-wife of Konstantin Meladze is also happily married. Mutual understanding and respect reign in her family. As you know, the brothers Konstantin and Valery divorced with a difference of only one year. Valery and his wife Irina have three daughters (Inga, 1991, Sophia, 1999, Arina, 2002). The first son was born in 1990, who lived only 10 days.
Irina did not want a divorce, she learned about it from the press. She did not expect her husband to file a lawsuit.
Rumors that Valery Meladze has been in love with the singer from the VIA Gra trio Albina Dzhanabaeva (born in Volgograd, has Kazakh roots) for several years. Moreover, it was rumored that the boy, whom the fatal beauty gave birth to in 2004,when Valery was still legally married, his son. Irina assures that the child is not at all like Valery, does not exclude other paternity, the singer himself has no doubt that he officially recognized the baby.
All kinds of dads are needed, all sorts of dads are important
Now Konstantin is 11 years old, he has a younger brother Luka (2014), but the wedding, apparently, is ahead (according to other sources, Valery and Albina got married in February 2016). Thus, Meladze's wives gave birth to five children in total (3 daughters from Irina, 2 sons from Albina). Before going public, the couple's romance lasted more than ten years (another "brotherly" coincidence). Valery regrets that the children are from different wives.

Konstantin still has only three by his first wife. So, after many years of throwing and secrets, all the cards are revealed. They say that neither the eldest nor the youngest descendant of the Georgian family forget their children from their first marriage, they try to maintain warm relations with them. Valery admits that he feels guilty and tries to devote all his free time to his daughters and sons. He really wants everything to work out well for them, as well as Konstantin. The first wives of Meladze are sure: everything is for the best. So, it was given from above. And it needs to be experienced.