Stevia is very popular among diabetics and those who want to lose weight. Reviews of this incredible plant are most often enthusiastic and grateful. The leaves of this herb are a complete substitute for sugar. Unlike chemical analogues, it is completely safe for he alth, and also has a number of beneficial properties for the body.
Stevia: photos, history and alternatives
The birthplace of the unique honey grass is South America. It has been known since the Maya civilization. The natives of Paraguay and Brazil pass from mouth to mouth a legend according to which stevia appeared on earth (reviews about this plant are invariably positive from everyone who grows it or uses it as a sweetener). It says that honey grass was named after a girl who was rewarded by the gods for wisdom, purity and patience, giving her magic grass. The conquistadors, observing the Indians, noted that they drink mate with stevia leaves as a medicinal drink.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, French scientists isolated an extract from this plant. Substancecalled stevioside. It turned out that it is many times sweeter than sugar and does not cause absolutely no side effects. Therefore, stevia was recommended to those wishing to lose weight all over the world - the reviews about it from the first volunteers were enthusiastic.
In the Soviet Union, the plant was carefully studied immediately after it was brought into the country by Academician Vavilov. Studies have confirmed the list of healing properties that the Crimean stevia has: it increases the metabolic rate, delays the aging process, and helps to resist the harmful effects of the environment. But the most important advantage of this plant, of course, is its sweet taste. When people who are forced to follow a diet and exhausted by the absence of sugar in the diet find out that there is a substitute for it that is completely harmless to he alth, their joy knows no bounds. After all, cyclamate and aspartame, which are used for the diet of diabetics, have a number of side effects. Unfortunately, they cannot be used permanently without a threat to he alth.

Stevia: plant reviews
Sweeteners based on the extract of this plant are constantly praised by people suffering from diabetes and obesity. The absence of contraindications for stevioside is currently confirmed by many scientists around the world. The World He alth Organization joined the research in 2006 and also gave a positive conclusion. Non-carcinogenicity (unlike some other sugar substitutes) is very important for people who care about their bodies.
Stevioside - promising, inexpensiveand an effective sweetener. The magic plant is used both in the form of a decoction of the leaves and in the form of a dry extract. According to reviews of people who actively include stevia products in their dishes, dried herb can give an unpleasant sugary aftertaste. But stevioside tablets are more versatile. It is even used as powdered sugar for sprinkling. If you put a little of this substance, then you can minimize the specific taste or get used to it over time.